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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Really? I thought they did for some reason (similar graphic style maybe, but my memory is likely faulty). Thanks for the correction! As for Tamamo, she is currently high on my priority list of leveling and ascending. Hopefully I'll be able to do so soon so I can use her in some of my teams.
  2. Welp, I've been marathoning Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works. Now that I did that, I'm currently marathoning through Fate/Zero and who knows what else. I may even give Studio Deen's stuff a try even though many seem to dislike their adaptation. (They did Carnival Phantasm which is enjoyed, but apparently the movie and the Fate route are not that good.) * * * * * As for Grand Order, I need to try to think how to use Tamamo Mae and Orion together. A part of me would love a Vlad+Jeanne+Tamamo combo, but I don't have two out of those three. The Christmas Event supposedly has plenty of good loot and offers the chance to get Artoria Santa Alter. Personally, I'm looking forward to farming Mana Prisms from the event to get that Mona Lisa CE. The various Gems and EXP cards are also a welcome addition.
  3. Game: Hyrule Total War (A mod for Medieval II Total War)
  4. It is an excellent old-school JPRG, especially if one enjoyed playing the classic Final Fantasy titles. Combat is turned based and there are 23 job classes, such as Knight, White Mage, Red Mage, Pirate, and Ninja. Summons are present and are utilized by two classes, and there is a mini-game of maintaining a little village. The music is fantastic, the characters likable (Edea and Ringabel are amazing), and the story enjoyable. However, if there is one major downside of this title, it is the dreaded "second half" of the game. While Bravely Default is a good game, it's second half is often cited to be its weakest point (until the endgame). While it is possible to "speedrun" through it and focus on the main story, the sidequests are decent enough if you are willing to go through the effort of doing them. Edit: If I recall correctly, Bravely Default has a Demo that you can try out. It is a separate story entirely but keeps in voice acting and most of the main game's mechanics. I suggest playing the Demo to form your own opinion as some of the progress in the Demo grants bonus stuff to the main game. The bonus is relatively minor, but it is something.
  5. Going off of Reddit, apparently 33 Golds will allow Santa Alter to get up to Level 40.
  6. Reply in spoiler (just in case).
  7. Finally got around to that paid gacha by dropping $40... Paid Gacha Results: Tamamo-no-Mae, The Black Grail, Seal Designation Enforcer (New) Scathach x10: Demon Boar (New) Scathach YOLOs (x5): Knight's Dignity (New) I wasn't aiming for Tamamo Mae, but I guess it makes sense since Tamamo Cat has been my MVP from the start. The Black Grail is also nice. A shame I really haven't been investing into an Arts Team yet... (My Medea and Caster Cu are only level 40. Hans is around 25. Current priorities are maxing out Tama Cat and Georgios.) As for my Scathach results, I pretty much got nothing of value (but at least I can say I got all of its CEs and plenty of Fergus. [I got Fragments of 2030 from a Ticket earlier]). Oh well. Scathach may have been appealing to me before, but after playing through the Trial Quests she no longer seems as awesome as I thought. Sightseeing can only go so far, after all... * * * * * In other news, I managed to ascend my Georgios to his 3rd form! He will likely be my signature Rider since I plan on grailing him and everything. If anyone needs a tank or Saint George for any reason, know that I plan on raising him! As for the Guda Guda event, I got that Crystallized Lore. Only had to spend 2 Apples and I still have 32 left, so I'm good to go. (My max points has pretty much been just 360%. I haven't beaten any node past the 40 AP Lancer, and the later ones give far more points.) = = = = = Serenes FGO Friend Code IDs (NA) Last Updated: November 23rd, 2017
  8. Welp, I am 70k away from getting that Crystallized Lore after doing that last Golden Heaven node. I probably could pull it off if I spent Apples and continued farming the Lancer node, but a part of me can't be bothered...
  9. So, regarding the leak, I have one question...
  10. I got Fragments of 2030 on a Summoning Ticket. That aside, the only things I got of note are 2 Fergus and Hector (who is new). I'll try my luck with the Paid Gacha later today, and I'm tempted to try again on the Scathach focus with the leftover quartz...
  11. I got my 1,000,000 points, so Nobu is now maxed out on her NP. All that is left for me to do is level her up so I can use all of these Golden Skulls. Shop-wise, I'll probably clear out the God Hearts. The Fangs look tempting, but I don't think I'll be able to clear them out before the event ends. I also need to get some Forbidden Pages as I do not think they are farmable as of yet, and my Georgios needs a couple so I can ascend him to his 3rd form. (I also should invest some into Horseshoes so I can get his 4th ascension ready too...) Personal Reference Chart
  12. Well, this is nice. I saw a playthrough of the 1st and 2nd games, alongside with bits and pieces of the 3rd title. I own Valkyria Chronicles for the PC, but I never got around to finishing it. Maybe I should... I wonder what the setting and story is for the fourth installment. Azure Revolution, despite its gameplay faults, had an amazing soundtrack and decent story. If the 4th can improve on that (and seeing it will probably use the classic gameplay), then I have faith it'll do okay.
  13. Welp, when I was farming the Saber Node I ended up getting a 2nd Guda-O drop. So, I now have 5 and only had to buy three of them. Other than that, I probably should spend some apples so I can farm some materials before the event shop closes. I know I'll have enough for Tamamo Cat's 4th ascension, but I need to decide if I want to buy out the Fangs and God Hearts or focus on getting Forbidden Pages for Georgios and some other servants. As for the news, the Scathach banner is coming which is to be expected. Regrettably I do not really have any saved quartz, so I guess I just have to roll with what I have. Paid-gacha wise, I'm actually hoping for Altera because of the artist, huke. Besides Orion (who I already have), I'm pretty much chill with anyone save for Drake. She may be good, but I never grew to really like her character during the Okeanos arc.
  14. Progress Report - I have about 660,000 points. I haven't really been spending my Golden Apples, but I have been using my stamina somewhat optimally. - Golden Skulls cleared! - I bought 4 Foreign God Hearts. New focus is getting 6 Claws so I can eventually ascend Tamamo Cat to her final form. After that, I need to recheck my guys for shop priorities.
  15. 1. BGM Selection would be nice. Sometimes I want to play different tracks (or "special ones" like Twilight of the Gods or Chaos [Ablaze]) when doing whatever it is I am doing. 2. I agree with the "FGO Interludes" idea of @GinRei, but Fire Emblem Heroes has a significantly larger roster than Fate/Grand Order. While I would love that each character has his/her own chapter with the potential of getting something out of it (such as personal, uninheritable skill or simply Orbs if they don't need the power), I don't see this happening any time soon. Heck, they can even give permanent stat boosts so the older units are on par with the newer ones. 3. Here's a crazy one, but how about a Castle Assault mode? Players would be able to build their own castle (design their own maps, to a degree), set up their defenses, and watch as other players attempt to take on their setup. I envision it being similar to Arena Assault, but being pitted against a single player with their customized castle instead of randomized opponents in the arena. The first round can be outside the walls while the final battle is the throne room or something.
  16. I like the idea of Seasonal banners as plenty of other games also have "seasonal" events mimicking Halloween, Christmas, and the like. However, FEH is doing these banners a bit too often for my liking. I think this is a direct move from Nintendo in an attempt to make profits as I remember reading something like "when we didn't have seasonals, we didn't make as much money." (This was early on when FEH had a month or two. I think they noticed a drop in purchases for April-May after the Easter banner. Since Bridal Blessings in June, there has been a seasonal every month with a brief break in September for the CYL event.) Why do I believe it is done too often? We typically have the month long seasonal banner and only one other banner with "new characters." Before, we used to get about 8 new characters a month*. While we still get 8 heroes on average, 4 of those are seasonals, meaning we get less "new & permanent characters." Also, while I get the appeal of limited characters, it sucks when one misses out on them either by not having played Heroes or failed summonings. * Some numbers in the spoiler below.
  17. Progress: - I have ~443,000 points. My max point setup is currently 360% since I do not own an Emiya or an Okita, but got the CE drop. I could purchase the last CE from the shop, but I rather not... - Still working on that last Golden Skull. I need ~80 more Hiragumos. (I spent about 40-50 earlier so I could ascend one of my characters.) -- Purchased the last Golden Skull! - Currently farming the 40AP Lancer node as I can clear it reliably with a 80 Support Okita and my 50 Caesar (with 45 Georgios acting as a meat shield). - All EXP Cards (I technically have two 4* EXP cards left, but I'll buy them out at some point) So yeah, I think I'm doing all right. I should hit 1 million points by the end of the event and be able to max out my Nobu. I may not get all the materials I want from the shop, but oh well...
  18. It has been a while since anyone posted, so I'll double post here.
  19. Sent in my responses. I selected Sacred Stones to be my "Fantastic Game." Sure, it may be on the easy side, but I loved the characters and gameplay of it. The monsters are also a bonus in my book. A part of me wonders why PoR is rated so highly. Granted, I only played through it once and I ended up playing it after Radiant Dawn (backwards, I know), but I generally prefered RD to PoR. Maybe all I remember are the stiff battle animations, because I don't recall much of the story and the like.
  20. Hmm... I think mine was Princess Peach, specifically from Mario Tennis on the N64. Other candidates would be the Valkyrie from Gauntlet Legends, as well as the Valkyrie class design from Ogre Battle 64. One should be seeing a trend here... As for my first Fire Emblem one, gotta go with Lyn from Brawl. Her design and origin peaked my interest since she related to Marth and Roy from Melee. Lady Lyndis can be considered how I got into Fire Emblem, even though I ended up getting Sacred Stones as my first ever title.
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