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Everything posted by JDtheBA

  1. I was thinking something completely different. One idea that's been tickling me for a while is light and dark staffs. Light staffs heal and buff,dark inflict status effects and debuff.that way sorcerers cam use staffs and be difficult from sages
  2. I am late, but I couldn't agree more. With the sales of fates, I'm really happy for the new blood getting into a successful game. It's so amazing to hear new voices that have a great amount of talent.
  3. I am a big fan of dragons,since spyro was my first game. I always love the astehtic of a man who can transfor into a dragon, but they also added in the Lance arm and jaw cannon,and that was amazing. Probably my favorite lord design for male. I wish I could use the smash design for female corrin so she doesn't go out in battle with her underwear exposed.
  4. Which units should I use to recreate Elincia's gambit? Just for fun sake
  5. I like some of the generic enemy designs. Especially the great master, dark knight, malig knight, great knight, wyervn lord and adventurer.Character designs include sumeragi, leo, oboro, laslow, beruka, corrin, midori, shiro, sigbert, perct and kana. Favorite capturable boss design is tarbal.
  6. I miss generals with bows. Like, imagine a general with point blank.
  7. Found out the problem. It was a yukimura with aptitude I had gotten from a castle battle that I never noticed. Thanks for the heads up
  8. I did both. Still nothing
  9. I ccan't connect to other castles, it keeps giving me error code 006-0502. I went to Nintendo's website, but even what they said on there didn't help. Any ideas?
  10. I'm surprised no one throught of giving garon's axe to Camilla. I think that'd be cool
  11. I actually think genealogy of the holy war fits for 2 movies because they can be expanded upon for the first gen for the first movie and second gen for the second movie.
  12. Silas and Beruka really surprised me. I quite enjoyed it.
  13. I'm surprised no one has brought up splitting the movie into parts? Oh and i hope they use the art style from the fates and awakening cutscenes
  14. JDtheBA


    One thing I would change is make a reason why the nohr children are so ignorant to Garon's evil, or make garon's reasoning for war more reasonable. Maybe iago served anankos and mind control the nohr royals. Puppet head type of government. I'd also like for all the story branches to be all together. Also, give corrin some sort of battle and political wisdom. Like he uses the hoshidan throne to unlock his history and the rainbow sage gives him wisdom. There's a lot I would change, but that's just a few.
  15. JDtheBA


    Would any body mind if IS redid this game story wise? I mean, I see the potential for a great story at least.
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