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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Knows that considering FF7 "overrated" has become popular as praising it
  2. Worst villain you've ever seen in a videogame? I like it. So much that i would live on it
  3. UN is also used as a name for one of the character from Fates
  4. But they still remembered to give the Forseti minor holy blood to a random boss mage knight Anyway, I doubt it because the game never states that Cyas may have inherited the Loptyr minor holy blood. Also, even if he did inherit it, what use would he have in Manfroy's plans? Alone, Cyas would have been useless because, in order to have one born with the loptyr major holy blood, he should be "paired" with another woman that possess the Loptyr minor holy blood, who does not exist as Deirdre was the last woman that had such a thing. There is also the fact that, like Arvis, Cyas would never agree to help manfroy to rebuild the Lopt Empire. I see, but, in this case, wouldn't be better to have her replace the random Bishop guy that protects Castle Miletos when Julius and Ishtar are doing that game where the first who kills a member of your army wins? I mean, Arvis is in that castle before going to Chalphy so he could be able to call her and order her to protect Castle Miletos., not to mention that said part is just right before the part with Arvis and Palmark with some children running from some dark mages. It's just a tought of mine tough.
  5. - However, It is also true that we do not know if Cyas indeed inherited the Lopt minor holy blood from Arvis, so, for what we know, he may have got only the Fala major holy blood. - Ishar was under Julius's protection, so trying to harm her, would mean to go agsinst Julius for Manfroy. And regarding Julia, is obvious they did that just to let the player have an easy way to defeat an otherwise very difficult final boss. I don't know what to say about the others tough - If I may ask, why do you think that Aida would have been a better boss than Hilda in chapter 10? I mean, Hilda had control over Miletos, so It would make sense for her to be in chapter 10, while Aida...doesn't.
  6. The current-style. Sure, It would be nice to see the fanservice toned down a bit, but I still like as It is now. I also really like the NDS style: It got the perfect mix between realism and "anime" for me.
  7. Is breathing oxygen Regarding Noctis, they said that they will consider to add him only after the release of FFXV Also why they would want to add Minwu of all the people
  8. Will know that I actually played the original Dissidia and Duodecim I'm watching Zidane now mainly because I'm curious to see how they changed him, but I admit that I too am interested in Ramza as well, along with that poor guy called Vaan. Also, I agree, the game definitely needs more villains.
  9. Creates badges Zidane Tribal I must say, the game looks more fun than I tought and I'm beginning to have a certain hype for it.
  10. Isn't watching some gameplay of Dissidia Arcade
  11. What do you think of the Void? Not really, which just shows how ignorant I am about politics
  12. Is in the Moon World fighting a certain boss from FFIV
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