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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Not surprised that Silver Snow was the first route conceived (Byleth vs Edelgard was there from the beginning), but I still maintain the possibility that while Silver Snow had plans from the start and acted as a foundation, they were not acted on until late into the development process. Thus, while Verdant Wind came later, it was developed/implemented first. (Of course, it could also be the other way around and Verdant Wind used Silver Snow as a basis, but VW is superior in almost every way.) If Silver Snow was indeed the first route made and implemented, I'm rather disappointed. I expected more tension between the Black Eagles and Edelgard/Hubert, as well as Byleth vs Edelgard. Seteth and Flayn, despite their amazing characterization, do not carry the same power as the other Lord + Retainer duos in my opinion. Maybe its the case of "they got more experienced so as they worked on the game more, the later stuff became better." But no matter the case, I hope Three Houses gets a "definitive edition" in a few years where they can expand on all of these ideas. I also somewhat hope for a Fates Remake that keeps basic premise but with a rewritten story, but that is another topic. * * * * * As for Lysithea and Edelgard experiments, I always thought Lysithea was a prototype, but it's nice to see it confirmed.
  2. Chapter 10 is the correct chapter. This is what happens when I'm multitasking and get chapters mixed up. Sorry about that!
  3. @MrMinus Alrighty, so I got you down to be the boss for Chapter 19. It'll be an open field battle, likely the first major engagement between Anon's Loyalists and the Serenian Resistance. I'll come up with more details as the foundation settles as I'm trying to focus on the first 12 chapters at the moment (Part One). * * * * * * * * * * @Benice I believe I incorporated your character to be the boss for Chapter 7. (Map Image). Basically, your character was stationed in a fort farther away from the village and was coming back, only to see it in ruins. Through some misunderstanding (false information, hasty judgement, illusion spell, etc.), your character and his forces battle the party. The objective is to "Defeat Leader." The NPCs are the Villagers and two recruitable characters (Kale K. and Cartwright), with the Female Villager representing the Maiden. The Maiden can be added to the party as a "Guest" character, and if she talks to Benn Ice, the chapter ends differently. Does this work for your character inclusion? The other spots in Arc 2 are affiliated with Anon's forces (Chapters 8 & 10) which I believe goes against the submitted backstory. * * * * * * * * * * @Xylaugheon Daily At the moment I think your character will be a boss for a single chapter (maybe somewhere in Arc 3), but will come back repeatedly after defeat with a different strategy and class. It is likely your character will be affiliated with Anon's forces. If that is okay, let me know! * * * * * * * * * * @XRay Tried to ping you on Discord, so I guess I'll try again here. Is Boots a part of Anon's faction? At the moment I have Boots as a one-off boss in Chapter 11 as being the protectors of the Banhammer Citadel, but CH 11 doesn't do much regarding the character's backstory. Otherwise I'll likely have to move the character elsewhere or to a paralogue as I'm not sure how to fit said character into the ongoing storyline. * * * * * * * * * * General Boss Applications - 3/16/2020 Chapter 8 - In this particular chapter, you will be serving as Pengaius' subordinate. It will likely be a one-off, but there is potential to be reoccurring if the character is interesting enough (and if Pengaius likes you). Chapter 9 - I'm just going to close this spot for the sake of simplicity as it has special requirements to it. Chapter 10 - This spot is now closed as I'm simply giving it to Espurr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arc 3 & 4 - These spots are more open, but in general these characters will be one of Anon's Loyalists. -- If you want to be an independent faction instead, there will have to be a good story reason for it that flows with the ongoing narrative. Arc 3 is your best bet for trying to be independent. -- Arc 4 is more about the ongoing war between Anon's Loyalists and the Serenian Resistance. Chapter 14 - The chapter will likely be a "Nature Temple" as it is the chapter where two Maneketes are recruited. Chapter 16 - Currently no plans for 16 at the moment. Chapter 17 - This chapter may be the "Boat Map" for Tears of Serenia. This is one of the few chapters that the boss could be independent instead of affiliated with Anon. Chapter 20 - No real plans for Chapter 20, but it may be a "lore-related" chapter. Chapter 21 - This is Sire's (my) recruitment chapter and will likely be a siege scenario. Chapter 23 - An extra chapter that may tie up loose ends as needed. If there are none, this is basically an open space for Arc 4 and will occur before Serenia Castle and the finale.
  4. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    Probably when I get finished with the Arcs. If you want a time estimate, maybe this weekend at earliest (for chapters 1-6)?
  5. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    3/16/2020 Update I worked on the Character Spreadsheet earlier last week and finalized the base stats and growth rates for player characters. I was hoping to get around to porting the information over into the game's database proper, but sadly that did not come to pass. Also, during the stream yesterday I finished Maps 7 & 12, with map 12 also having enemy placements done. The only maps that remain to be made for Part One are maps 8 & 10. The plan is still to try and finish "Part One" (Arcs 1 & 2) before March ends, but considering last week was dead I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. It's definitely doable, but we'll see how things progress from here. * * * * * Project Progression - Map Design for 7 & 12 Finished - Character Spreadsheet Finished (All Playable Characters have their base stats and growths now.) Priority Tasks - Finish Arcs 1 & 2 before the end of March. - Skill: Unstoppable (Proper Implementation)
  6. Man, there hasn't been an update here since the 3rd of January? Seems like yesterday I was waiting for character applications... Anyways, Boss Applications are still open! For some general guidelines/ideas... - Arcs 3 & 4 need one-off bosses in promoted classes. For most of these encounters, you will be a General or equivalent in Anon's army (the main antagonist). Depending on the backstory and chapter though, the affiliation may change (will still be an antagonist faction though). - Arc 2 has two slots open for one-off bosses, specifically Chapters 8 and 10. Once again, the affiliation will be with Anon's army, although the class will remain as baseline. -- A special case can be made for Chapter 9 if you have a partner. Originally it was supposed to be a male/female Lord duo, but if someone can come up with something better for the Twin Keeps chapter, please enlighten me! - Giving more backstory allows for more potential scenario ideas which may become the focus of that chapter. In other words, choosing to be a boss in ToS allows you to design your own chapter to some extent! (Please check with the existing chapter notes so the storyline is coherent.) * * * * * Also, the account registration date requirement has been removed. So, if you are a new user who wants to be a boss, feel free to sign up! -- Please note that playable characters has reached its limit. Only boss applications are being considered. Thanks!
  7. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    3/9/2020 Update No progress made last week, and there was no stream either. Things continue to be unpredictable. We'll see how this week will go! * * * * * Project Progression - None!... Priority Tasks - Skill: Unstoppable (Proper Implementation) - Level Design: Chapter 2 - Put Something Else In Priority Tasks
  8. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    3/2/2020 Update During the stream I did the map design for Chapter 11, which is the Citadel Outskirts of the Banhammer Citadel. Off-stream, I also did the map designs for Chapters 3, 4, & 5, while doing the final revamp of Chapter 2. So yeah, a bunch of maps were made last week! Of course, I still need to get around to the level design and actually making the maps playable. - - - - - As for the tentative development schedule, it is as follows... - March: Arcs 1 & 2 - April: Arc 3 - May: Arc 4 So, if everything goes well, Tears of Serenia should be "finished" sometime in May. As development can be unpredictable, however, these remain just as estimates and plans. Finally, as an aside, if you haven't submitted a portrait yet, please do so at your earliest convenience (especially if you are an early recruit!). Otherwise your character will be using a SRPG Studio default portrait. * * * * * Project Progression - Map Design: Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 Priority Tasks - Skill: Unstoppable (Proper Implementation) - Level Design: Chapter 2 - Put Something Else In Priority Tasks
  9. While Tiberian Sun and its Firestorm expansion are fun, they can be considered a bit dated for today's standards. (I don't think I ever beat the classic Nod campaign. I got to the last level in my younger days, but never really beat it due to the timer. Classic GDI and both Firestorm campaigns I did beat though.) I have no experience with Age of Empires, but I hear many good things about their Definitive Editions, so I recommend getting that over TS. * * * * * As an aside, if you enjoyed C&C Renegade, I would check out Renegade X. It's more multiplayer focused, but I consider it to be the definitive edition of Renegade despite some of the additions and revisions they made. Also, if you want an "updated" version of Red Alert, Tiberian Dawn, and Dune 2000, check out OpenRA. The campaigns/missions are in the process of being ported over, but the main focus is its multiplayer. OpenRA has plenty of the modern mechanics (such as "Attack Move"), but it also makes changes that would make classic C&C purists not want to touch it with a ten foot pole. Personally, I find myself playing OpenRA over the classic versions, mostly because I can't live without my beloved A-Move.
  10. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    2/23/2020 Update No stream last week, as well as no progression. I wanted to make the maps for Chapters 3 & 4, but a family emergency arose and I've been dealing with that instead. The upcoming week has some doctor visits, among other things. We'll see if I'll be able to get back on track soon. * * * * * Project Progression - None... Priority Tasks - Skill: Unstoppable (Proper Implementation) - Level Design: Chapter 2
  11. Bravely Default had a fun demo that was had voiceovers and stuff "unique" to the demo, a trait that carried over to Bravely Second's demo which was a mini-prequel of sorts. Octopath Traveler's demo may have been relatively basic considering it's just the first chapter of two characters, but man it delivered a lot for what it was. At least, it did the job of hyping me up for the full game (which I have yet to beat since I set it aside for other things...) Going oldschool, I remember there being a PC Demo Disk that had Warlords Battlecry. Even though all it had was a single skirmish map with two factions (Human and Undead), I was hooked on that demo. We eventually got Warlords Battlecry proper later. Lastly, Miitopia's demo. Just like how Find Mii and Find Mii 2 were likely better games than they should be, Miitopia was an amazing game in its own right. A shame I'll never be able to play the full thing properly since Miis seem to be phased out and the Switch is where all the hype is these days.
  12. Question regarding Support Variations: Is there any way to see what all variations a support can have outside of the different routes? For example, Ferdinand can drink coffee instead of tea with his support with Edelgard, or Marianne referencing Sylvain's support about the importance of smiling. // A list of all these variations would also be appreciated (including lines changed due to updates, like Bernie's chair line or Felix referencing Annette dancing). I mostly ask because I could've swore in Ingrid's and Sylvain's A+ support, Ingrid implied she was trying out makeup for Sylvain. I don't know if I had a faulty memory or if that is just how I interpreted the lines the first time I saw them.
  13. I didn't have time to delve into the Valentine event, so it's another missed event for me. Man, it seems the older I get, the more timed exclusives/events (even with re-runs) turn me off. It's probably because I have so many different things I want to keep up with while these events cater more to the hardcore crowd that only focus on one task instead of many. I don't know if I'll ever be able to properly catch up with FGO...
  14. Sire

    Tears of Serenia

    2/17/2020 Update During the stream I finished the map design for Chapter 13, "The Banlands." It is ToS' take on FE Desert maps. Other than that, I did some minor backend work on the spreadsheets and the main project. * * * * * Project Progression - Chapter 13, Map Design Finished - Some Backend Work Done Priority Tasks - Skill: Unstoppable (Proper Implementation) - Level Design: Chapter 2
  15. I tried Crimson Flower NG Maddening, but only got to Chapter 3 or so before deciding it would take up too much time for a shiny gold screen. I probably could pull it off, but the time required to properly min-max everything is a bit too much and I have plenty of casual playthroughs I would like to do. (I did Awakening Lunatic+ Classic for the first five chapters deathless, so I think that's enough high difficulty FE for me.) There's also the matter of playing Maddening on Classic or Casual, as either will give you the special screen as long as you beat it on Maddening difficulty. If I do head back and do proper NG Maddening, it'll likely be on Casual for the sake of time. * * * * * Meanwhile, I did clear CF NG+ Maddening. Pitting the NG+ bonuses against the higher stat enemies was enjoyable, as enemies are a bit of a pushover on Hard with all the NG+ benefits. However, as I like to mess around with various builds, Hard is the best place to do it since Maddening requires more min-maxing to make significant progress.
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