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Everything posted by Lightchao42

  1. The little brothers can't keep getting away with it! I've known Ino for five minutes, but if anything happened to her I would become a mod, ban everyone in this thread and then ban myself. I believe we've talked for long enough. The time has come for the Grandmasterpon's advent.
  2. It looks like Xenoblade 3's wave 2 DLC is out now! Even if I still haven't bought it yet. Finally Rixia is important, commemorating almost a year of Rixiaposting. My comments about not playing any of the games aged pretty poorly though. The number of people who respected the SSS as soon as they met is around five now. Ilya should learn the value of personal boundaries, but she gets credit for slapping mafia bosses in the face. Seeing you with an avatar that isn't an edited portrait of yourself is... disturbing. Unless rainbow Garon was your true face all along? You could do a blind Radiant Dawn run. Who is linked to who? Who knows...
  3. Xenoblade 3's second wave of DLC will release later today... or tomorrow depending on your timezone. I haven't bought it yet (I was waiting for the story expansion to be announced first), but I'm interested in seeing what they do with Ino. Good news Sooks, I'm finally on the chapter in Trails from Zero where your favorite character Rixia becomes important. She hasn't appeared outside the opening cutscene yet, granted, but I'll get there soon. Will the plot be that we have to rescue her from her kidnapper Ilya? Obviously the villain rep of Three Houses should be Gatekeeper, we all know he's the true mastermind. If he got meme'd into Three Hopes, he can be meme'd into Engage. I'm guessing none of them look like anime girls, so we're still safe from real life Iono for now. Maybe Chris Evans could be Link instead, and we can fall back on Chris Pratt for Marth.
  4. Ah yes, Spain and its... Japanese... streamers. They won't even hire British voice actors for the British characters, much less Spanish ones. No, they're saving Tom Holland for Rex. Marth will be Chris Evans if they don't want to double up on Chris Pratt.
  5. Has a username taken from a protagonist of the series of games previously known in English as Yakuza, but is now called Like a Dragon.
  6. Well the point wasn't that I thought I was of those nationalities, which is apparently the impression people got (and I don't, for the record), I just thought it was odd that I had those four ancestries in particular. Maybe we wouldn't be having this discussion if more people actually liked being American. Newspapers were certainly different back then... or maybe not, since I can imagine some newspapers having a headline like that.
  7. Trial chests in Erebonia get special privileges. I don't know what you mean, my great-great-great grandparents being from Europe means I'm practically cousins with everyone on the continent.
  8. No context Trails But what if I'm all four of those things? A few generations removed, granted, and with the percentages mixed around...
  9. Presumably the three day limit still exists, it just never goes into effect because every case is resolved in two days. I can't believe the ideal career path was right in front of me all along! I will have my students write an essay on whether or not Edelgard was right. I'm guessing you don't actually have to play any of those games for study material, SotC is the only one I think you would like (because you know, giant monsters).
  10. Hmm, this Rosenburg Studio place feels strange. Doll makers are usually pretty ominous-- Spain got a Pokémon region, only eight other places can say that. Or nine if you count Orre being inspired by Arizona. That isn't a political reason but is it really a good thing for your country to be known for political reasons? Finally, Edgeworth's one true love. Switching to two-day trials was overall a good thing, even if it didn't completely prevent some cases from being too long. My extraterritorial rights are too powerful to let this game end!
  11. Sky SC/Sky the 3rd spoilers Well it is the cause of the main conflict, whether or not it's handled well is a different topic. Edgeworth was in a generous mood after solving around ten different mysteries in the span of less than a month. You can't convince me that Takahashi had nothing to do with Trails. Why else would it have so many mechs?
  12. I already knew you considered CSI and II to be the weakest games I always thought of you as a Crossbell elitist just because you kept telling me to play it, but you have been gushing about Cold Steel III a lot so it balances out. The real problem is that you didn't put Sky 3rd in the highest tier. The central conflict of Cold Steel I was "setting up the central conflict of Cold Steel II", duh. It's the Trails formula! My writeup didn't take the two later games into account because I haven't played them yet. You're right among the nobles who actually appear, but Viscount Arseid and Baron Schwarzer are framed as the exceptions to the usual mold. The closest the game comes to showing the usual noble is Bareahard having a few noble NPCs who are generally unpleasant, like the guy who eats a rock in one sidequest. The imperial family is good too, the problem is that the emperor trusts anime Otto von Bismarck too much.
  13. I am, of course, referring to the oft-discussed Trails of Cold Steel, the favorite game of this thread (or at least of Sooks). The tension between the nobility and commoners is more or less the cause of the main conflict. A handful of the younger generation of nobles don't like how their parents are generally corrupt, but overall there is a smaller population of "good nobles" than in Fire Emblem. Three Houses is basically Trails of Cold Steel Emblem, but it places a lesser emphasis on the social issues in its setting. The previous game in the series, Trails in the Sky doesn't go into too much detail about the political system of its setting, though it is apparently a constitutional monarchy where nobles have mostly been phased out. I'm not fully sure if Crossbell is a democratic state yet... Now that I think about it, the only media I can think of that has a message about the modern political system are the Star Wars prequels. Fire Emblem just has royal main characters out of tradition, not that it has any political messages in the first place. At the very least Edgeworth gave Gumshoe a raise... once.
  14. I think that was due to the terrible production process more than anything, though at least John Leguizamo has some positive things to say about the movie nowadays. Also, I'm pretty sure Chris Pratt has been in more embarrassing movies early in his career. But if nobility bad, why cute? I might have a recommendation for a "nobility bad" game, though you might have to play five other games beforehand. I think Indy rides a horse through New York City in this one... or at least that's what I heard on the news. Unrelated, but I remember when Pac-Man was announced for Super Smash Bros. behind closed doors while his public announcement was just this: At least the actual closed doors roundtable was posted the next day. They wanted to trick people into thinking Ghostly Adventures Pac-Man was being included.
  15. A feature I appreciate in Trails from Zero is that whenever the music changes, the game displays the name of the song and where it can be found on the soundtrack. Now I wish every game would have this as an option... They knew they couldn't complete with the original Super Mario Bros., so they called this one "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" to avoid direct comparisons. Trust the fungus... Charlie Day would probably sound like Luigi regardless of what he does. Is your Yoshi making too much noise all the time? And we haven't heard him yet, but Seth Rogen will probably make a more fitting Donkey Kong than his cartoon voice. She can be your angle... or yuor devil. Happy fifteenth birth-- wait a minute, I didn't think they hired wedding caterers that young...
  16. At least they're optional in Xenoblade. After gaining three games worth of experience, Estelle and Joshua have developed enough that instead of being rescued by people cooler than them, they're the cooler people doing the rescuing. Now that's what I call progression! They got off on the right foot with the SSS, even if they are technically competitors. Their theme is even a more upbeat remix of The Whereabouts of Light, which is nice. I can't believe Falcom reused two names just so they could make this reference. Estelle forgot to mention the other Ellie though, unless missing an L makes Elie's name completely different. And don't bring up THAT Lloyd Estelle, I still have nightmares about that Sun Door... Quick, get rid of all your anime girl images... wait, how would your mom know that your account is yours? Unless Armagon is your real name, perhaps.
  17. Yes I doubt Mario and Luigi are from the "real" world since we know DK and Cranky Kong are in the movie, so Mario probably has previous history with them. They might originate from New Donk City or something to that effect.
  18. Now that the trailer is finally here: The animation looks nice and there isn't much dialogue here yet but Jack Black's Bowser sounds surprisingly good. Chris Pratt basically sounds like himself with a slight imitation of Mario's usual voice, so we'll see where that goes.
  19. It feels like just yesterday when the Mario movie cast was announced... It's odd how the first Nintendo Direct I've been able to watch live in a while is for the Mario movie, of all things. There will also be Pokémon Scarlet and Violet news tomorrow, will Chris-san be there too? Estelle and Joshua are in Crossbell now, it's been two whole games since I last saw them! Armorica Village is nice too...
  20. Happy birdday @Imperator Squilla though I feel like your username was something else yesterday! Alfred is just Dimitri with better hair. Now we just need edits of Alear reacting to different games. I remember when "in this game, Sophie feels strong emotions like anger" was newsworthy. A piece of stake? I hope you aren't having a vampire problem. There is but one recourse, you must go on a globetrotting adventure for another steak. Take a healer with you, you'll be very glad you did.
  21. Having finished Trails from Zero's prologue, I like how each member of the SSS has a unique niche within the team. Lloyd is the detective, Elie is the negotiator, Tio is analytical and tech savvy, and Randy... is Randy. The team is established pretty much immediately, so the whole prologue isn't about how they feel about their situation as with Class VII. You don't get too much detail about anyone's backstories either so I imagine they will be spread throughout the game (also like with Class VII, though some of the characters in Sky FC had to wait until SC for that). Due to the oddity of me playing out of order, many of the features I was first exposed to in Cold Steel were introduced in this game (attacking in the field, countering after dodging attacks, characters having different cooking specialties, etc.). Obviously I was going to be introduced to those features one way or another so at least I'm already familiar with them. This isn't really a spoiler but I'm familiar with dealing with clueless customers, so it's a good thing I know my shirt size is... wait, what was it again? Just kidding, of course I need to know my shirt size for when I'm looking at merchandise. There's a Godzilla trademark icon shirt that's pretty cool...
  22. I can't believe Randy got destroyed by Ae-own-lia. I just met Grace at the tavern... where Rixia also is, incidentally enough. All these obscure DP requirements remind me of the good old days of Trails in the Sky. Now I'm imagining Sara saying "What, you couldn't figure out how Crow made your 50 mira disappear? Good luck graduating with those observational skills, Rean."
  23. But I have met... er, interacted with Rixia twice already. You see her when you visit the Arc en Ciel building and afterwards at City Hall during the prologue. I got it on Switch, when I played the other games on PC I had to dedicate an hour or so each day to playing them, but now I can play whenever I want. Though I don't want to go through it too quickly since I have to wait for Trails to Azure either way.
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