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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. That did it! That was driving me crazy. Thank you so much! =D
  2. I took out the tile changes in nightmare, and the vendor and house still caused the game to crash when I start the chapter. So I guess it's not the tile changes =/
  3. The only tile layer on my map is for the village gate, which I think is correct. But even if it wasn't, the house and vendor should still work without it, shouldn't they? It's all the location events in general that have been crashing the game. I had a village work in a previous chapter. This is the first time I've tried to use a vendor and a house.
  4. Hi all, I've been having trouble with my location events crashing my ROM once I assemble my events. I have three location events: one house, one village, and a vendor. None of them work together or on their own. All of the other events load if I assemble the game without any of the location events present. I bolded the part of the code I'm having trouble with. If it matters, I'm using a Tiled map that was made with the auto map generator from Yeti. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you! =)
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