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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Favorite thing about your least favorite game? 1)Ramza Beoulve/Vaan/Zidane2)Vayne Solidor 3)Vivi 4)Kuja 5)Edgar(FFVI)
  2. Favorite FF main villain? As much as i don't like to admit it, I'm very ignorant about politics, so I can't say much about him. I like his smile tough
  3. This is the only true answer. But anyway, the only thing i would like them to do in a remake is to speed-up the game and re-add the battle frontier from platinum.
  4. What anome are you watching in these days? Between the ones I've played, I would probably say FFXIII, tough I still enjoy it nonetheless(really, I would say that there isn't a FF I dislike) You are forgetting FFTactics, which uses it quite well, tough I cannot say if It's at the same level of FFV's job system since iI've yet to play FFV. There is also FFXII:ZJS, tough...It has a very simple job system(a character has the job you choose for him for the entire game and cannot be changed)
  5. Between the 4 MC of FFXV, which one is givng you the best impression? GBa version for having the Italian language
  6. Mario - Waluigi TLOZ - Vaati 3rd party - Ramza Beolve Pokemon: Serperior FE: Lyon Retro Nintendo: Mike from Star Tropics
  7. Likes the game that introduced the concept of "dismounting" to the series and later got a remake
  8. Made me notice the "mistake" I did on my previous post
  9. Is a Legend I like it a lot thanks to Its interesting (and fun) level-up system, The Emperor being an actually good villain(tough It is more because of what he does in the game if anything else) and the music. I'm not really a fan of the story tough.
  10. I...admit that I kinda forgot about Conquest and for SSB I must say I didn't take it in consideration, mainly because I always forgot that It is first and foremost a cross-over ahahah
  11. Knows that the hand of man, which deals in false justice and forsaken love, can never hope to defeat the lord master of hell
  12. Why is this song making me cry? Interesting, perhaps Nintendo and Pokemon Company are beginning to show some interest in cross-overing Pokemon with other franchises?
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