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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I am Invincible! So, I managed to clear Encore Live with the following team. Best part about it is that I didn't even need to use any Command Spells! * * * * * Also, congrats on your Tamamo, @Skurge! I'm afraid I don't know enough of FGO to give some solid advice since I also "just started," but best of luck to you!
  2. I got my first 5* Servant recently, Orion. I was not really impressed when I tried her out as an NPC, but apparently she is supposed to be rather good. Other than that, I have mostly been farming EXP. I may try the higher level Halloween stuff before it expires to see if I can pull it off with my team. For some American servants, Theodore Roosevelt (Rider), John Henry (Berserker?), Uncle Sam (Rider?), and Columbia (Caster?) may be interesting to see. I'm not sure how they will pull it off, but if it is ever made I hope it'll be done well.
  3. I'm a tactician! No, not the new one, the original one! (My first name is Mark, the same name used for the default Tactician in Blazing Sword.) Edit: Apparently my middle name is also shared with Fire Emblem characters. It is a boss form Genealogy and a playable Archer from Thracia.
  4. Round 97 [Genealogy Tempest Trials]: Serra, 4* Frederick, 4* Oscar (+DEF, -RES), 4* Marth, 5* Lachesis (+RES, -SPD) Round 98 [Flier Boost Skills]: Sazio, 4* Abel, 4* Titania, 4* Eliwood, 5* Hinoka (+SPD, -DEF) Round 99 [Performing Arts]: Beruka 4* Raven, 4* Gaius, 5* PA!Azura (+DEF, -RES), 5* Eldigan (+SPD, -HP) Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * Tried going for Performing Arts Olivia for the hell of it. I ended up getting (another) PA!Azura and Eldigan. For reference, Round 96 was a Performing Arts pull and I got PA!Azura and PA!Shigure. Otherwise, the two other pulls were using the "15 orb full summon." So, uh... For some reason, I've been pulling lots of 5-star units. I guess Heroes wants me back since I recently started playing and focusing on Fate/Grand Order. It will take more than some 5* units to keep me invested though. I guess this is an attempt to make up for my horrible luck during the Brave Heroes and Dauntless Crimeans banners... Oscar is a unit I wanted to have since I enjoy the Tellius games, so I'll raise him and wait for a prime version to come along. Lachesis and Eldigan do not have my ideal natures, but they will be functional provided I get around to raising them. PA!Azura is going to get merged to my +ATK, -HP one, and Hinoka may end up being consumed for Hone Fliers (but on who still remains uncertain). While I should be ecstatic about getting so many 5-stars in a row, it just feels underwhelming to me. I guess I got burned out on Heroes again because of the Ayra announcement. That, and the ones I pulled (save for PA!Azura, but she's merge fodder) are not really my favorite characters. I like them, but am not too super excited. The Halloween thing does not have me hyped up either. Oh well, guess I'll just wait and see how Heroes continues to develop... * * * * * * * * * * Past Pulls
  5. I got my Halloween Princess drop a while back from Vlad. I think I only had to repeat his battle like 3 times, so thanks to Vlad for being such a nice guy! For the higher level quests, I am starting to get the point where my team is falling off. While I managed to do the Level 50 Berserker quest (The Saber Alter summon helped immensely), I am still unsure if I can pull off the Lvl 60 "My Wife is a Witch!" quest and beyond. Supports can only carry me so far... Speaking of difficult quests, I am starting to encounter some difficulty in the main story at Okeanos. While I did end up using Friend Summons to defeat Hektor (twice), it just doesn't feel right to me. I guess I just need to level up my main party more since they are around 30~35, save to Tamamo Cat who is 50...
  6. Depends on the hero. I tend to use F!Robin and Michalis a fair bit in casual play and I plan to merge them. I even gave my F!Robin Close Counter for fun. Xander and Camus are also planned to be merged and are staples on my Cavalry Team. Legion and Clarisse are fun to mess around with. I look forward to eventually making a Brave Axe+ Legion. Berkut I want to use, but he requires some investment and I do not have the time or resources for it... The only GHB heroes I do not really use are Narcian, Navarre, and Lloyd. Ursula has some potential but she requires heavy investment (and Reinhardt/Olwen exist), and I really do not care much for her character.
  7. While mechanically I am sure Halloween Elisabeth is all right, the impression I get from this game is that investing into characters takes a lot of time. I rather invest in characters I personally enjoy. So, I haven't been bothering getting her ascension materials. (I need the Bats for Halloween Princess anyway. Once I obtain the last HP, maybe I'll think about getting her unique material. I still need like 90 more to get the last copy from the shop.) Shop-wise, I probably should be buying up all the materials for skill-ups and ascension, but I still consider myself to be in early-game. I have been converting most of my Pumpkins (which I have been getting a lot of) and Candles into Cakes to buy up all the EXP cards. I can use the level-ups now and worry about ascending and maxing out skills later. Of course, now that I cleared out the EXP cards, my attention is now on the materials my guys need. I just need to figure out if my party is strong enough for the Level 50/60 quests... As for getting EXP cards with the Mana Prisms, I already knew that exchange rate is pretty bad. However, once I capped out on the Summoning Tickets, I need something else to buy (I guess getting the "stat boosters" are preferable). Note: I haven't bought anything yet aside from clearing out the Tickets.
  8. Hmm... There are no must-haves for me on this banner, so that is a good thing. I'll probably just do my "free full pull" and stock up on orbs. I like Sakura, but besides the interesting mechanics, I am mostly indifferent to the banner. I would like to have a permanent Mage Flier (Aversa comes to mind, or maybe a Dark Flier Sumia) and would also like some Ranged Armor (although outside of Arvis, I don't know if there are any Armors that fit into the category). I am a bit wary though. H!Sakura and H!Nowi have some extra skills, and if they continue the trend of raising stats like with Ayra and Sigurd, then Heroes is going in a direction I disagree with...
  9. Regarding the Halloween Event, I basically need 100 more Bats to get the last Halloween Princess from the shop. As for obtaining a 5th one, I have not been farming for it as I've been focused on clearing out the event quests. Other than that, I ignored the event character and went straight for the EXP cards and whatever materials my characters need. Also, I'm feeling quite happy with my party's progression. I've only been playing for about 10 days or so and the event helped out leveling my guys a lot. I just need to ascend Georgios again so he can keep up the tanking. I'll optimize the sub-member slots later to build a "Buster" oriented team with Georgios and Mash as tanks. (I know Leonidas is probably better for this than Georgios, but I like the guy too much.) For future heroes, despite having no real knowledge of the franchise, I am looking forward to Ishtar, Scathach, Christopher Columbus, and King Hassan. I am probably screwed since most servants I am interested in are either limited/seasonal and the rates are abysmal...
  10. Quoting myself from a previous topic... There are some excellent story elements here and there, but one has to go looking for them because there is a lot of fluff. I have to agree the Sacred World paralogue with Seth talking to Veronica is a good highlight, but otherwise most of it just hand waved explanations that do not progress the plot or are actually interesting. Honestly, the most interesting story things going on at the moment are... 1. Emblia and the Curse - Bruno and his attempts at finding a cure - Veronica listening to the voices. 2. The introduction of Loki and whatever it is doing. 3. Previously, the identity of the "Masked Man / ???" actually was. (While obvious, it did generate some interesting discussion before it was officially revealed.)
  11. Halloween banner seems nice, but I've been engulfed in the abyss that is Fate/Grand Order. I haven't even been doing my Tempest dailies in Heroes... (The recent Heroes developments also left some bitterness in me, so that does not help.) As for speculation, I guess the left one is a Witch character. I would guess it would be one of the younger heroes, but it may be possible the Witch is sitting on a broom which may explain the smaller size. On the right, I guess it may be a coffin and may be Leo as a Vampire (with some precedent with the Fates DLC). A part of me would like to see a Witch Female Corrin, but I know I do not have the orbs or luck to get everyone I want. I didn't get PA!Olivia, but at least I got PA!Azura...
  12. According to Reddit, they stay in your inventory. "Unless the game tells you otherwise nothing will ever disappear on you. // They stay. Take your time." Only the "currency items " disappear I think. * * * * * So I finally cleared out the Halloween Story. Leveling up my characters and swapping one or two out did the trick. At the moment, I am contemplating trying to farm for Halloween Princess so I can try to max it out. I doubt I'll be able to do this completely or effectively due to my current party strength, but nothing else in the shop really interests me (aside from getting one copy of Maid in Halloween and the EXP Cards). I got the free event character copy and am not interested in trying to max her out, so I will not be getting her ascension materials or duplicates. Other than maybe trying to get more Halloween Princess CEs to make it more powerful, I'm probably going to end up going back to the story. It's going to be a bit easy now since I'm fighting level 17 enemies while my guys are now above level 30 (Tamamo Cat is now 40 and ascended).
  13. Halloween Main quest wise, I'm now at the Tamamo Cat boss fight. Since she kicked my but (Georgios, Tamo Cat, and NPC Kiyohime aren't working that well) I been diverting some of my attention to pick up the Golden Fruits. I think I'll be able to build up a decent supply of them since I think I now know how these "Event Quests" work, but am still unsure what to purchase from the shop. A part of me is thinking about picking up the event character, but I wonder if I'll be better off skipping the servant and going straight for the Crafting Essences. At least with the CE I can put them on anyone and they are supposedly pretty good. @eclipse Archer: I do not have Robin Hood and would like to start training an archer, so I guess I'll go with Eurayle. Lancer: At the moment I have not invested in any lancers, and getting Cu Chulainn would be nice. For now though, I'll probably stock up on the EXP cards or train up Leonidas. @The Geek My team composition mostly revolves around duos (currently Georgios and Tamamo Cat) and whatever Support Option is available. I also use NPC Guests whenever possible, so I'm stuck with Kiyohime for the Halloween main quests and she is a bit lackluster (despite her Buster Card synergy with TamaCat). I have not put serious thought in whoever is in the sub-member slots. My reasoning for Georgios and TamaCat is the "Tank + Berserker" combo. Georgios takes the hits while Tamacat deals the damage. My support varies, especially if doing story missions, but if I use people off of the Friend List I find myself using Jeanne for extra protection (+ her high level) or eclipse's Sakata Kintoki because he hits very hard. Using Georgios is my natural evolution since I was using Mash + TamaCat before. As for servants... (No idea what SR means, so I'll just list them.) In terms of team composition, I think I remember reading somewhere I could move the support slot to a sub-member so I have three characters of my own that can synergize, but at the moment I am still reliant on supports.
  14. Core Team (One Servant Per Class) Right, so I was on the correct track. Currently I am focusing on... 1. Berserker - Tamamo Cat (MVP) 2. Rider - Georgios (Current Tank) 3. Caster - Cu Chulainn (I like him, but perhaps I should focus on Medea due to her NP Single-Target spam. Although if I get Medea, I should find someone who should synergize with her...) ? Saber - Caesar (Doing the long term deal since he is supposedly a good support unit.) ? Assassin - Hassan of the Cursed Arm (Doing the long-term investment with him. I have Mati Hari on stand-by for the interlude.) ?? Lancer - Leonidas I? (I did not start raising him yet.) ?? Archer - ??? (I have no idea who to raise as an Archer. Apparently I should focus on Euryale?) At the moment I have benched Mash. I rather use the "General EXP" on my main guys first and get through the story before refocusing on raising her. In terms of branching out and leveling more units, I do not think I'm at that stage yet. Once I start hitting the "soft-caps" of level progression I'll start using other characters. I imagine having dedicated counter teams to be really useful. Halloween Event When I asked about if the event was worth doing, it was more a question of "Is my team good enough for the event to be worth my time?" I know events tend to give out good stuff, but if we were to take the Fire Emblem Heroes analogy, I would be playing Tempest Trials on Normal or lower tier Hard instead of getting maximum gains doing Lunatic. At the moment, I am Level 25 and only naturally have 50 Stamina. I'm also just on the "Dancer's Castle Gate" of its mini-storyline. Essentially, I do not know if I could get the "good stuff" with the amount of time left on the event. Should I focus on the story and raising my guys, try to nab as much stuff as possible from the event, or just grab a few things and not worry too much? Here is my main team for reference. Current Content & Friend Requests I see. So I still have Septem (my current arc) and Okeanos to go through before I am done with the story content the global release has. Then I can go back and do all of those "Free Quests" to claim the Quartz and stuff. It sucks global is two years behind the JP release, but hopefully we'll catch up and just be a month or two behind, right?... As for the friend requests, sorry if I missed you! I read through the whole topic once out of curiosity, then I decided to try the game. Then the Friend Codes came around, I did a quick search function to find them. Friend Codes for FGO are rather buried in this thread, so it is easy to miss them... (I sent requests!) * * * * * Again, thanks for all the help and tips! It is greatly appreciated!
  15. Congrats, The Geek! - - - - - - - - - - I sent a few friend requests to those who have their IDs in this topic. Carrymeplz For reference, here is my Friend Code / ID: 815 519 689 (Username: Sire). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * So, I finally finished up Orleans, with the "penultimate boss" giving me some trouble. I managed to get the boss down to just 200 HP before it wiped my party, so I had to do my first ever mass-revive with the Command Spells. I had some close calls before, so I have a feeling I really need to start optimizing my party. I swapped out Mash for Georgios because of his tanking ability and man he does a good job (until he faces Assassins, this is how I learned how effective the "Weapon Triangle" actually is in FGO.) I am a little disappointed in his Noble Phantasm since Tamamo Cat can basically do that amount of damage with ~2 Buster Cards, but then again he is a tank. Tamamo Cat remains my MVP, although I am starting to wish I had excellent single-target burst. The characters in the support slots are Cu Caster, Caesar, and Hassam. I mainly put them there to raise bond points, but I have invested some levels into them. Anyways, since I am uncertain to do with my Quartz Crystals, I mostly been hoarding them. However, I did try out a full Story Summon... Medea and Medusa seem interesting, but I would like to focus on my core team before focusing on other characters. The rest I am mostly indifferent about. The 5-Star Crafting Essence is nice, but I do not have anyone trained to be spamming NPs yet. - - - - - - - - - - That aside, some questions. 1. Is it best to focus on a core team or spread out EXP? I've been focusing on a core team that is mostly one character per class. 2. Should I bother trying with the Halloween Event? My team is mostly around level 25 and I don't know if doing the Event will be worthwhile. Those Golden Apples look useful though... 3. How long is the main story in the global release of FGO? I heard that it is behind the JP release. Thanks for the help so far!
  16. I spent $80 total (Two $40 packs, small Clownfish) on Fire Emblem Heroes, both near launch. The first purchase was for Deep Devotion when I was trying for Lyn and Takumi, and the second was for Blazing Shadows in an attempt to salvage my Pity Rate. I did 10 full pulls on Blazing Shadows and did not get a single 5-Star, even when I tried spending 13 more orbs in a last ditch effort to get something... My initial reason for spending was the classic "I want to support this game, so here is some money!" The second time round was to salvage pity rates which ended in failure and I have not spent any money since. (I do not have disposable income because I am unemployed, so I need to be mindful of expenditures. If I had extra, I may have spent some for Bride Cordelia and NS!Corrin) As if my money was well invested, I would say no since I got absolutely nothing (no 5-star characters) with either of my purchases. At least I supported the game, even if I got jack-all in return.
  17. Looks like there is plenty of suggestions to try and reroll. For reference, I currently have... (spoiler) As for specific points... @MrSmokestack [Ember Gathering & Powerleveling] Thanks for the tip! I don't know if I should be spamming these to farm as a part of me wants to continue the story (currently just started Orleans), but this is useful to know. @Talandar [FGO Gacha, Card Sets, Mana Prisms, Interludes, & Friend Points] Yeah, I kinda figured that out when I looked up the detailed summoning rates. Fire Emblem Heroes is definitely more generous in that regard as FGO seems to be made or broken on what characters the player has. However, I'm not big into rerolling and I'm used to being dealt a poor hand in life. Besides, if I manage to play the poor hand well, then the resulting conclusion should be more satisfying, yes? (As I am also unfamiliar with the franchise, I have no real "must have" characters and am mostly just going off of tier lists and if the character appeals to me.) I also figured out chaining cards rather early, as well as chaining the NP powers together with each other and normal cards. The positioning of cards is also something I quickly figured out. The one thing I still need to do though is figure out proper team composition. Mash + Tamamo (Shielder + Berserker) is doing all right for me and I can typically toss in a high level "Guest Character" to trivialize content. Welp, I have no idea what Mana Prisms are, but I have been getting some from the Daily Quests. I suppose Summoning Tickets are quite important since Quartz is seemingly rare in FGO, unlike the Orbs in FEH. I haven't been selling anything, but I have been using some duplicates characters for EXP and upgrading the Noble Phantasms. I also figured out the importance of Friend Points as well as some people granting an extra +75 FP, so I've been focusing on that when I do not have an NPC Guest. A shame the rates are lower and such, but at least there is that free summon per day deal with the "Friend Point Gacha." @MrSmokestack (Again) [5* Units, Deck Composition, Noble Phantasms] I believe I am already insane and forsaken, just see my member title. If I never get a 5* character, then I suppose that is what Fate has store for me. Now the way Decks work is an interesting concept and I'm sure I should understand it more for proper party composition and synergy. At the moment I am doing rather well with Burst cards with some Arts in there, but I like to think I know enough strategy to manipulate the cards as needed. For example, if I know I can beat a round of monsters without using Burst, then I'll build up some Criticals or the NP Gauge. Also, as explained above, I learned how to NP Chain. (At the moment I am unleashing them as soon as I reach 100, but I guess overcharging will become more important as I make further progress). I'll also keep in mind the important of Noble Phantasms. At first I was doing all right with just Bursting enemies down, but when I got the NPC Caster, I found the joy of unleashing the Wickerman at regular intervals. Tamamo's is also pretty good, save for that two turn stun effect it has on her... @Sophie [Welcome to Hell] Hell? I've seen through worse. I'm totally screwed, aren't I? * * * * * TLDR * * * * * Thanks for all the advice! It may be a mistake not to reroll, but I was never much for rerolling and am used to being screwed over by RNG and luck. I accept the fact I will likely never see a 5* character in my roster due to how difficult it is to get materials for proper summoning, no matter how tempting some of the characters may be. That aside, I am rather enjoying the story for what it is and the combat system, but I am still fairly early into the entire thing. I'm hoping the Gacha aspect of FGO will not break this enthusiasm down the line...
  18. Welp, I starting playing this game on a whim. I basically have no knowledge of this franchise and seem to be doing "okay" for the first starting zone. The story has me interested and the gameplay looks fun, so I see myself playing this for a while. So, any tips for a clueless player? I do feel like I am the clueless guy in the story who was just dragged into everything - no training, somewhat confused, yet holding my own. At the moment I am just using Mash (the starter Shielder) and Tamamo Cat (since she seems to be good). The whole "invest cards into characters" thing is somewhat confusing since I'm used to Fire Emblem Heroes, but I think I'll get by.
  19. Regarding weapons... Does every single existing character have their own "A/S Rank" unique weapon like Chrom with the Falchion or Takumi with his Fujin Yumi? Because if new weapons are just more uniques for characters that do not have them, then that is sorta lame and boring (but expected). A crazy idea I had is existing characters getting alternative weapons for alternative movesets . For example, Robin gets to wield Swords and gets the Levin Sword as his unique weapon, Frederick getting to wield Lances, or Camilla wielding magic while flying her Wyvern. I doubt this will be the case since having hopes for this title seems futile, but it is something to think about anyway.
  20. The first warning sign for me was the introduction of Slaying Weapons. I understand wanting to "buff" inheritable weapons to be more on par with Legendaries (Pref Weapons), but since Slayer Weapons are outright better Killer Weapons, it practically made all Killers worthless. Luckily for IS, they made some good updates that managed to hold my interest in the game despite no longer spending any money on Heroes. The Choose-Your-Legends units being OP is fine because I expected it to be a one-off thing. They were chosen by the fans, had a special event, and so on. However, recent trends have been breaking the "formula" I've seen for Heroes. 1. Legendaries since CYL have been getting crazier. Elincia can arguably be counted as the first, but I see PA!Azura taking that slot with her weapons "Rally Spectrum" skill. (Falchions can be considered the earliest "OP" weapons since they had two modifiers, but they are still comparable to the other options at the time.) 2. Normal Weapons have been outclassing existing ones. Besides Slaying Weapons being better Killers, the normal PA weapons have Breath of Life 3, compare to Linde's legendary Aura who only has Breath of Life 2! Even Frederick's Seashells outclass Silver Daggers entirely! 3. Sigurd and Ayra have higher stats than normal, even when comparing them to Trainees. 4. We are now having exclusive skills that cannot be inherited. While fine on paper and bringing uniqueness to new units, these skills basically outclass any other skill that can go into that slot. So, not only we have crazy Legendaries to deal with, but crazy skills as well! Then we get Ayra getting thrown on a banner with old units. She could have perfectly fit in with the World of the Holy War banner, been a TT reward or even a GHB battle. However, apparently money is more important so they throw her on a banner that also has old units (with Eligan no less to make it harder to get Ayra). Getting goodwill out of consumers is difficult and maintaining it more so. For a while, I found myself content with how Heroes is doing things (still not to happy about Slaying Weapons and their implementation), but recent developments seem to indicate IS has other plans. I sincerely hope this was a move of an individual and does not represent the mindset of the Heroes Team, so FEH can go back to being its amazing self. Fire Emblem Heroes is a fun mobile title, and I would hate to see it fall due to the influence of greed.
  21. If the NPC characters get unique movesets in the DLC, then I'll let it slide. Otherwise, it is complete and utter BS to have them locked behind DLC. They are already in the base title, even if they are incomplete. My other worry is that these characters will mostly just be clones of existing movesets, such as Oboro and Azura sharing the "Generic Soldier" moveset. Also, no playable Armor Knight character... NPCs and Clone movesets aside, the rest of the DLC looks pretty good. New costumes are a plus, history maps have plenty of potential (Don't you dare raise the Level Cap!), and the new character choices are rather solid (Azura, Minerva, Linde, Olivia, Tharja). If there is a second round of DLC, I really want to see Walhart and Camus in, as well as more representation of other games.
  22. I tend to be an organized person in general, so it just naturally makes sense for me to keep everything neat and formatted. I also tend to lean towards toward the Min-Max side of things which is also a factor. But hey, whatever works best for you is the way to go.
  23. Round 95 [World of Holy War]: Raigh, Gaius, Cecilia, 4* Odin, 4* Abel Round 96 [Performing Arts]: Frederick, 4* Oboro, 4* Roy, 5* PA!Shigure (+DEF, -ATK), 5* PA!Azura (+ATK, -HP) Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * It seems I was finally blessed with a PA!Azura (+ATK, -HP)! I also got PA!Shigure who I was not really going for, but I'm sure his Blue Tome Valor will be useful in training units. Now, if only PA!Olivia would join my roster, then I'll be set. I don't think I'll actually obtain her before the banner expires... Otherwise, we got the usual rubbish and decent fodder. I am personally happy I got a Roy since I really need Triangle Adept for some of my builds, but I just need to figure out which one of my characters would want it first... * * * * * * * * * * Past Pulls
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