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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Do you prefer Yuri Lowell or Flynn Scifo? Well...err...uhm...okay, I don't know what to say.
  2. What do you think of lyon from Sacred Stones? https://youtu.be/cfYXxqvd-Mg If I may, there isn't much you have to keep in mind, since the game isn't really hard and It's pretty staightforward story-wise. I mean, I was able to complete it blindly.The only thing that you should be aware of is that, against the final boss, all you need to do is to heal yourself; really, It's the only thing worth mentioning
  3. Forseti: Ced, Arthur and Corpul Valkyria staff: Corpul and Ced
  4. Is there a game that you initially liked, but later ended up disliking? I like it, but I prefer having everything together.
  5. Least favorite thing about FE3? Hoping that I don't misunderstood the meaning of Pet peeve, I'll say when people in the web chats, instead of expressing their argument in one long message, they do short post for it, which makes me unable to follow the discussion properly.
  6. After this trailer, I can definitively say that my choice will be Pokémon Moon, probably because Oranguru and Midnight Lyconroc just looks like to be more...memorable, for some reason. The customization seems to be improved and I just hope that they'll give to the male more option. Because, seriously, the options for the male in X and Y in this regard weren't something I would call fantastic.
  7. Will Know that Nosferatu is called Rezire in the japanese FEs
  8. Considers Lucina the best FE13 girl when that title goes to Noire
  9. Favorite boss battle in a videogame? Nope, not even once
  10. How did you find out about this forum? Its worldbuilding.
  11. Gender is undisclosed, making me question if I should use "he" or "she" whenever I post a comment. Is fast
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