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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Guess I post my detailed thoughts now that it is over and I had some time to think. I really would have liked to see Fire Emblem, but I guess that is being moved to E3. There is also the matter of Fire Emblem Heroes being an advertising machine, so I guess it makes since there is no Fire Emblem in hindsight since Heroes just got a big update (FEH would have had some tie-in thing if FE Switch was announced, or at least that is what I think). Smash Brothers is okay. While I played all of the installments, I think I spent most of my time playing Brawl back in the Wii days because of the Subspace Emissary. 4 was good and all, but I never got invested enough to buy all the DLC since I had other games to play (even though I bought both the 3DS and Wii U versions). Splatoon 2 looks interesting. I enjoyed playing the first and still intend on getting the 2nd, and the story DLC is definitely up my alley. I mostly just want to mess around with it's take on Horde Mode. Otherwise, Octopath Traveler is on my main list, with Mario Tennis Aces and the Mario and Luigi remake being on a "pick up eventually" list. Dark Souls and the Crash trilogy are nice surprises, but I rather get Dark Souls Remasterd on PC and I'm not that invested in to the Crash series. I also never got around to the whole No More Heroes thing, so its new title does little for me. * * * * * Overall, the Direct is just okay. There were some games that appealed to me, but there was nothing that got me hyped. Smash Brothers is nice and all, but I enjoy playing other games more.
  2. No Fire Emblem, but apparently there is a Smash Brothers on the way. There's some other cool stuff in the Direct, but I was looking forward to seeing some Fire Emblem. Oh well... Edit: Here's is the Smash Reveal Trailer, from GameXplain.
  3. Got the Dantes event done. I mostly went in blind save for the final 2 nodes and did well enough with a "counter team" setup. I did decide to cheapshot Dantes at the end with Command Spells (I used one to get out of a bad situation, so I might as well use the other 2 to burst him down with NPs), but at this rate I do not mind. I got these Command Spells lying around and they recharge per day, so I might as well use them instead of hoarding them forever. I also blew my Saint Quartz on Dantes since I'm currently obsessed with Danganronpa and because I grew to like him due to the storyline. The likelihood of me getting Jalter dropped considerably since I no longer have Quartz or a job so I can do some irresponsible spending... * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA) If I missed anyone or need to make a correction, let me know! (Use the [@UserName] feature so I get a notification, or just quote one of my posts.) [UPDATE LOG - March 14th, 2018] -- Fixed a typo in Emeraldfox's name (No capital F) -- Removed Sophie (Deichtine)'s account. If I recall correctly, it was given to a friend or something. I think I kept it because it was still active. -- Removed Inactive Members to save space. If they become active again, they can post their Friend Code ID in this topic if they wish to share. -- Added Jingle Jangle (Jingles) -- Removed TheInternetExplorer (Winberri)'s account. It was given to someone on Reddit. Name Changes -- Talandar (Ren) -> Zeratul (Ren). -- Skurge (Sharps) -> Czarpy (Czarpy) Friends List Capped - Additions -- Emeraldfox, Lord-Zero, Polydeuces, Sekki Active Members SecondWorld - 403,067,254 (David) eclipse - 917,798,708 (eclipse) MediocreLee - 015,794,040 (MediocreLee) MrSmokestack - 062,476,598 (MrSmokestack) Rothene - 750,157,837 (Rothene) Ebony - 233,925,133 (Hannah) Zeratul - 863,169,679 (Ren) Sire - 815 519 689 (Sire) TheGeek - 722,418,335 (Geek) N30 - 086,951,059 (Arcadia) JSND Alter Dragon Boner - 283,900,798 (JSND) Czarpy - 356,589,556 (Czarpy) Phillius the Crestfallen - 961, 944, 081 (Time) Jingle Jangle - 812,852,640 (Jingles) Friends List Capped Zak Something - 883,068,826 (Zak) QKumber - 314,369,629 (QK) Emeraldfox - 674,653,620 (Emeraldfox) Lord-Zero - 285,321,342 (Lord-Zero) Polydeuces - 302,111,199 (Poly) Sekki - 082,416,051 (Sekki)
  4. Sometimes I don't even remember what I put post in this thread. I'm pretty sure I had some repeats, but if so I prefer it being 2-3 months old...
  5. The Letter - Fly (I put this in spoilers and as a link since the thumbnail is a spoiler CG for the VN.)
  6. Q: For the Weapon Refinery, when merging units (NS!Robin to a better natured one), does the forged weapon also get passed on or do I need to reforge a new one?
  7. @Armagon I've been using Pouch Items. I found that items that speed up the Arts Regen make the game more enjoyable, so I've been trying to use those when possible. I've also been using Merc Missions and trying to buy out the deeds from the shops so I can get the passive bonuses. I just wish there was an easier/nonlimited way to swap Blades between party members as that would help immensely with creating buildings and just messing around. For Rex, I currently have him using Pyra, Roc, and Godfrey. At the moment I'm still in the classic "Break->Topple" mindset, but I'm trying to set up my guys to take advantage of the whole 4 phases. I've been thinking about giving Nia some Ether Cannons, but I haven't gotten any Rare ones yet. So, at the moment she will be using Dromarch, Boreas, and Vale/Ursula. I'll think about Morag, mostly because I need to get her in my party first. I'm currently stuck in Chapter 4 because I can't get past the Field Check (Factory Vent) because I am lacking in Strength. Glad to see Zeke is all right. @Zeratul I learned early on that Rex doesn't need Rare Blade (as well as what happens later) so I just gave him 2. He ended up getting Godfrey and Perceval. The rest of my Core Crystals are being saved for other characters, save for if I get bored and decided to spend a few on Nia. A shame Ursula isn't that good if AI controlled (I just got her on Nia). I'll keep Ursula on for a while just to see how it works, otherwise I may just put Vale back in. For Morag, I may try giving her Kassandra to her instead of Rex since Rex's Shield Hammer arts are a bit meh. I rather not turn Morag into a healer and I already have Ursula on Nia, so she'll stay with Nia. I'll probably move Dagas over to Zeke when I get him since Nia doesn't have much a use for him. I don't have Zenobia, but I'll keep her in mind for party compositions. * * * * * Thanks for the help, guys!
  8. I still have two products of my original requests, so I'll just post them here to share. The ones in the spoiler are my personal edited versions, mostly to serve as an avatar or a signature. Crystal (OC Character) || Sprite Artist: NekoKnight Signature Request || Sprite Artist: Vaximillian
  9. Played some more of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and I am currently doing Chapter 4. Combat has definitely improved since the 3rd blade slot is now open and Chain Attacks are a thing. I think part of the problem was my first Rare Blade was Godfrey on Rex and I found him to be annoying to use. When I got Vale on Nia, I found controlling and playing as Nia to be much more enjoyable. However, it is still a bit slow and I'm still having some difficulty wrapping my head around the whole Blade Combo thing (Blade Combo -> Orbs -> Chain Attack -> Break Orbs -> Lots of DMG). My main problem is trying to build up to the 3rd combo. I guess I should just let the allies build up the 1st and 2nd while I finish off the combo myself since it takes ages for them to get to Level 3. - - - - - Anyways, any suggestions on my Blade plans? Ones in Red I do not have, and since I'm in CH 4, I don't have Zeke or Morag yet. I really want Morag, especially if she plays similarly to Dunban since I loved him in the original.
  10. Well, I got about 24 hours left to finish up Missions (farm Medusa 10 times and I'm good) and then get about 1600 Cats to clear out desired items. Considering I got nightshift work and that I'll likely pass out when I get home in the morning, I doubt I'll be able to get everything I want to. Otherwise, I'm doing pretty well for this event! I got some character ascensions and skill level ups, but now I'm running low on QP and Embers. Since I finally managed to get Georgios to his final ascension, I am now able to start grailing him once I get the EXP. It always seems I'll be swimming in one thing and lacking in another with these FGO events... * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)
  11. Farming Zombies is not fun. I still have 100 left to go to clear the quest, and after that I am done. If only I can muster up the willpower to do 802 about 10 more times... // Also, RIP my login streak. I had about 115 days, and now I'm back to 1. Basically being out of commission for an entire day sucks. (As far as I know, only the total number matters for the big stuff instead of consecutive, but still.) Currently, I'm focusing on trying to clear out all the rooms. Then I'll start focusing on clearing out the shop, focusing on Ghosts (Bottles), Dolls (Ice Cream), and the Vengeful Spirits (Cats). Any remaining missions will be done afterwards. * * * * * * In other news, I watched 2 episodes of Kara no Kyoukai. It is nice to pierce together everything (especially with some info with this crossover event), but while I am watching them in broadcast order, I am keeping the chronological order in mind while watching them. Connecting the "bouquet" thing was rather enjoyable.
  12. I just started playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and despite my initial hype of the game, I currently find it not to my tastes. I find that the original and X are superior to 2 based off of my first impressions (Just beat Morag in Gormott). The music is amazing, story is all right, and the characters are enjoyable, but navigation, combat, and the Blade System are not doing it for me... My current problems with the title... 1. Blades and Combat - I had my reservations about the system before and now that I am playing it seems my reservations were justified. I am not finding the combat enjoyable compared to 1 and X (and I absolutely adored X's combat). This may be because I am still early in the game, but the idea of switching blades and pulling off special combos are not interesting to me. It also seems slow and clunky. While I appreciate tactical combat, I am not feeling it at the moment. 2. Map Navigation - While the map does have some improvements, the amount of verticality in 2 makes the map and compass a bit useless. I could be trying to get to a certain point only to discover it is on a different level. 3. Field Skills - Honestly I find the whole Field Skills thing pointless and frustrating. I understand their implementation in X and it made sense there, but why create such a system in 2? I get one wants to do some backtracking to lower level areas when at high level, but having it tie in with leveling Blades sucks.
  13. I've been following this guide for my farming purposes. Currently I'm farming Ghosts in room 502, so I guess I reached the grindy (and rewarding) phase of the event since the intro story stuff is mostly done. I just wish I stocked up more on Assassin EXP as I was hoping to use the shop EXP on Mash (I recently 10/10/10 Mash, but then again that is a relatively easy feat...) Also, I recently MLB my Chorus CE if anyone wants to use my Artoria. The Chorus CE is used for Ghosts (Assassins) and Skeletons (Saber, Lancer, Archer). givemefriendpointsplz
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