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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Kaze and Saizo, tough Kieran and oscar are right behind them
  2. What is an element you would like to change about your favorite game? Well, I...ehm...uh...honestly, I don't know what to say
  3. Knows many people are excited for the Nintendo Switch
  4. May I ask you the source of this news? I must say, I'm quite excited for it, tough I do fear that it may become a possible flop like WiiU.
  5. It isn't, actually. There are a lot of people who seem to prefer KH1 to KH2, mainly because they prefer the more simple gameplay and the story being a sort of fairy tail. Mighty as well post an unpopular opinion: I like FF2's level up system. I mean, I'm aware of Its problems, but I admit that I enjoy it far more than the traditional one.
  6. Least favorite game? I still am hyped for it and I actually enjoyed the demo, but I admit I'm kind of disapppinted to know that
  7. I honestly hoped they would give Ludicolo an Alola form. Really, he was the first candidate that came up in my mind, along with the impossible wish for an Alola form for Flygon.
  8. And to think I was one of the first to say that Pokémons from others generations will surely have an Alola form. Sigh. I still like them tough. And the fact that Hms area thing of the past convinced me to buy Pokemon S&M regardless of what they will announce anyway
  9. If I stopped playing a game that I've played for quite some time, I would feel..."empty" inside, so yeah, I would still try to finish it.
  10. So Litten will truly become Tiger Mask? I'm so happy right now. Oh, and Alola Golem's beard looks amazing Also, is it weird if I say that I like the Ultrabeasts design more than the Pokemon ones, including most of those from the past generations? Same tbh, or else they would lose most of the charm they had initially.
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