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Status Updates posted by Prax

  1. omg I haven't been around for a while! Sorry guys! LOL

  2. Well I'd like to think that I'm kind where it counts at least!

    I try to be a patient and understanding person who can also lay the verbal smackdown if needed.. because with great power comes with great responsibility?.. and I REALLY want to have a great power like witty intelligence and barb-tongued jerkery! lolol

  3. Thanks!

    I'll probably take a couple of requests After February. I still have FE countdown artwork to do and other requests I haven't fulfilled yet for months. <_< BUT SOON! I HOPE!

  4. Prax

    Thanks so much for the compliment! xD

    You could totally learn to draw though if you wanted to devote endless hours to it! LOL I lament how I spend all these years since childhood doodling, yet this is the extent of my skills. Maybe you'd have a much easier learning curve. ._.

  5. Thank you for the compliment! XD Glad you like~! I have o get working on the FE: Awakening countdown art now too.. ruurgrh..

  6. Hey Ana, I heard about this and thought of you since you really wanted to save up for Photoshop:

    Adobe "mistakenly" released a download and serial numbers for Photoshop CS2.

    Anyway, it's legit, and Adobe themselves have not taken it down yet, so you may be interested:


  7. Haah~~ I am glad I could provide entertainment! XD Force-encouraging people to post art to back up their ships was such a good idea. LOL

  8. Haaaa. Okay then! Will do!

    Because doing anything else would require effort. >_>

  9. LOL You will have to be more specific!

    Where am I "unintentionally trolling"? I am 300% serious with all of my claims!

  10. Prax

    Fufufufu~! I remember signing up for this forum a couple of years ago! So this is who you are! *___*

    (Bwaha, and if you can't tell, it's me, Meibatsu. I'm known everywhere as either Meibatsu or Prax. lol)

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