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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Wow...I'm surprise no one picks Leonardo, why's that?
  2. And don't forget Jeigan often come with a result of much lower stat growth potential unlike Seth whom I should never count him as a Jeigan. The reason why Seth should not be considered a Jeigan is that he's got higher total growth rates than every other potential paladin throughout the GBA FE's series, with just 25%. He's got respectable starting stats for a level 1 Paladin. They're higher than FE7 Marcus', which was already significantly higher than most Jeigans especially FE6's Marcus and Zealot. Seth doens't often get RNG-screwed as all the other cavaliers in the FE's GBA. This is considered to be one of the most useful pre-promotes there is for experienced players such as me. He starts off with both A Sword and Lance weapon ranks. Despite the fact he starts out as a pre-promote, he saves the opportunity from you using a Knight's Crest and hundreds of exp if you use him instead of another cavalier. He is excellent support options such as Eirika, Cormag, and Natasha and any other certain characters that are able to support with him. And that his Anima affinity is acutally a good affinity better than Kyle's Ice affinity and Amelia's Thunder affinity IMHO. Also Seth's stat average total at Lv. 20/20 Paladin is actually much higher than even that of Sain from FE7 at Lv. 20/20 Paladin. Which is acutally true. It's true that most Jeigans aren't great. But Seth is just different than any Jeigan's. His level up stat growths rates are phenominal. Believe it or not, they were actually higher than every other potential paladin's. Even though Seth gets fewer levels to enjoy his better stat growths, he's also RNG-screwed proof, unlike Amelia and the other cavaliers. Thats why I don't consider Seth a Jeigan. HP |Strength|Skill |Speed|Luck |Defense|Resistance Seth: 85% 50% 45% 45% 40% 30% 25% Total: 320% Kyle: 85% 50% 40% 40% 20% 25% 20% Total: 280% Forde: 80% 40% 50% 45% 35% 20% 25% Total: 295% Franz: 80% 40% 40% 50% 40% 25% 20% Total: 295% Amelia: 70% 40% 40% 40% 50% 30% 15% Total: 285%
  3. I only asked whether if you agree with this statement if Orson is FE8's Jeigan or not. None of these are irrelevant with what you guys said.
  4. nice lol, I have a long way ahead before going to university. I'm probably gonna go to Ryerson for Child and Youth Care program.

  5. feeling really so yeah sorry for the random greetings. <_<

  6. Glendon College Campus? are you taking any humanities and social sciences programs?

  7. so do you go to York University or something?

  8. Sweet your from Toronto? XD I live down town. lol

  9. Okay would someone care to help me out here. I tried registering the new FESS forum that Hanz showed me to whom I must thank and the following message said "Because you fall under the age of 13, it is a legal requirement to obtain your parent or guardian's permission before you may begin to use your account. To arrange for account activation please print off the form below". I'm not 13, I'm 17 how am I suppose to convince the administator that?.....>_
  10. Well yeah, but the only role Orson pretty much plays in this chapter is a meatshield thats it. And don't all Jeigans are fit to be your meatshield throughout the game?
  11. I find Orson to be a proper Jeigan in this game. When you first play as he in Chpt. 5x Unbroken Heart (when you first play Ephraim) he starts of as a the only pre-promote in your team making him somewhat use for a meatshield on this chapter. And in the end, Orson turns to a enemy boss later you eventually have to be killed later in the game.(Which I'm happy since I never really liked Orson to begin with...) Also, his stat average is almost quite similar to FE7's Marcus during the Creature Campaign. Almost makes him qualify to be a Jeigan. Does any agree with this statement?
  12. I was actually refering to that one: http://tempfess.superbusnet.com/forums/ So what ever happened to the old forum anyways? Wow...only 610 members the old one have like 2,534 registered members...<_<
  13. For those of you that are members of FESS Forums what ever happen to that Forums anyways is there something wrong with that site or the this Forum is officially dead? I tried re-registaring on that forum and it says the Admin are not accepting any new members of this Forum. Whats up with that can someone care to fill me in on what happened to FESS?
  14. This forums seems so dead...no offence, just trying to bring up some spirits(if you know what I mean, lol)
  15. Happy Valentine's Day all you members of Serene Forest Forums and have a good one too!
  16. Yeah Radiant Dawn will be out in Europe on the 14 of March. Heres more: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB/news/2...o_wii_7352.html
  17. I didn't bother giving Afa's Drops to anyone on my team seeing as they don't necessarily need it. Same applies for Metis's Tome in FE8 considering almost all the characters in that game have such great stat growths for almost everyone in this game I didn't bother using the Metis's Tome either. <_
  18. Sounded more like this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=7arl-cYDRn0
  19. I don't take credit for this work. So yeah. Hope he doesn't kill me lol.
  20. He's not recruitable in the story, although you do get you play him during the Trial Maps if you beat the game 2x. If he were recuritable he would've turn out awsome in HM.
  21. For those of you guys that are Chinese, Korean, and Viet I wish you guys all a wonderful year of the Rat. And for those of you non-asians I wish you guys all a great year if you guys care. :)
  22. Let's see the worst moment that I had with the RNG was getting OHKOed + Crit by a enemy Shaman on Chapter 16x: The Port of Badon on FE7: HHM. That was like the most embarassing moment throughout my gameplay. <_< And yes laugh it out.
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