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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Welp, I submitted mine. 1. Walhart 2. Black Knight 3. Camus Walhart could easily be a "clone" of Frederick, although obviously I would prefer a unique moveset for him and for everyone else. Out of my choices, Walhart may have a good chance with the Awakening DLC, especially if it takes place on Valm (Walhart, Virion, and Cherche please!) The Black Knight will require a custom moveset since Armor Knights in Warriors seem to be locked to lances, and the BK is associated with his sword. He will be an armored character and kick ***. However, since there he is not in a focus title, I figure his chances are rather low (unless they pull something like Celica and Lyn). Finally, Camus. I honestly expected Camus (or Jagen) to be in to serve as a Lance Cavalier, but apparently Lance Cavaliers do not exist in FE:Warriors. It just feels wrong not having a Lance Cavalier in, or leaving Camus out when considering Shadow Dragon characters. * * * * * I could have just went for the fan favorites (Ike, Ephraim, and Hector), but right now I would like to try and keep the focus on the "three main titles." The BK is an exception, but I see Ike and Ephraim becoming clones if they are implemented. Ike would probably be like Chrom, while Ephraim will share the "Infantry Lancer" moveset. Hector lucks out because there is not really anything like him, so he may get his own moveset if he gets in.
  2. Even though I already got most of my information from other streams, I may tune in anyway to see what is going on.
  3. After skimming through the main story stream, the story is fairly standard. If one played the focus games, then one basically knows what to expect going in. The Warriors storyline is also rather predictable. The only thing I wish I could know more about is the Shadow Dragon side of things, provided there is any story for them at all... As for awesome moments, I do recall two Fates characters doing something amazing later on, so at least there is that. * * * * * It disappoints me that the storyline for Fates is terrible as always, but a part of me wonders if it is intentional. I wonder if the english localization will somehow make it better than the JP version, although I doubt it.
  4. Mostly excited for Dark Olivia and Azura. Inigo would have been okay, but there's no Liam for him and that makes me sad (as well as his artist being the same and I disliked his FEH art). As for Shigure, I am rather indifferent to him since I never really got around to the Fates kids. However, my banner luck as of late has been abysmal, so I doubt I'll actually get around to pulling characters that I actually want...
  5. I expected a playable Armor Knight and a Lance Cavalier, but looking at the main story I see no instance of either anywhere... I can somewhat see their logic in making Paladins Swords and Great Knights Axes in that it is easier to identify what class wield what weapon for the sake of the weapon triangle, but the WT is thrown out of proportion due the sword heavy roster. I just keep having flashbacks on how the development team loved Fire Emblem, but whoever was directing them "had no idea what Fire Emblem is." I suppose the best we can hope for is that these classes and future characters are given justice in the DLC, even if they should have gotten them right in the base game...
  6. Remember that some characters in Hyrule Warriors were not playable at release (Volga, Cia, and Wizzro). It is possible we may receive free DLC to make these unique NPCs playable. Alternatively, they may be packaged in with their respective paid DLC, although that would suck it this was the case... As for Anna, I have a feeling her unlock method is probably through the Anna Memories thing (think the Skulltulas from Hyrule Warriors).
  7. Looks like the OST is finally up, so here are some favorite finds... (Note: The playlist is not yet fully complete, there are still some unknown tracks and the uploader did not upload all the tracks yet.) Together We Ride Winds Across the Plains Twilight of the Gods Dusk Falls
  8. There is only one real "surprise," but it is early on and I am not sure how relevant the surprise will be later in the game. (Basic Description in the spoiler) In terms of story spoilers, there practically is none. If you played any of the focus games*, then there is not much to worry about. As for the Warriors story, it is the generic starter fare, so it should be fine to get an idea of the beginning storyline.
  9. The stream is now over, but Derrick says he will be streaming again in about an hour. The twins interactions are pretty cool and I am loving the movesets that I have seen thus far (Frederick and Lissa are amazing!). I highly look forward to picking up the game as soon as possible because it looks extremely fun to play.
  10. Apparently they just started, so if anyone wants to catch an early stream, here is the link. Link: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=w-CZ7Ts8VOw
  11. Question 1: Any idea if there are any more Warriors OCs besides Rowan, Liana, and Darius? Question 2: What is the context for the final boss? It is somewhat obvious going off of the trailers, but I would like to know the context anyway. [Friendly reminder to spoiler-tag all answers and to label them properly for those who wish to avoid spoilers.]
  12. Some stream observations... (in the spoiler) I haven't fully watched the entire thing and do not plan to, but I did skim through the vod.
  13. Welp, I will take this as a good sign. I love Owain (Niles has his moments), and this is the most exciting news I've heard from Warriors since it was originally announced. I'm hoping they will be playable in some fashion, even if they just use NPC generic movesets. I look forward to who else may be uncovered as players play the game. (I am hoping for Kellam, if just to have a playable armor and because I enjoy his gimmick.) [I also like the other stuff I saw in the stream. I just skipped around a bit to take a look at the maps and such, and what I see intrigues me.]
  14. I know Caeda uses the Wing Spear in Shadow Dragon and it is somewhat iconic, but I just used the FE:Heroes implementation of Caeda to represent a Sword Flier (as a counterpart to Hinoka's Lance and Camilla's Axe). In my opinion, including a single Whitewing opens the floodgates for the other two sisters, which is why I left them out. I like the Whitewings, but I feel the character slots could be better allocated elsewhere. I also know there are the official DLC packs (Fates, Shadow Dragon, Awakening), I'm just stating how I would have gone about doing things. So, in my list I moved Lyn and Celica to downloadable content instead of having them in the base game. I love the two, but I much rather had the title focus on the three titles as originally stated for weapon variety (instead of even more swords).
  15. I'm just going to toss my "updated speculation list" in here to finally rest. In short, this is how I would have decided the roster (and is sorta what I expected). The list is based off of the "3 Focus Games" with an emphasis on the weapon triangle, with a cap of 30 characters. (I am allowing myself 5 extra slots from the "25" rule due to unlockables. Villains are not counted for the purposes of this list. Robin and Corrin are counted as one character slot despite their gender alts.) Blue = Confirmed in Warriors Purple = Unknown Status Red = "Expected / Wishlist" ----- Base Roster ----- [4] Warriors: Rowan, Liana, Anna, Darios[8] Archanea: Marth, Caeda (Sword), Y!Tiki, Navarre, Jagen, Draug, Gordin, Linde[8] Awakening: Chrom, Robins, Frederick, Lissa, Lucina, Cordelia, Tharja, Kellam[10] Fates:== Nohr: Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise== Hoshido: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura== Revelations: Corrins, Azura ----- Downloadable Content ----- [3] Elibe Pack: Lyn, Eliwood, Hector [3] Valentia Pack: Alm, Celica, Berkut
  16. So if I'm understanding this right... * * * * * * * * * * Thing is, Grima "proper" is straight up a dragon, so I do not think a dragonstone would work for Grima. It does have the power to possess people and I have an interest in playing as its vessel, more so than playing Dragon Grima itself. If only the draconic form of Grima made it into the game, it would take the form of a stage (please let it be a stage), or a boss battle against a smaller version of it. This is why I think the vessel is needed to give it a human representative in the cast.
  17. More or less your explanation is how I envision it, but for a more detailed explanation...
  18. I'm one of those crazy people who like to know everything before getting into it, so I'll be following the updates. While I always planned on getting the title and still am, I do wonder about the "secret characters" and if there are more Shadow Dragon heroes than publically shown. If the full roster "fixes" some of the problems I had with the reveals, then I can rest somewhat easy knowing that the game itself fits my initial expectations and the PR just sucked.
  19. For Validar, the main reason I can see him getting in over the others is the connection to Grima (who I find to be far more awesome than Validar himself.) On their own, I find Gangrel and Walhart to be better villains, even though Validar shows up at the start and near the end of Awakening. Since Validar is in (either as an NPC or playable), I hope we have a playable Grima as a character. I imagine the moveset being similar to Ganondorf's in Hyrule Warriors, but I am probably getting too far into this hypothetical possibility...
  20. Well, this is mostly a repost from the TGS topic, but with the DLC I can hope for... Fates - Azura (with a Nohr costume variant). Arthur and Oboro may be fun to include as well. Shadow Dragon - I would love to have Camus if he is not in the base game, as well as some of the Altean Knights and Linde. Otherwise, Minerva and company (Michalis, Maria, Whitewings) could be cool to see. Awakening - Personally hoping for a Valm arc if it is not in the base game. I want Walhart, Virion, and Cherche! // The alternative is including the kids from Awakening, such as the trio or Cynthia. If the game does well enough for a second season pass, I would love to see more characters from Elibe and Valentia. This is a far-off hope though...
  21. Well, with the DLC, I can hope for... Fates - Azura (with a Nohr costume variant). Arthur and Oboro may be fun to include as well. New Mystery - I just want some classic SD characters, so if they jump fully into New Mystery, I am not sure about the results. Awakening - Personally hoping for a Valm arc if it is not in the base game. I want Walhart, Virion, and Cherche! // The alternative is including the kids from Awakening, such as the trio or Cynthia. * * * * * Otherwise, a fairly uneventful stream. The presenters had fun which was nice and I learned I could pair-up with characters not in the main team, but getting some sleep probably would have been the better alternative. Oh well, now to just wait for the JP release and see everything unlocked then...
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