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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. In the Italian, Silvally's ability is called "Sistema Primevo"(Primeval System) Arceus is considered to be the "Pokemon Primevo"(Primeval Pokemon) Another proof that Silvally and Arceus are strongly connected, I guess. Also, about Silvally: I like his design a lot but, at the same time, i can't help but feel that his head feels...weird with that body. Like, the body seems to be designed first with the masked head before and then with the "actual head". But I know that this feeling will pass quickly.
  2. Knows that Skyward Sword is a game that is generally hated or loved. Is fast
  3. "It is my charge. It is my hope. Sir Orson...Prepare yourself." - Seth when fighting Orson in FE8.
  4. Bolded part: honestly, I'm not sure if we can call this "unpopular", since FFX is highly regarded as one of the best by most of the fanbase. And I agree on FFXIII: It really isn't a bad game, even tough there was no need for it to have two sequels
  5. Why do you like Squall Leonhart so much? Eh, I don't have one, since I always read autoconclusive books as I can buy one only few times in a year.
  6. I guess you must like Mew and Mewtwo then, considering that the second was created in order to give life to a pokémon that could surpass the first one, which is the same concept that Type Null seems to be based off. Anyway, I really like Type Null's evolution and Jangmo's evolutions seems really cool.
  7. Eh, the only unpopular opinions I have are: - Vaan is a fantastic character and FFXII is probably one of the best titles in the series. Also, Vayne is a very underrated villain and should get more credit. - The ending of the original FFXIV is probably the best in the series, surpassing even FFIX and FFX's endings. - Kingdom Hearts: Re: Coded is the best "spin-off" of the KH series It's true, Tidus's attitude isn't exactly one of the best, starting as an arrogant superstar, but, as the game progress, he does mature, to the point that, if It's necessary, he would even sacrifice himself About Vayne, he wanted to "bring back history into the hands of man" and he actually succed in doing such a thing at the end of the game. Also, Vayne knows who Basch and Ashe are, since he was the one that
  8. Wow, all the "take me with you and you'll be very glad you did" variations totally surprised. I like to make him a Levin Swordmaster on Normal, but, on Hard and superior difficults, I use him just for the first two chapters and bench him when lena comes, since she is better than him
  9. The three badges in signature have only girls
  10. A game that you like but many people hates? Can't think of one unfortunately.
  11. A game you liked more than you would have expected to? The release of Pokémon Sun and Moon since I have to sacrifice Megamix for it Fate of the Unknown isn't exactly part of the BBS soundtrack, as It sounds during the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts 2
  12. Avi has blonde hair Yes, I'm aware of that. I just forgot to mention it.
  13. Isn't wondering why people wants the feature that allowed the Pokémons to follow you similarly to Pikachu in Pokémon Yellow, instead of asking GF to bring back the Pokéathlon or the Pokéstar studios.
  14. ↓this question to you https://youtu.be/4RXcOT69pvE Then again, aside from few excepitions, I'm not really a fan of BBS soundtrack, along with the Re:Coded soundtrack
  15. Man, people really trigger me when they say "I'm the only one". Even tough I say it as well, so I'm an hypocriteAnyway, I like it a lot, to be honest. Mainly because It reminds of Tiger Mask.
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