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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Isn't a nohrian pawn that would care for a little lesson in hoshidan combat.
  2. Favorite character from Fates? Pokémon Sapphire: It was given to me by my brother and I instantly fell in love with it, considering It was also my first videogame ever
  3. Knows that today a certain FF should hve been released, but was later delayed. Tbh, I've always seen Basch as the real Main Character. Especially if we think that he was the one that had more personal reasons to defeat the empire than the other characters in the game.
  4. Probably knows that FF2 doesn't have the same level-up system of the others FF. Is a fast eevee
  5. Knows that the ATB system is actually good and that Glac has simply terrible tastes
  6. But which FF? I mean, she worked in FFXIII, FFXIII-3 and is in the about to be released World of Final Fantasy. I'm just curious.
  7. What was your first Pokémon Game? I'm watching Madoka Magica
  8. Thinks that Midorimage's signature is too great for words
  9. What anime are you watching in these days? simple and clean - Ray of Hope
  10. Eeveevolutions are all in his signature except one
  11. I agree, Platinum really solved many of the flaws of D/P and added many awesone things as well, with the Battle frontied being the best one(I mean, it's not really new, but it was still a fantastic addition nonetheless) Hey, I too feel old knowing that these games are 10 years old, especially considering that I was just 6 years old when I bought them.
  12. So, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl happens to be 10 years old today. I'm feeling a bit old, even tough I shouldn't Anyway, these games were the first of the 4th generation, which is probably one of the longest in the series, considering that It lasted from 2006 until 2010, when Black and White were released in Japan and, in 2011, in Europe. And I'll use this opportunity to ask a question to all of you who played these games: What do you think of them? Do you like them or not?
  13. Looks intersting, but I don't think I'll try it, mainly because I'm not very skilled at FFT I still need to play WOTL and many other games. But I'll make sure to remember to give this a try, one day.
  14. Is probably doing that Rip I feel bad for having changed my avatar now
  15. This sums up my toughts pretty well. FE never truly changed and has remained the same during all the eras and none of Its are genuinely bad just like there isn't an actual best FE, which is something defined by ours own tastes.
  16. To be honest, I'm pretty neutral towarda them: I like Mega Houndoom, Mega Salamnce, Mega Sceptile and Mega Charizard Y, but the rest don't tell me anything. But I'll always remember the angry reaction of the angry genwunners when the mega evolution was announced. The salt present in that period was infinite.
  17. Likes the woman that fought in the Hundred Years War
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