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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Some Steins;Gate ost because Steins;Gate Zero (the anime) is currently airing. I need to pick up the VNs one of these days...
  2. Is there any documentation for the Hidden Affinities for NewGame+? I've looked around a bit but I can't find any. I mostly just want to see what is in store for me whenever I start NG+. * * * * * It's also been a while since I last posted here (and played the game). I'm now playing through chapter 8. To think from pre-release I didn't care much for Poppi, and now she is one of my most favorite characters in the entire game. Poppi's reaction in that early cutscene of chapter 7... ... solidified my love for the character. Hell, I love basically everyone in XC2 (although Rex is definitely weaker than the others, it doesn't help his English VA sucks at the "screaming moments.") Over time, XC2 definitely grew on me and I have become quite attached to the world and its characters. The music is still awesome as always as well. - - - - - However, I'm still of the belief combat is a bit of a slog. The mechanics work well during boss battles, but normal fights can take forever to finish. I feel like combat lacks impact outside of Chain Attacks and the full Break->Topple->Launch->Smash routine, as Special Attacks (despite their flashy cutscenes) can be lacking. At least Zeke feels fun to play and it feels like I'm actually accomplishing something when I play as him. // Maybe I actually need to go back and play the original and X so I can do a proper comparison instead of going off of memory. Right now, I think I still prefer those combat systems compared to XC2. I still dislike the whole Blade thing, especially Field Skills. I sincerely hope one of the DLC Blades has a "Master Key" of sorts that counts as every field skill so I don't have to deal with it anymore.
  3. Welp, spent my ~540,000 FP. No Angra Mainyu, but I guess that is to be expected due to his insanely low drop rate. At least it feels nice to have spent all of that FP. I probably will be saving up again, at least until we get that QoL change that automatically burns unwanted stuff (such as 1&2 star CEs). For my support list, I don't really have anyone useful for the event besides Mash (with a MLB Geas Scroll) and Artoria (with Halloween Princess).I put my grailed Georgios in the Rider slot in the off-chance someone wants him to tank something. Otherwise, my support line will be the same as usual
  4. Figured it would be a good time to repost the Friends List, so here it is. I haven't gotten around to touching FGO since the event started, but I'm sure I'll report my results on trying to get characters later. Iskander is amazing and I would like a copy, but I already got plenty of Riders vying for my attention (Georgios, Santa Alter, Medusa). I have ~540,000 FP for Angra Mainyu, so we'll see how that goes. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  5. Here I am thinking I'm doing good with my 12th True Box and 13th Fake Box, but everyone seems to have opened 20 boxes or more... (Then again, I still got like 60 Golden Apples left in stock and didn't touch any of the Silver and Bronze from the event. Guess my time and grinding skills are not up to par.) Either way, I'm fairly happy with how the event turned out. I managed to... - Final Ascend & Cap Level: Medusa, Euryale, Arash - Cap Level: Artoria Lancer Alter, Tamamo Mae, Georgios (85 now, aiming for 90), Shiki - Ascend: Some characters who I forgot the names of. * * * * * I think I'll likely stop grailing Saint George at 90. The efficiency part of me is saying spending 5 grails just to reach 100 is a terrible idea when I can spread out those grails to other servants.
  6. Using this visual guide as a reference, I can say I am mostly content with the 5* summoning pool. Yes, it will no doubt grow with time, but if FEH is willing to do mass demotions every so often, the 3* and 4* pools will also grow with it. I'm sure at some point there may be more specific banners such as "Heroes from Elibe" that only allows Elibean characters to be summoned, which may make it easier to get a desired character. (Actually, I may send that in as a feedback post. They have been addressing most of my complaints in the feedback I send out...) While I can see the argument for demoting some 5* exclusive heroes like Lucina, Hector, and Elise since they have been 5* exclusives from the start, I believe they remain at 5* status because of their popularity and story importance. There has to be something in the 5* pool to strive for. While there does exist characters with story importance with lower rarity (Eliwood, Chrom, Robin, Erika), they may not be as popular as other characters (or are just demoted so some "famous characters" are easier to obtain). However, some other units I believe are locked to 5* solely due to their skills and being relatively new, such as Luke, Dorcas, Nephenee, and Genny. While it does suck and I personally wish they were more available, maybe IS is not ready to open the floodgates by making these skills widespread. Alternatively, they may be kept back to fish for the more "gameplay-oriented" whale who focuses more on efficiency instead of favorites.
  7. After looking more at the visual summoning guide, save for some characters who are probably tucked away at 5* status due to their skills or recency, I'm pretty much content with Fire Emblem Heroes. The ones that stayed 5* exclusive tend to be the more popular and story-important characters, so I believe it makes sense that they stay that way. Over time they tended to fix the complaints I had and continued delivering good Quality of Life improvements as well as content. Now my only real complaint is the stat increases after CYL, even though I'm probably just nitpicking. Generation 1 heroes (before CYL) had their stats and then Generation 2 heroes tended to be a little higher (after CYL). I sincerely hope that the stats are not raised again after CYL 2 with Celica, Veronica, Hector, and Ephraim. The new skills can get a little bit crazy at times, but at least Skill Inheritance can remedy some of that. * * * * * Wait, we got Colored Bows now? I guess after getting a Colorless Breath, anything is possible these days. I sincerely wonder how they will implement Laguz and their counterparts whenever the time comes.
  8. Now that I got some time to cool off, I wonder how many heroes are left are in the 5* bracket. I know 46 of the 4/5 star characters got demoted, but I am wondering why some 5* exclusives did not drop down to 4/5 star rarity. Then again, FEH does have a decent chance at scoring a 5* unit so maybe this is not a big concern. This visual indicator may help reflect on what the new summoning pool is like. It is from Reddit. I'll need to look at it for a while as I wrap my head around this thing.
  9. Huh, that's it, eh? 1. Rarity demotions is probably my biggest takeaway from this broadcast. I'll wait for the list to be compiled, but right now that is what makes me happy. 2. Thracia characters are nice and all, but I have no real attachment to them. 3. The Grand Hero Battle changes are also a nice addition. 0 Stamina will definitely help out on trying to "solve the GHB puzzle." 4. New Weapon Refinements are okay, but I am indifferent to them. 5. Incentives to buy Orbs by providing bonuses. Considering that I do not really purchase Orbs these days due to my lack of playing, this is more of a pass. 6. I'll need to look into Grand Conquest a bit further to form an opinion. I play Heroes casually these days and don't even get in my weekly Arena runs. 7. Tempest Trial improvements looks nice, since the TT is one of the few things that gets me to actually play Heroes. I may have missed stuff here and there, but this is my initial reaction to the news as a whole.
  10. Tempest Trial improvements eh? Considering I enjoy TT, that is nice. ALLELUIA! THEY DOWNGRADED SOME PEOPLE IN RARITY!
  11. A new Reinhardt. Reddit's gonna have a field day with this one.
  12. Guess I'll tune in and see what happens. Honestly hoping for some heroes to be downgraded in rarity, like some of the old regulars (Elise, Lucina, Hinoka, and so on). An expansion to the 3/4 star pools would also be nice since the amount of in heroes 5* exclusivity is a bit ridiculous. Guess it's starting now.
  13. Thanks for the congrats! * * * * * Running the Assassin node is more of a pain than I thought. I've been using Medea and Tamamo Mae (81) while using a Nursery Rhyme as a support, but it feels like I'm not clearing the node as fast as I would like. While I really could use the items from the Self Portrait (Red Gems, Feathers, Claws), I feel like I would be better off farming something else. I think my decision to not invest in Halloween Bathory is starting to screw me over. While I just started playing FGO and was getting into the fandom at the time, if I knew I was gonna need a good AoE caster I may have tried to give her more attention... (I did not raise her as I was mostly playing favorites and was based more off of artwork instead of gameplay.)
  14. When I least expected it, I got myself a Jeanne d'Arc Alter. After spending about 120 saved Quartz and whatever tickets I had, I was just idly summoning and spending Quartz for the sake of it. Suddenly, Jalter shows up with a contract in her hand when I wasn't paying attention to my phone. // I guess the fan depictions of Jalter are somewhat right. Give her attention and she won't care, but as soon as it wavers she'll come running. I doubt I'll be able to raise her enough to participate in the event since I lack materials and EXP, but we'll see.
  15. Crimson Shroud takes lots of inspiration from classic tabletop miniature RPGs, but the characters are predefined. However, I highly recommend it since it is an awesome title and has a gorgeous aesthetic. The only downside of Crimson Shroud is there is one chapter that requires a certain item to progress and it can be difficult to acquire said item, especially without a guide. There is also the classic Baldur's Gate series, but that is best experienced with the pre-defined characters (aside from your avatar, who is custom). Come on, who can resist Minsc and his faithful companion Boo? Also, making a full custom party can be a bit finicky, although I never tried it myself. If you are looking more of the D&D feel but want more of an action RPG instead of a turn-based one, I recommend Dragon's Dogma. You create your main character and traveling companion while hiring other adventurers (who are made by other players if playing online). There is also a lot of party chatter which I personally enjoyed.
  16. Whoa, and I thought my luck was bad when I spent 126 saved Quartz and 5 Summoning Tickets. I did not get any 4/5 star Servants, but I got some of the event CEs, another Heaven's Feel, and a Formal Craft CE. I also got Billy the Kid who is a new Servant for me. At the end of the day, RNG is RNG. 1% for a 5* sucks. (Now to resist the temptation to try my luck further and start digging a hole...)
  17. Maxed out Artoria Pendragon (Saber)? She's close to being maxed, being level 90 and full on Fous. However, her skills are 7/10/4 and she is NP 1. She's currently on my Saber slot with the Bond CE, but once the event rolls around I'll probably toss on an event CE.
  18. Double Post, because the edit function is refusing to work properly. // Edit: Testing has been concluded. I guess some of the code got messed up since I copy+pasted the thing so often, so I just pasted the plain text and redid the BB code. Apparently it works now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  19. I swear, editing the Friends List is a pain since it will not let me keep it in the spoiler. I guess some kind of automated anti-spam thing is in effect since I am copy and pasting the same thing every so often, so maybe that is why it will not let me edit the post. So, I'll just make a new one. - - - - - @Glaceon Mage I sent a Friend Request. IGN is Sire.
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