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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Even though I never played the original or have the remake, watching others play through FFVIII-R has been a fun experience thus far.
  2. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    4/13/2020 Update So, I'm not even sure what's all been done since the last proper report. Heck, it's apparently been a whole month! Besides the consistent delays and other things getting in the way, I have also been focusing my efforts elsewhere (mainly the Youtube Channel I run). Also, I must admit that while I do want to finish Tears of Serenia, it has been put on the backburner when compared to my other projects. While its entirely possible that some miracle may occur and I can still meet the May "goal" of finishing the project, that is looking almost impossible as the other goals have not been met (finishing Arc 1 in Feb, 2 in March, and 3 in April). -- I am also thinking about joining a D&D group which will further impact progress of ToS. The hardest part about the project is getting the character portrayals right as well as balancing. At the moment sword-users seem heavily underpowered compared to other classes due to their low STR growths, but other than that the project itself isn't that difficult to work on. It is simply finding the time and motivation to work on it. -- Whenever I attempt to make time in my schedule to work, something else comes up. -- Whenever I have free time, motivation to work on ToS is not present, making it difficult to make worthwhile progress. (Instead, I may be motivated to work on a different project or just need to take a break.) -- I basically work on a "flow" system, or a biorhythm of sorts. Should that be interrupted (which is almost all the time), it is difficult to utilize creativity and focus it towards a project. It can take days or weeks for things to stabilize which may equate to maybe one or two good days of production before everything goes haywire again. -- "Forcing" work is not effective as I essentially just shut down entirely. With that in mind, the weekly updates will now be changing to monthly updates. If there is something interesting to announce before the monthly report, then it shall be done. In addition, the weekly streams have also been canceled, although if a stream is to be had, it'll be announced on the Discord. Lastly, since it's been a while and I don't remember what all has taken place, here's a quick roundup of what all has been done so far. * * * * * Project Progression (Totals) - Map Designs Finished: Chapters 1-13 & 15 [Main Game Total: 24 Chapters] - Enemy Placement Finished: Chapters 1-5, 12 - Maps Playable: Chapter 1 - Playable Characters: 30 Total Priority Tasks - Do Something, Anything - Skill: Unstoppable (Proper Implementation)
  3. Yeah, I'm on break mode too from FGO. I mostly just log in and that's it. Most of it is because I'm playing other games or doing other things, I'm finding "time-exclusive events" to be more and more of a turnoff for me. I want to farm on my own time and not be forced to farm for efficiency when the game tells me to. I love the characters and story of FGO, but the time aspect is still killing me. The gacha elements hasn't really hit me hard yet despite wanting King Hassan and Eresh (and failing to get either), as well as losing out on Summer Ishtar, but it is what it is. I have yet to go back and finish the Babylon anime even though I was on EP 16 or so...
  4. DOOM 2016 - With the recent release of DOOM Eternal and me being broke, I decided to pick up DOOM 2016 during a sale. Despite not being that good with FPS games, I'm having a blast playing Doom, destroying demons, and causing carnage. I'm nearing the end of the campaign and am wondering if I'll replay it on a harder difficulties. Shadowverse - A Trading Card Game made by Cygames (the same people who made Dragalia Lost). If you played Hearthstone, Shadowverse works in a similar manner. Honestly, I'm playing Shadowverse more for its story mode instead of multiplayer. I enjoy TCGs, but trying to get your dailies in (wins only, not just matches) can be a pain when pressed for time as well as not having access to all the meta cards. I also feature my story runs on my channel. Stardew Valley - With the recent Animal Crossing hype, I decided to delve into Stardew Valley as it was similar but more suited to my tastes. I enjoy the pixel art style, the laid back nature of farming, and progressing at your own pace. Heck, sometimes I just want to go back to Minecraft and take things easy, but I take such long breaks that new versions show up that may end up corrupting my older world. Dragalia Lost - I'm still playing Dragalia and seem to be in a more "active mode" of playing where I try to get the dailies finished, play events, and catch up on the stories. I figured out that I've been wasting resources (been pouring my T3 weapon upgrades into the wrong weapons, as there are hidden tiers in T3 based off of where you get the weapon), so that's been fun. World of Goo - I repurchases this for the PC even though I finished the game for the Wii way, way back in the day. I guess you can say its a puzzle game where you use goo balls to stick together and reach whatever objective the level calls for. It has a unique charm to it and I loved my time playing World of Goo, so why not play it again on PC?
  5. Looking at the full interview, some notes I got... - Claude was originally intended to be more "morally gray" like the other two, but in the process of writing he became a "pure good guy" than what was planned. - Look likes Three Houses development is truly over, so Holst will not be expanded upon... ... And that's basically what new stuff I gleamed from the 18 pages. It did seem the important stuff got translated first as the other stuff seems more fluff.
  6. Remember with the Virus going around the dates may end up being delayed, but I have a feeling XC:DE may be ready to go and is just waiting for the physical distribution to catch up. I highly suspect they will be expanding on that short story idea, unless what happens in "Future Connected" is after the "ending" of XC1. Further details in the spoiler. I guess the main thing I'm worried about is the EN voice for Melia being recast since her original VA may be too expensive now or doesn't have time for the voiceovers due to her relative popularity.
  7. Since Clubhouse Games 51 was revealed in the direct, decided to post something from the DS version of Clubhouse Games. -- I don't think all the originals are returning which is a shame, but hopefully all the new stuff is worth it!
  8. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    It will be its own executable file. Just download the zip, unzip it, and run the executable. The game should work automatically. Here's an outdated version of the first chapter if you want to see how it works: -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DwBZeSvTowNo_0RSyulYMw8Tho9i1_eX
  9. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    3/23/2020 Update Yeah, the "finish before March" estimate is seeming more and more unlikely. Issues came up during the middle of last week as well as the "Stream Sunday," so not much was able to be done. However, I did manage to do Enemy Placement for chapters 2 & 4. If things go well, maybe at least Arc 1 will be done before the month's end (6 chapters). I'll just have to try to finish Arcs 2 & 3 during April if I want to stay on pace to finish everything in May. Where's the power to control time when you need it? * * * * * Project Progression - Enemy Placement for 2 & 4 Finished Priority Tasks - Finish Arc 1 before the end of March. - Skill: Unstoppable (Proper Implementation)
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