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Everything posted by Sire

  1. No I have not. I heard about it in passing, but it hasn't piqued my interest enough to properly look into it. Is it any good?
  2. Thanks for the talks about Medea and Nito! I feel more enlightened about their usage. The main reason I asked is because I tend to use Medea whenever I'm against Assassin comps, as my main Anti-Assassin team is currently Medea, Tamamo Mae, and Iri. It is not the fastest way to beat mobs (especially since Iri was underleveled during my Camelot run), but it gets the job done.
  3. Out of curiosity, how does Medea compare to Nitocris when spamming their NPs? I feel like Nito may be better overall (due to AoE and stats), but Medea allows for more spam since her NP charge is greater and her NP effect adds NP at base. I don't have a Nito, but I wonder if she could be swapped in instead of using Medea in an Arts NP Team. * * * * * With the 1/2 AP Dailies, I'm currently working on the following servants... Saber - Artoria Lily, 77/80: My main 4* Saber, used for her AoE NP. If I ever get a Saber Alter, she will replace Saber Lily. - Bedivere, 1/30: After Camelot, I'm working on this guy. Dude deserves the EXP. Archer - Robin Hood, 65/70: I put him on the backburner to raise other Servants, but it is time to finally level him completely. - Arash, 60/60?: I am sincerely considering tossing a grail his way to make him 70. After Camelot, Arash definitely rose up the ranks for me. The extra 800 attack doesn't hurt either. - EMIYA, 40/50: My free 4* Servant from that thing a while back, I'm trying to level up EMIYA since he is used in a lot of events. I also love his character as well. Lancer - Cu FSN, 60/70: The project that never ends, but hopefully with the 1/2 AP I'll finally be able to get him up to 70. He'll end up replacing Heracles as my backline once Herc reaches Bond 10! (Just ~800 battles to go, if we estimate 500 BP a battle...) - Cu Prototype, 50/60: Another Cu that I want to level. At some point I want to run the Cu Chu train for laughs, but I need to level up all of them first (and maybe get Cu Alter). Rider - Kintoki Rider, 50/60: I never managed to raise him during the event as I was busy with other Servants, but I hear he is rather ridiculous. I could use a single-target Rider anyway, so he's an important man to raise. Caster - Irisviel, 63/70: She's been a Servant I've been wanting to level, but I haven't had time due to all the events. Despite this, she was fielded for Camelot due to the abundance of assassins. - Nursery Rhyme, 1/40: She is an AoE Caster which is something I desperately need since I was a fool back when I first started FGO back in October and didn't bother with Halloween Elisabeth (It doesn't help I'm not a big fan of Elisabeth). I'm honestly indifferent to Nursery Rhyme as well, but I need an AoE Caster since Cu Caster and Shakespeare really do not fit the bill. Assassin - Kerry, 46/50: I will continue to raise Kiritsugu because he was awesome in Fate/Zero. I do have Shiki and she is probably better since she is NP 5 and Kerry is NP 1, but still! - Carmilla, 40/50: A good Assassin that may see usage as a budget Jack since MHX has a niche use. Berserker - Nightingale, 1/50: My latest acquisition and obtained from the 5* Gacha, Nightingale will be raised. She also came at a good time since my Berserker embers are mostly being used on filler projects. - Heracles, 80/80?: I am thinking about grailing Herc, especially since I will be getting Bond 10 with him some time in the future (hopefully before the finale of Part One). At the moment though, there are other grail options that are tempting me (Nobu to 90 because she is my crit servant and already 10/10/10 NP5. Arash to 70 because he is Arash and the 800 attack is nice.)
  4. I did my guaranteed roll and got myself a Nightingale. I am content that I will have Best Nurse to look after me. // Waver was the main goal, mostly so I can actually start using different supports instead of nabbing a Waver all the time. Vlad and Cu Alter would have also been nice additions to my roster, with Sanzang being welcome for flavor purposes. Jack, while useful, will likely be placed in the sidelines since I got my NP3 MHX. Medb would have been my worst case scenario, with Ozzy and Drake being "meh" for me. I also did a Story Summon since I have no interest in Da Vinci or the new CEs. Got myself a Stheno for my troubles. While I obviously would have liked someone else, at least the Medusa Sisters are reunited in my Chaldea. Now to get to work on getting EXP for everybody... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  5. July -- Octopath Traveler August -- Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate September -- Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC -- Code Vein -- Valkyria Chronicles 4 December -- Super Smash Brothers Ultimate 2018 -- God Eater 3 2019 -- Fire Emblem Switch Unknown -- Earth Defense Force 5 (US Release) -- Earth Defense Force Iron Rain (US Release) * * * * * Right now this is my current list, with Octopath Traveler being a guaranteed purchase while the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC I already have due to owning the Season Pass. These are the games I'm looking forward to, but I still have a massive backlog that I need to get through as well.
  6. Finally finished with Camelot. Man, I loved the entire thing and did not want it to end, and now that it is over I am definitely craving for more. As for my experience in Camelot... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  7. So we got 3 SF people getting Ozzy? I'm not rolling on the Camelot banners, and not planning on using my tickets either. Taking a short break from Camelot to start catching up on my Rank Up quests and Interludes. I finished Medea's Rank Up and am currently working on Arash. I definitely have a newfound respect for the man after his appearance in Camelot. I just don't have a Kaleidoscope to use for easy NPs...
  8. I'm loving Camelot thus far, so much so I had to force myself to stop playing after beating Gawain. It definitely has been a step up in difficulty, requiring me to "reset" a turn several times (I always use Story Servants and I have no Waver of my own, so rip me). I barely made it by Gawain even though I had Orion, Euryale, Robin, and Tamamo in my lineup. I guess I have to be a bit more efficient and may end up tryharding (using actual supports instead of story servants) in the later chapters. Some spoilers in the spoiler.
  9. I updated the Friend List with Scoot's and Alexmender's FCs. I also sent you guys a friend request as well. I put Orion on my Archer slot in case anyone wants to use her for Camelot, but I can put back my 85 maxed-out Nobu if anyone wants to use her instead. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  10. I'm just going to do Camelot as I do any other story, which means I'll probably run my usual team and enjoy the story. If/When I start reaching roadblocks, then I'll go tryhard mode. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA) I did ask if anyone wanted me to upkeep a JP code list, but no one replied. Guess I'll stick with NA unless anyone says otherwise.
  11. I miss classic Mario Party. I used to be a collector of Mario Party games (I own 1-7 and DS), but after 8 the franchise just went downhill. // I'll say 3 & 7 are my favorite Mario Parties of all time. DS is amazing for being on a portable. I find the weakest one to be the 4th installment, although it does have that dungeon minigame I love so much.
  12. I love Hector, but him being an Armor+Armads+Distant Counter man does get old after a while. I wonder if the CYL Hector will end up being an Infantry Unit with Wolf Beil (Effective against armored and cavalry foes), and maybe they'll toss in Distant Counter because Hector. The Legendary Banner looks amazing and I would love a Legendary Ephraim and an Elise, but I already spent my orbs trying for Summer Cordelia. Oh well, there's always next time I suppose.
  13. I got my Rider Kintokis, reached 200M Damage, and my Gold Embers (which I used to level up EMIYA and Rider Kintoki to 40). My last main goal is to try and get the 500 Mana Prisms so I can restock after buying out the Personal Lesson CEs. Getting extra materials is a bonus. Luckily for me I happen to have a whale friend who has a MLB Basket CE and I have each of the currency CEs, so summit farming is where I'll be at for the remainder of the event.
  14. I only spent money on the guaranteed gacha and got Tamamo Caster out of it and I don't remember who spent for Scáthach. I do not have the luxury to become a magnificent whale. // MHX did show up for me three times though for some inexplicable reason... Now I'm reminded that FGO's anniversary gacha is coming up. I wonder if I'll end up spending anything on that.
  15. I try to stick to $50 a month ($100 a month when employed) for spending on video games. How this is spent varies. Sometimes I pick up stuff on sale, other times I pick up expansions and DLC, maybe I'll purchase some microtransations, or I'll put in a preorder for a game I really want. However, while this is a guideline, on occasion I go without buying any video games because of expenses and the like. This is where the F2P games and my backlog comes into play. (I will never have enough time and money to play absolutely everything I want to, and I'm already falling behind as is!) At the moment I am really hyped for Octopath Traveler in July and this will definitely be a day one purchase. I am also thinking about picking Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate in August. September will be a pain since Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Code Vein come out, and there's Smash Brothers in December...
  16. Not yet. I just spent my currency getting Rider Kintoki. Excess will likely go to buying shop mats.
  17. There are plenty of titles that I would love to get my hands on (my wishlist has nearly 80 games), but given what little money I have and my time spread across plenty of projects, I'll probably end up skipping the summer sale. Besides, there are still games that I haven't really delved much into that I purchased previously. I need to get back to Shadow Warrior and Skulls of the Shogun at some point...
  18. Man, am I late on the Blue Oni Damage Train. Euryale does excellent work on that raid boss! I guess this is where I'll be spending most of my time since I have like 28 Blue Beans and plenty of Dumplings to burn. I'm at 150M and should be done with the damage ladder in no time. As for the shop, I still need to get the 2 copies of Rider Kintoki from the Basket category. Then I'm looking at picking up at least Bones and Serpent Jewels if I have the time. * * * * * A part of me wants a break from events so I can casually go EXP Farming. I have plenty of Servants who I want to level up (Kerry, EMIYA, and Rider Kintoki come to mind). I'm also considering tossing another grail on Nobu so she can be level 90.
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