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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Mistery of the Emblem: Liberation and Advance Genealogy of the Holy War: Eldigan The Lionheart(Chapter 3), Doors of Fate(Chapter 5) and The Dragon Knights of Tharacia(CHapter 8) Thracia 776: Near of the defeat and Advance A.
  2. 4 - If I may ask, why do you think so? Because Team Plasma is probably one of my favorite evil team in the series 5 - Yeah, this isn't really unpopular considering that It's the most loved game in the franchise, along with FFVII.
  3. Will know that there are few people who actually say FFVX instead of FFXV. Like, they don't even do it on purpose for fun, they seriously call it in that way.
  4. Sign is also Levant's avi The problem is that I don't even know when exactly I'll have the money to buy. Hell, I may not be able to buy it at all.
  5. Knows that the release of FFXV is near It's so painful to be hyped for a game that I've been waiting for so long, but can't buy when It releases
  6. I didn't know where to post this thread, but since the collection we are talking about is related to the first FE and his remake, I tought that this section would be fitting for it. However, if I did post in the wrong section, then feel free to move it to another section. Anyway, to those who do not know about what Collection I'm talking about, The Fire Emblem Character Theme Collection is a collection that contains some remix of the Ost of the very first Fire Emblem. The names of the various remixes are taken from some of the characters from FE1. Said characters are: Marth, Abel, Minerva, hardin, Jagen, Caeda, Medeus and Camus. They can be found on Youtube and the music section of Serenes Forest. So, as you can see from the title, my question is: Which is your favorite? And, if I may, I'd like to ask which is your least favorite. My favorite has to be the Hardin theme: the songs that were choosen were remixed perfectly and truly fits Hardin's character in FE1/SD(even tough there isn't much about him in said games) My least favorite, instead, is the Medeus theme: I know, It's supposed to be a remix of Medeus battle theme, but I can't really hear the Medeus battle theme in the remix, aside from few parts. I dunno, perhaps It's just a problem of mine.
  7. Ephraim: the exclusives maps are generally more fun to me, with Father and Son being one of my favorite maps in the series. Plus, we get to know why Graze invaded and what exactly happened to Lyon, not to mention that the confrontations between Lyon and Ephraim after chapter 15 are more interesting than the confrontations between Erika and "Lyon". I still take Eirika's route sometimes tough.
  8. Knows that only VI days remains between us and FFXV
  9. Didn't just beat the greatest sword fighter of all time whose name is Gilgamesh in FFXII
  10. But (I do not suggest to open it unless you have followed the datamine leaks thread and/or you haven't finished the game)
  11. Knows that Thundaja exists only in the FF series.
  12. Probably knows about the design of Emperor in Opening CGI of FF2 that was present in the PSX and PSP versions, which is very different from his normal design.
  13. Makes me question why he is playing the PSX version when the PSP version is the best one
  14. Knows that Yellow and Lance both uses a special power in the Yellow Saga To be fair
  15. I never understood why IS felt the need to do such a thing: It doesn't bring much to Eyvel's character and the story as a Whole, not to mention that, as It has been already said, It cheapens the Battle of Belhalla/Barhara.
  16. might know how much It "hurts" to have a terrible internet connection
  17. Knows that the characters in Pokémon Special/Adventures becomes older as the series continues
  18. There is also the last cutscene of the game with Ike and Elincia in the Royal Palace, with Ike trying to convince Elincia that she will be a good queen.
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