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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I tend to spend mine immediately as I reach 20k. This is because I have some units with good natures who are waiting to get promoted to 5* status, and if I don't have them, there is always the GHB / TT reward units to promote. Honestly, I do not have the luxury to stockpile on feathers as I am constantly promoting units, so getting access to 5* exclusive skills through promotions is not happening. If I get any merges, it is because I pulled a 5-star duplicate. (The one exception is Cherche, and that is because I ended up merging two trained Cherches because my +DEF Cherche had a role similar to Michalis, and he does it better. That, and she is my Summoner Support.) I also have the "grand plan" of eventually promoting almost every unit to 5* status because I like so many characters in Fire Emblem, so that does not help my feather expenditure.
  2. Dawn Brigade - Micaiah, Sothe, Nolan, Edward This is because I want Micaiah and Nolan. Bonus points if Nolan gets his Pref weapon, Tarvos, as well as the skill Nihil. (I would love to have Laura and Aran around too, but they are not part of the Dawn Brigade.) Crimean Knights - Geoffrey, Kieran, Makalov, Astrid Honestly, I just want Astrid. Sacred Ties - Duessel, Knoll, Joshua, Natasha Features characters that are somewhat prominent during the route split in Sacred Stones. Duessel and Knoll are recruited in Ephraim's route while Joshua plays a heavy role in Erika's. Natasha is added because she has ties to Joshua. (I want Duracell Sean Connery Duessel in my party!) * * * * * * * * * * Sire's Picks: Existing Heroes - Jaffar, Lyn, Hector, Azura I want the latter three because I do not own them and love them very much. Jaffar is Life and Death 3 fodder. Sire's Picks: New Heroes - Leila, Fargus, Limstella, Selena (Sacred Stones) These are heroes I would love to have incorporated into Heroes, but do not see happening anytime soon (especially in the case of Leila and Fargus, if they are added at all). Heroes with Renewal - (Insert Units with Renewal Here) I need Renewal 3 for my units! ><
  3. Updated List: Summoner (Kiran) x Cherche - Cherche is my Awakening waifu and shall remain so in Heroes. While I could try and support someone else to make a better unit, Cherche wins out due to favoritism. Erika x Ephraim - While I typically don't field the two together because I tend to field Ryoma as my Red unit, I still support Erika and Ephraim. No memes here, honest!... Ryoma x Nino - Nino is buffed by both Ephraim and Ryoma, but since Ephraim is taken by Erika, I decided to pair Nino up with Ryoma. This is more of a practical support, but I can see Ryoma acting as an older brother figure to Nino. Alfonse x Sharena - While I do not field the two together these days (I tend to have them lead separate teams), it just feels like a natural choice. Now, if Bruno Zacharias becomes a playable unit, I may want to reconsider this pairing. Xander x Camus - Horse Emblem. They shall become battle buddies and be inseparable~ (Although if Veronica becomes playable, Camus will have some competition from a lore standpoint...) Michalis x Spring!Camilla - Flier Emblem. Regrettably, my Spring!Camilla is -SPD, so using a Blade tome on her is not really worth it, and investing into a Gronnraven build is too expensive for me at the moment. Clair x Palla - The second half of my Flier Emblem team. While I do intend to use Palla since she is the better "Red Flier" option for me at the moment, Clair was thrown in because I do not have a proper Cordelia and Hinoka still avoids me. At least Clair x Palla makes some sense due to Shadows of Valentia, even if they were on separate paths... Cherche x Minerva - Minerva the Princess, not Minerva the Wyvern. Alas, I do not have a Minerva, so this support pairing will have to wait.
  4. All I have for the 40% bonus is a 4* Eliwood. I can get by, but I am still wishing I had Lyn, Hector, or Ninian instead that I could use for a "proper" 40% run. The 20% units are okay, but all of mine are just 4* and do not have good skills on them (Masked Marth just has Desperation 3 while Lloyd is not trained up yet.) The lack of having a good 40% unit compared to last time around (I used Delthea and Celica) definitely lowered my enthusiasm for this particular run. Yes, the stat boosts definitely helps, but without the right skill set they are just not as fun to use. Right now I have about 8000 pts and should be on track on earning the Distant Defense seal, so overall I should be set. The extra rewards are tempting though, so I wonder if I'll end up just downing stamina potions and auto-battling to victory. This should get me some use out of my 144 Stamina Potions...
  5. Round 74 [Brave Heroes]: Matthew, Subaki, 4* Wrys, 4* Wrys, 5* Brave!Ike (+ATK, -SPD) Round 75 [Heroes with Threaten Def]: Virion, Hana, Jagen, 4* Draug, 4* Henry Round 76 [To Die on the Battlefield...]: Felicia, Gunter, 4* Arthur, 4* Nowi, 4* Merric Round 77 [Ephraim and Erika's Battle]: Olivia, 4* Sophia, 4* Boey, 4* Setsuna, 4* Effie Round 78 [To Die on the Battlefield...]: Virion, Fir, Niles, Serra, 4* Boey Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * What a waste of Orbs... Besides the glory that is Brave!Ike, all of my other pulls are practically useless. I either already have a good version of that hero or their natures are not to my liking. Sure, there are some decent SI fodder scattered in there, but things could definitely been better. I would have been better off just claiming the free hero and not bothering to do the full summons. The greatest offender is Boey. Now, I know he has some nice SI (Gronnowl, Ignis, Earth Boost), but right now I really, really need some Faes for Renewal 3 fodder. At the moment I do not have any builds in mind that utilize Earth Boost and I never pulled a Fae despite playing since release. Give me Camillas or Hawkeyes, heck, anyone else from the 4*-5* Green Pool (sans Merric and maybe Soren) instead of Boey. As for why I pulled on the Tempest Trials Mini banner again, I could really use a Lyn, Hector, or a Ninian. They are excellent units and would also help immensely in clearing the Tempest Trials. Now, I do have a 4* Eliwood (+ATK, -DEF), but I would vastly prefer if I could use one of the other units. I have been wanting Hector and Lyn in my party since day one, and yet they still avoid me. I suppose this is the curse of this "Desire Sensor" that some people speak of. That which one desires most is never given when one desires it, or the wish is twisted in a horrific light. (At least I still have Erika and Ephraim...) * * * * * Past Pulls
  6. It's a relief that F!Robin and M!Corrin are considered "glorified costumes" instead of taking up characters on a roster. This may mean that there are +2 character slots for the 25 character theory (unless the alts get a card of their own). Other than that, everything sounds great going off of the interview! I would love to play Fire Emblem: Warriors on launch and support it through DLC. I sincerely hope it does well so there can be a sequel down the road that expands the character roster as well as the games available for selection.
  7. Gonna cheat a bit to toss this one in the "video game music" pile. This song is based on Lionel Richie's 'Hello,' but adapted to fit in with the theme of Valve's Portal universe. The video also has an amazing animation to go with it, and if you enjoy the Portal franchise, check out the other videos on their channel. (Disclaimer: I did not make this. All credit goes to their respective creators.)
  8. It would be awesome to have a visual indicator of Boons & Banes for Heroes. Keeping track of all of my different characters and their natures can get pretty tiresome, especially when changing my documenting format. (Went from keeping detailed information on Word, to Google Sheets, back to Word but with simple info, and now I'm using FEH Keeper.) While I know the natures of my mainstay teams and can figure out Level 1 & Level 40 heroes, I tend to forget who had what over time. This is especially the case for units who are being leveled since I am too lazy to reference the "Unlock Potential" screen to reconfirm their natures. As for rerolling or choosing natures, I would appreciate it as a quality of life thing (so I can simply reroll instead of hoping for an "optimized summon."), but am unsure if FE:H will ever implement such a system. It also calls into question if "True Neutrals" (Askr Trio, GHB Units, etc.) can be rerolled to have different natures.
  9. I'm hoping for Camus and Walhart to become playable and unique, but I am thinking Gharnef and Validar (alongside Grima) has a better chance at being the villain reps for Shadow Dragon and Awakening. I don't care much for Gharnef or Validar, but I would love if Grima was playable. I can imagine its moveset being similar to Ganondorf's in Hyrule Warriors: slow, powerful, and has a large area of effect. Bonus points if Grima actually ties in with the Robins. As for Fates, I honestly believe they will just go the whole Hoshido vs Nohr route and cut out Revelations and the NPC villains (Garon, Iago, Hans, etc.). The player will be pitted against the Royal Siblings of each side instead.
  10. I'm expecting special characters to "return" on their yearly debut. So, the Spring variants will come again alongside a new batch of Easter heroes in April, while Brides should return in June (perhaps with Grooms instead, or just more Brides), and so on. As for how exactly they will be obtainable, I am unsure. They may be just "regular characters" with the new ones being the Focus, or they may get their own separate banner alongside the new seasonal variants. Alternatively, I also see a "special character summoning event" as a launch anniversary thing (February). Maybe all the seasonal variants get thrown together in one banner and players can summon from that. Otherwise, I don't know until it actually happens, so I'll just wait until next year. I'm hoping Bride!Cordelia and NS!Corrin will be available again, they are amazing units and I like the characters and their artwork. Still sad that I didn't get either of them...
  11. While for practical purposes I should probably go with either Ephraim, Ryoma, or Nino for my Summoner support, I'm probably going to end up going with Cherche. I haven't optimized her yet because I lack SI fodder and feathers (Brave Axe+ would be nice), but she was my "Awakening Waifu" so I shall remain loyal. Other candidates off the top of my head were F!Robin, Summer!Robin, and Fir. Now, if I ever manage to summon a Bride!Cordelia (whenever she returns), I'll heavily be tempted to swap over to her. Then down the road, there is Micaiah and Marisa and NS!Corrin... * * * * * As for Ally Supports, I haven't put much thought into it. I am torn between practicality and "supports for fun." I also haven't even touched my phone yet to check up on everything and all the potential options. Ephraim x Erika - While I could go the classic "Chrom x Ephraim" based off the voting Gauntlet, I need to represent my original "paired ending" for Sacred Stones. They are just close siblings people, nothing disgusting here! (Besides, I ship Erika x Seth anyway. Haven't thought too much about Ephraim though...) Ryoma x Nino - I tend to always field these two together, so it is more of a practical thing here. I can see Ryoma saying to Nino "Think of me as your older brother. I will cut down those who will do your harm." (Then Nino solos the map while Ryoma provides support.)
  12. Since Chrom lost to Hector (I like both so the end result did not matter), I am now fighting for Team Ike. Why Ike? Because I have him and I like Ike. Lyn and Hector would also have made good candidates, but I do not have either and I feel like Tellius could use some more representation despite my love for the GBA titles. I also just pulled a +ATK, -SPD Brave!Ike, but that was after I made my decision.
  13. Fishing 2: Sully, Odin, Oboro, Oboro, Oboro (+ATK, -RES), 4* Nowi, 4* Abel, 4* Oboro, 4* Mathlida, 4* Effie (+ATK, -HP), 4* Lukas (+DEF, -RES), 4* Reinhardt (+SPD, -DEF) Voting Gauntlet Free Units: ???, ??? (They were sent home for feathers) Choose Your Legend: Lady Lyndis Round 73 [Brave Heroes]: Oboro, Est, Gwendolyn (+DEF, -SPD), 4* Raven, 4* Henry Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * My quest for Summer!Corrin has ended in failure... Like with my quest for Bride!Cordelia, while I did not obtain that which I desired most, fate has given me other tools. I obtained an optimized Oboro (+ATK, -RES), an excellent Effie (+ATK, -HP) and Lukas (+DEF, -RES), and I finally got myself a Reinhardt (+SPD, -RES) now. Still, despite all this, if I could trade these optimized units for Summer!Corrin, I would. // In addition, I could live without the ten-thousand Oboros that apparently want my company, but I do not desire theirs. I much rather have Shanna and Odin around... As for the free unit, I chose Lady Lyndis, because I could really use a good 5* archer. Her synergy with Cavalry Buff teams is also appreciated. Lastly, I got myself a decent Gwendolyn. Thing is, while I like the VA and Gwendolyn is a solid unit, I am not a big fan of the character and artwork. In other news, I decided to work on +DEF, -HP Summer!Xander instead of keeping my +DEF, -ATK NS!Xander. As for Orbs, it is time to begin stockpiling so I can start taking proper advantage of "free summons" again so I can do full pulls with 15 orbs instead of 20. I may pull on Brave Heroes some more, but as they will become part of the main character pool, I am not too stressed about pulling one immediately. * * * * * Past Pulls
  14. With Elise's reveal, I have no doubt that Sakura will also be joining the Warriors roster. Azura is still a solid bet due to the English VA hinting at her inclusion in an interview. My updated list removes the villains from the "25 playable character roster" to make room for actual player characters. Then, for the sake of consistency, F!Robin takes up a slot as a confirmed character while Y!Tiki and M!Corrin is moved to the speculation list. Darios, a Warriors OC, is moved to speculation as he has never been properly confirmed or seen in gameplay. I have also removed the NPC category and replaced it with the Antagonist one. Detailed reasoning can be found in the spoiler after the list. In short, I believe that the "25 character theory" will apply to "hero characters" of Fire Emblem Warriors. Villains may be made available as free DLC shortly after launch. Characters outside of Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates will be made available via DLC, much like Hyrule Warriors. * * * * * Blue = Confirmed Red = Speculation [3] Warriors: Rowan, Liana, Darios[5] Archanea: Marth, Caeda, Draug, Gordin, Y!Tiki[7] Awakening: Chrom, M!Robin, F!Robin Frederick, Lissa, Lucina, Cordelia[11] Fates:== Nohr: Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise== Hoshido: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura== Revelations: F!Corrin, M!Corrin, Azura Bonus Characters: Jagen, Tharja Antagonists: Primary Antagonist, Secondary Antagonist, Gharnef, Grima Confirmed: 18 Speculation: 8 Sire's Total: 26 (24 if M!Corrin & F!Robin are not counted)
  15. Not bad for a simple browser game. It took me a moment to figure out "Grey counters Grey" for the purposes of the mini-game, but otherwise it holds up. Hard was a little simple for my tastes, but due to the limited runs I'll likely try out Lunatic whenever it resets. As for the Datamine...
  16. Looks like another seasonal banner passes where I do not obtain the character I desire the most. First, it was Bride!Cordelia, and now it is Summer!Corrin. I would have gladly traded Summer!Leo and a spare Summer!Xander for Summer!Corrin... I'll post my pulls in the Pull Topic at a later date. I'm just a bit burned out after spending at least 260 Orbs on the Nohrian Summer banner and not getting her.
  17. While I can understand why Miiverse is going away, I will miss it. I see Miiverse as a "bright and happy Nintendo place," especially with all of the amazing art that is drawn and shared on there. The art is what I will miss the most, as well as the funny little messages. (At the very least, this is my perspective from seeing the Miiverse posts show up on the Wii U "Menu Screen." I never really delved into Miiverse proper.)
  18. I'm been predicting a "~25" slot character roster for a while now, but the main thing I wonder about is if villains are counted toward the initial playable roster or not. I know Hyrule Warriors had Ganondorf as baseline, and I think Zant and Ghirahim were added last minute to the base title. Cia, Volga, and Wizzro were made playable a little later with free DLC if I remember correctly. I'm still holding onto my "final roster speculation" list below. If villians are not playable at base ("Primary & Secondary Antagonist, Gharnef, Grima") and we confirm Y!Tiki with F!Robin and M!Corrin taking up slots, then my "25" list has room for one more playable character (which will likely end up being an Archanean character). In short, I agree with Jedi's speculation. 3-4 Archanean characters (Y!Tiki is soft confirmed due to amiibo, and I believe Caeda is a solid bet), Azura & M!Corrin, and then two more characters. I just left my list below as a reference. (Edit: The two more characters may very well be Sakura and Elise to round out the Fates royals, although I have them listed as NPCs on my list) * * * * * Blue = Confirmed Red = Speculation Warriors: Shion, Lian, Darios, Primary Antagonist, Secondary AntagonistArchanea: Marth, Caeda, Draug, Gordin, Gharnef || Y!YikiAwakening: Chrom, Robin, Frederick, Lissa, Lucina, Cordelia, Kellam, Grima || F!RobinFates:== Nohr: Xander, Camilla, Leo== Hoshido: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi== Revelations: F!Corrin, Azura || M!Corrin NPC: Jagen, Cain, Abel // Emmeryn // Elise, Sakura, Anakos Confirmed: 17 (19 if counting F!Robin and Y!Tiki) Speculation: 9 (10 if counting M!Corrin) Sire's Total: 25 (28 if counting the F!Robin, M!Corrin, and Y!Tiki)
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