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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I think this concept has some merit. Of course, some ground rules will have to be established and contest submissions will likely follow a theme (such as being from Askr, Emblia, or a pre-existing FE world). I found the Cipher OCs to be fun and interesting in Shadows of Valentia, so I do not see the harm for fan OCs being in Heroes as long as they fit within the universe. Besides, we already have candidates for two new characters in the world of Zenith, being the Cipher OCs Alice and Valjean. (Note: It do not know if they actually come from Zenith, but that is what the news article speculated.) As for the contest itself, I can see it being the next "big event" for Heroes after the "Choose Your Legends" event, but I do not foresee this happening for at least another 6 months. Maybe the "fan contest" can be done on the one year anniversary of FE:Heroes and then be released about 6 months after that time. I think the "one fan character per color" will be the main approach. * * * * * An alternative would be a "character alt contest" for Fire Emblem characters. If such a thing would come to pass, I would love to submit Renee (My Cherche!Morgan) to the theoretical competition. She would require some revisions, of course, but I really would love to see my "personal Morgan" in the game with the "Legendbreaker" skill (which will probably be locked to her for balance reasons).
  2. As I stated in the other topic, I am likely to go for CYL Lyn. I'm still a bit salty for not getting Bride!Cordelia, and my efforts for getting Summer!Corrin are failing miserably as well. (I need another OP character that is not Nino. Nino can only carry me so far...) My reasoning for Lyn is that she is Archer Cavalry and I have Camus and Xander at the ready. (I also have a +SPD Olwen, but her damage output is so poor without Life and Death, and she prefers a +ATK nature.) Also, she's an "oldschool" representative, so I gotta go with that! Despite going with Lyn, I would also love to get CYL Ike and CYL Lucina as well. Both of them have amazing artwork and skills, and I love their characters too.
  3. I would love to be on Team Hector so I can help represent the GBA titles, but I don't have him. I would go Lyn, but I expect her popularity to be high and I don't have a "normal" Lyn either (I got a Bride!Lyn when attempting for Bride!Cordelia...) Team Lucina would have been another interesting choice, but I don't have a "normal" Lucina either (I have the masked and Spring variants of her). So, I'm probably going to end up going either Team Ike or Team Chrom. Ike because of Tellius and I like Ike, while Chrom because of the whole Chrom vs Ephraim thing. As an original Ephraim supporter, I feel like my loyalty should lie with Chrom and help him overthrow his daughter (provided he makes it past the first round).
  4. Upon closer inspection, this is correct. I just saw the word "effective" and automatically thought of "effective damage" due to the terminology. Still, it is a rather nice skill, but obviously not as crazy as I originally envisioned it.
  5. Holy crap... Looking through the video again, Lyn and Lucina have insane base kits. Then there's Ike, but of course everything will rely on their base stats. Lucina - Drive SPD (+3 SPD within 2 tiles) and her signature weapon (+3 ATK/SPD to Physical Weapons) is crazy for physical teams. Lyn - Not only she is a Horse Archer, but her signature weapon makes facing off against bladetomes (and buffed magic units such as Reinhardt) easier because of the nullify effect. Then, anyone with Distant Counter (Sword, Axe, Lance) facing Lyn can't Distant Counter, because of Lyn's special skill. Ike - Ike himself is overpowered as *beep*. If he gets doubled, the second hit gets reduced by 80%. Beorc's Blessing, effectiveness against flying and cavalry units?! WHAT IS THIS?! (And it is CYL Ike Exclusive too, they know how powerful it is) Correction by IceDragon. I was initially going Lyn because I could really unit a good archer, but Lucina and Ike are also extremely tempting. I'm afraid Roy is not my boy, so apologies because I am indifferent to him. I was thinking about buying XCOM 2 since it is on sale, but these characters have me wanting to spend money on FEH instead...
  6. Voting Gauntlet Top 8 from the CYL banner compete against each other. Males - Hector, Roy, Ike, Chrom Females - Lucina, Tharja, Camilla, Lyn CYL All characters have a unique weapon. Apparently it is just a normal banner though... Notice: Bonus Present - One hero is completely free! FREE! Lyn - She is a Bow Knight! I Repeat, she is a BOW KNIGHT! Lucina - She wields a Lance, as expected. Ike - Wields Urvan, an axe, as expected Roy - He gets a Horse and wields a variant of his father's sword. * * * * * Apparently, that's it. It's just Choose Your Legends stuff. A little underwhelming, but oh well.
  7. Small random update on my runs... For Arena, I still run my classic Ephraim, Nino, Ryoma, + Bonus Unit (typically Alfonse or Sharena) combo. For now I am simply content bouncing back and forth between ranks 19 and 18. I guess I don't take Arena as seriously as I used to, and my team comp works fairly well against most teams. I do run into problems when Anna is the Askr representative because she is still a 4* hero and not kitted out yet, but I don't let that worry me too much. As for Arena Assault, I play that super casually. I tend to run "duo runs" (placing two of my highest members on the first team, usually Ryoma and Ephraim, while playing Beginner difficulty) while I just breeze through the rest of the content because of the lower "set strength" of the first team. I need to try out "trio runs" and see if I can still turn my brain off while maintaining a decent score. Personally, I find it better to just breeze through Arena Assault and get all 7 wins instead of trying a full team and failing somewhere along the way. This may change when there comes an actual use for Sacred Seals or I get back into FEH as a more "hardcore" player.
  8. I expect to see the usual - some teasers about upcoming content as well as recurring stuff (Tempest Trials, Voting Gauntlet, Grand Hero Battles, Bound Hero Battles, etc.) . I also expect to see something regarding the Sacred Coins, which I fully expect to be somehow related to Sacred Seals. Perhaps they upgrade the Seals or allows the player to purchase unowned ones. * * * * * Now, here's a crazy insane prediction. CYL characters will be earned through special maps, like GHB, instead of being thrown on a summoning banner. They are special characters at best (which means different stats, weapons, skills, and so on), or "mirrors" at worst (same statline but different artwork, like "Masked Marth"). Of course, I still entirely expect a CYL banner, but gaining them through events would be awesome and allows players to earn each character instead of relying on RNG and Orbs to get the characters they want. I still need to get a Summer!Corrin before even thinking about CYL characters. I want Lyn, Lucina, and Ike... * * * * * As for some wishful thinking... 1A. Implement Lunatic & Insane difficulty for the "free rotation." 1B. Change up the "free rotation" characters. 2. Implement a "Forge" to upgrade Killer Weapons into Slaying Weapons. As other "weapon upgrades" are released, I expect them to be improved in the Forge as well. (as I expect Armorslayers, Gem Weapons, and Silver Weapons to receive better variants to be more on par with the unique weapons.) 3. Implement a way to spend excess Badges and Great Badges, perhaps mimicking a "character merge" without a duplicate character present? 4. Add an option that turns off combat animations, but keeps special activations (voice and art) in on the battle map. (I saw a reddit post mockup, but don't remember where it is.)
  9. * * * * * August 27th Edit * * * * *
  10. Gonna copy this from the Pull Topic since it is more likely to be answered here... Who should I keep? +DEF, -ATK Summer!Xander or... +DEF, -HP Summer!Xander In my quest for Summer!Corrin, I ended up pulling another Summer!Xander and am not sure which one I should keep. The -ATK is my original and is already 40, yet having baseline ATK may help NS!Xander immensely. However, the -HP gives me pause because NS!Xander uses a lot of skills that make use of his HP (Fire Boost, Infantry Pulse), so I am at an impasse. I am likely to end up merging the two together since I am of the mindset the skills may become available later on on a different unit. However, a part of me is tempted to put Infantry Pulse on my +DEF, -RES Ephraim (he currently runs Defiant DEF, Swordbreaker, and Threaten DEF, but I plan on transitioning him to Triangle Adept and Lancebreaker once I get the proper skills). He usually runs with Ryoma, Nino, and a random, making Ephraim the highest HP hero in the main party. Any help on this would be appreciated.
  11. Since everyone is doing roster predictions, might as well thrown in mine once again. I am keeping my list smaller this time. I rather be pleasantly surprised that there are more characters than be disappointed that some characters did not make it in. Blue = Confirmed Red = Speculation Warriors: Shion, Lian, Darios, Primary Antagonist, Secondary AntagonistArchanea: Marth, Caeda, Draug, Gordin, Gharnef || Y!YikiAwakening: Chrom, Robin, Frederick, Lissa, Lucina, Cordelia, Kellam, Grima || F!RobinFates:== Nohr: Xander, Camilla, Leo== Hoshido: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi== Revelations: F!Corrin, Azura || M!Corrin NPC: Jagen, Cain, Abel // Emmeryn // Elise, Sakura, Anakos Confirmed: 17 (19 if counting F!Robin and Y!Tiki) Speculation: 9 (10 if counting M!Corrin) Sire's Total: 25 (28 if counting the F!Robin, M!Corrin, and Y!Tiki) Reasoning (Notice: Lengthy)
  12. If I had to choose one, it would be Lianna. I dislike Rowan's voice and general aesthetic, Lianna pulls it off slightly better in my opinion. However, thus far they do seem to be rather generic. I like Heroe's Alfonse and Sharena far more than Warrior's Rowan and Lianna. Maybe things will change as more information is revealed and the like, but so far the Fire Emblem OCs do not impress me. Hyrule Warriors had better OCs.
  13. Round 71 [Nohrian Summer]: Lissa, Frederick (+SPD, -RES), 4* Clair, 4* Est, 4* Azama Round 72 [Nohrian Summer]: 4* Sakura (+SPD, -ATK), 4* Cecilia, 5* Summer!Xander (+DEF, -HP), 5* Genny, 5* Priscilla (+SPD, -HP) Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * In my quest for Summer!Corrin, it seems I have stumbled upon some excellent heroes. Round 71 was a general full pull and I got myself a good Frederick for my troubles (I like slow characters who can get up to 29 or 30 SPD with +SPD nature, especially since I can mess around with SPD manipulation with various skills, buffs, and debuffs). Azama gave me a brief pause since he was +SPD, -HP, but I already have a +SPD, -RES Azama which is better (+SPD, -ATK would be my prefered ultimate nature for him.) Now, the second pull was a surprise story. I went into it with the mindset of doing "focus pulls," only going for Blue Orbs to get Summer!Corrin. Thing is, I ended up with 3 Greys and 2 Greens, so I just tapped a Green Orb and expected to back out of the session. I ended up getting Summer!Xander who broke my pity rate. So, since the rate is broken, I decided to pull on the rest of the orbs. I ended up getting a 5* Genny and an excellent 5* Priscilla for my troubles, as well as even pulling an ultimate Sakura. Genny also appeared when I originally attempted Focus pulls for Bride!Cordelia when that banner was live (ended up getting a 5* Jeorge and a Bride!Lyn for my focusing efforts). Maybe Genny the Sheep, alongside all of these healers, are trying to tell me something... Since I already have a Summer!Xander, I am wondering what nature is better for him. Both of my NS!Xanders have +DEF, but the bane is either -ATK or -HP. I thought about going -HP, but he does rely on skills that make use of his HP pool, which gave me pause. Any advice on this would be appreciated. Alas, my quest for Summer!Corrin will continue, but there is only a week left and my orb reserves are nonexistent. Hopefully Summer!Corrin will come home before this banner is over... * * * * * Past Pulls
  14. On the topic of Fate's voices, do we have a timeline of when these characters are "plucked" from the Fates' timeline? Since Fates characters seem to appear before Fates itself proper, I wonder if the VAs were instructed to sound "a little younger" or something for their characters. However, this would call into question why the Awakening characters still seem to sound like themselves (aside from Lucina due to a different voice actress). Either way, I am warming up to the "new voices" a bit, but I am still having a hard time trying to adjust to Hinoka's voice. As for the character gameplay... Hinoka - Looks unimpressive to me, but then again I am mostly indifferent to her in general. Camilla - She looks amazing to play as because I love the AoE skills. Her attacks look and feel good as well, like they have actual impact. Takumi - Takumi has an impressive display with all of those multi-shots! I look forward to playing him. Xander's Horse - 10/10, amazing anti-gravity skills. Sacrificed to Corrin to see the defeated character scene.
  15. Can't say I am surprised. Camilla and Takumi were practically guaranteed based off of their popularity and weapon types and it makes sense for Hinoka and Leo to come aboard. However, the lack of Elise and Sakura is somewhat surprising yet expected. If 3/4 royals are in, one would also expect the little sisters, but in terms of weapons they are also the most likely to be cut. (Edit: or just be NPCs) Also, what is up with the English voices? I'm hoping this is just one of those "temp trailer voiceovers" while the real game will have the proper VA, but it is somewhat worrying. The new characters sound off to me. Edit: After watching and paying some more attention to the voices... Camilla sounds nothing like herself, at least in her Heroes incarnation. It's a little too high pitch I believe, and I want to say it is a different VA entirely. Leo sounds like his Heroes version (or at least his summer variant, which I have). Takumi sounds like his Heroes version (which may be different from Fates?) Hinoka - I sadly have no comparison since the FE: Heroes Wiki is down and I do not have her unlocked in my Catalog of Heroes. However, she sounds different from Fates Hinoka. I think the main thing that sounded off was the delivery of the lines. While the VAs may be the same, the delivery (and perhaps the voice direction) is different. One can see the difference between characters in Heroes vs Echoes or Fates, for example. I also remember Leon's VA saying something about the voice direction being different for Echoes (8-4) and Heroes (Nintendo), so there may also be that to consider Warriors as well.
  16. I would try out more Monster Hunter, but as my (Ambassador!) 3DS has broken L&R buttons, I really won't be able to play them properly. Also, I need to get back to properly finishing 3U whenever I get around to getting a New 3DS (which is competing with getting a Nintendo Switch, among other things). Either way, the game interests me. I find transition zones better than loading screens since it is a little more immersive, and "true open world" can be difficult to pull off.
  17. Monster Hunter World looks interesting with its "open-world" aspect to it. It reminds me somewhat of "Free Hunting" in Tri where one just goes out of the village to mess around on the island. (I only played Monster Hunter Tri, both on the Wii and the upgraded version on the 3DS). Also, I love that the Barroth is back. It was one of my favorite monsters in Tri. I'll probably try to pick it up for PC whenever it releases since I do not have a Playstation 4 or an Xbox One. It'll be nice to pick up my Gunlance again and blast away monsters to oblivion.
  18. Round 68 [Nohrian Summer]: Barst, Olivia, Selena, 4* Lon’Qu, 4* Virion Round 69 [Sacred World]: Barst, 4* Chrom, 4* Olivia, 4* Jeorge, 4* Cordelia Round 70 [Nohrian Summer]: Olivia, Arthur, Azama, Felicia, 4* Lukas (+SPD, -RES...) Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * Still trying for Summer!Corrin to grace me with her presence, but I have gotten nothing thus far. I suppose that "Poem for Corrin" I wrote on Reddit actually applies to me, even though I wrote that before even pulling on her banner. (I go by Taurusm on Reddit, but I rarely post.) In other news, I tried for the Sacred World banner, doing a full pull with the free summon. I got some SI fodder out of it, but no one with useful natures. When I tried again on the Nohrian Summer banner, I did get a Lukas (which was nice since it still follows the old system where 3* units are more likely than 4*), but is nature is not really something to be joyous about. Still, my stubbornness will not let me rest until I get Summer!Corrin or the banner expires. As I have no disposable income as of present or the foreseeable future, I am forced to make do with what free Orbs we are given. While the Orbs may be plentiful, my luck is known not to be so... * * * * * Past Pulls
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