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  1. Hull Castle Garden It was a bright day in Wyke, the weather of the unspecified season surprisingly pleasant for the time of year... probably. Owen had gathered all his allies in the castle garden, deciding that a casual gathering would be just what they needed to get to know each other. A light buffet, a string quartet in the background, it had been a frivolous waste of his country's funding - but it was preferable to letting Serge hire more faceless mercenaries. He wasn't entirely sure how some of his mortal enemies were present along with his friends... and Esclabor, but it was further proof that he was popular - and totally the main character. If I can gather everyone, I can try to find out who's after my glorious legwear... There are so many undesirable characters, none of them shall reveal the contents of my trousers... the secrets and responsibilities inside are my own to bear alone. Stepping onto a podium and giving a nod to Angus, Owen waited for his advisor to attract the crowd for him - doing actual work was for poor people. Angus clapped his hands together, silencing everyone with the sound and his underarm odour. "Y'all all stop with the chinwagging and hollerin'. The governor, the head honcho and mighty fine Prince Owen is going to have a declaration, so be lending your ears for some mighty fine words." he called out. "Fellow Wykians, revered guests, valued allies... and Esclabor." Owen announced, making sure a certain man knew his place. "Welcome to my garden gathering, I hope that everyone has found the venue to be suitable... because I'll be hard pressed to believe any of you could do any better. Relax, converse and enjoy. If there is anything you feel that you require, feel free to ask Angus for it. Go forth and mingle everyone. Now, I believe I have a conversation to have with a certain tree." Freya was stood at the back of the ground, blending into the hedge with all the foliage strapped to her armour. She'd contemplated the intricacies of the unusual gathering and how it would fit in with the established chronology - the Christmas party included. However, instead of vocalising her hypotheticals and observations, she simply did what she did best. Standing in the background. Everyone is free to post! Remember, you aren't your own characters for this!
  2. It had taken Tarquin a while to register it, but Makoto had been in the medbay for quite some time - with the sudden announcement and the state of Nikolai's face he'd completely ignored him. "Makoto?" Tarquin replied, quickly realising that the boy hadn't been present for the meeting at all. Megumi brushed over the explanation quickly, but Tarquin had a feeling that it would only create further questions, and he was correct. "There was a disagreement in one of the meetings. Some members of the crew aren't well versed with civil conversation." he added, deciding not to name drop Elaine at the current moment. It felt a little silly, but he didn't want to spoil his admiration for the crew. "But... thanks, I hope the mission goes well too."
  3. Diabolical Following "Yeah, he ain't been himself since that wedding. Don't blame him to be honest, but if I see him, I'll let him know he can speak to yer." Lars replied, the mages all taking interest in Alain's statement of Emily's identity. There were a few mutters between the group, Jannes having to hush them once more. "Quite right, Morganna has spoken at great length about what she had observed, as well as his appearance." Jannes replied, nodding his head. There were some fearful looks coming from his followers, but the lead tutor didn't seem too troubled by Alain's reply. "Her Majesty is right to have faith in the college, we have an entire division dedicated to researching him and his magic. I would love to divulge details, but we have a little something to keep him in check. Now, it would be wonderful if we could see Lady Edion, we've all been rather eager to meet her." Oatrageous Morta took her spoon, putting it into her own mouth almost defiantly. "I never said I wasn't going to eat it." she replied, fuming as she began tackling her breakfast. She looked over at Claire, looking at the nervous greeting with her usual foul mood. "Baron Nelon and I have been training together, he still has to take it easy. Malaphar nearly killed him, hopefully his back will recover soon. Stupid wizard thinks he can go around with his magic..." Nelon looked at Cass cautiously, his brow furrowed in focus for a few brief moments. However, he soon returned to the conversation, as if it prevent Morta from going too far with her complaints. "Good morning, Claire, I hope you have been keeping well, and the same for you, Princess. Thank you for your concern, Prince Owen, good day to you. Morta and I have been performing drills. It's much better, it often doesn't even cause me pain." he replied, laughing nervously as he began to process the number of women around him. Morta still had her eyes on Claire, saying nothing as she continued eating. "Gertrude, a bowl of oatmeal for the strong girl over here! And three helpings of pancakes! We've got a lovely little group here today! I hope you don't get too tired cooking!" Mr Copperbottom called out, rather chuffed with the number of customers. There was another groan from the kitchen, echoing from inside. "I hope they're not from Myrcia, those people always leave the plates dirty... it's my job to cook, not to clean up after those animals. That man from 800 was the worst." Mr Copperbottom chuckled, amused by his wife's antics. "Oh, Gertrude. One person makes a bit of a mess and she hasn't stopped complaining since. I don't have the heart to tell her that they were from Wyke... and a woman." he mused, gesturing towards the tables. "Make yourselves comfortable, the food might cost money but comfort is free in here." Nelon's eyes set on Cass' sword, moving his gaze away from it as the talk of Dettard began. Morta didn't reply to Freya, only giving a similar glare that she'd given Claire. "Oh? Miss Freya? It would be wonderful for someone else to try this cottage's oatmeal, I beleive you will thoroughly enjoy it." Nelon asked, Claire soon catching his attention. "I cannot say that I am particularly fond of pancakes, I've always found that oatmeal makes a suitable breakfast... I've always tried to share it whenever possible." Unkind Kindness "Looks like we're on the same page then, makes me feel less inclined to kick you in the face." Esclabor replied, continuing towards the gate. Shaggy followed obediently, almost like a dog. Before he got too far, Esclabor looked back at Eric, his grin having faded. "Tell me, what did they do? It must have been bad for you to do a runner, you don't look that morally upstanding. Get moving, if your friend bleeds out before you get back, you'll only have yourself to blame. I've got some medicine, and worst comes to worst I can send Shagsworth over here to go grab one of my healing allies." Dinner Time Unil approached Serge, sniffing the air in front of him. The wyvern towered over him, its reptilian features even more unnerving up close. "I think he's definitely hungry, his owner probably didn't feed him recently." Nona pondered, stepping to Serge's side and towards it. "I remember Lady Enidraine saying that wyverns would relax if you stroke them on the snout... or maybe that made them angry, it's hard to remember so long ago... especially after we had so many drinks."
  4. 8/10, a decent enough opening and song for a great series, but I have a soft spot for the ones from the original. Enjoy.
  5. Whilst it was reassuring that Nikolai had vowed to keep his distance from Elaine, his comment about her untimely demise in an inferno was somewhat unsettling. Perhaps it was a joke Tarquin couldn't quite understand, much like most of the jokes he'd ever heard. Tarquin had never said anything to get a rise out of anyone, he merely wanted to communicate his thoughts - complimentary or critical. The medical duo had dealt with Nikolai's nose, making him appear slightly less brutalised than he had been only a few moments prior, but Tarquin was still uncertain how to continue the conversation. As much as he disliked Elaine, her death wasn't quite on his agenda at the current time. Thankfully, Dwight's announcement was the interruption he needed. Their mission had come perhaps a little sooner than he'd expected, but from the nature of the message most people probably hadn't expected it either. "I think we need to get going, Nikolai." Tarquin replied, hoping that piloting didn't count as strenous activity in the world of nose injuries. He'd have to thank the medical staff properly at a later date, an awkward smile was the best he could muster. "Thanks for helping Nikolai." he uttered, readying himself to head out. - Bill's Mayflower was coming to completion, the main mast had been erected and stood proudly in the centre of his ship. On the Heion Riese, he was but the chief custodian, but for his Mayflower, he was both the chief engineer and the captain. He'd have preferred to be with the rest of his team scouring the ship for grime, but he appreciated the pursuit of his other interests. Design and building had always interested Bill, but the maths needed for it was slightly beyond his brain. It didn't bother him too much, without people like him, the clever folk wouldn't have anything to do! Stretching his arms, Bill sat back in chair, casually listening to the announcement. He hadn't been present for the briefing, he was as much involved in combat as a chicken was in deciding which sandwich it ended up in - he was just along for the ride! The world's politics were incredibly complex, although that was due to the nature of the scale of it all. With so many peoples' differening opinions, it was inevitable that there would be some disagreement. He'd always been happy to go with what he was told, but there were some groups that took matters into their own hands using less than pleasant methods. Even on the ship, he could tell that certain folks didn't quite get along, hopefully they could put aside their differences to keep everyone safe.
  6. Royal Rescue Queen meets Devil Lars and the Belial Buddies Surrounded by so many spellcasters left Lars a little out of place. He was more reassured of Alain than he was Constance, his posture relaxed as the diplomat made his case. "Well, if yer say they're a decent bunch... we'll have to run it by the boss. He ain't been himself the last few days, not sure if he's on board with all this." Lars replied, Jannes eager to gain his approval. "Quite right, Sir Duhamel. I can give my solemn word as the lead tutor of the Tytila branch that she will be treated with the utmost care." Jannes assured, eying the door subtly. The others were remaining silent, looking at Alain as if he were the one to make any decisions. "Morganna has stopped by recently, she's been very helpful in relaying information that was obtained during your group's journey." Bowled Over Morta looked up, giving Sidney a rather sour look. "Of course I've seen it before, Unc-... Baron Nelon eats it all the time. Even if you do something with it, it's still the same stuff at the heart of it." she complained, letting her spoon sink into the bowl. "When we get back home, I'm getting some proper breakfast." The little old man at the counter looked up at Sidney, and glanced over as Owen followed. Adjusting his glasses, he gave Sidney a friendly grin. "Something sweet you say? I think we've got something that might tickle your fancy. Pancakes have become rather popular in the last few months, perhaps you've want to give ours a try?" he suggested, rather modest in suggestion. He leaned back, calling to the door behind him. "Gertrude? Do you have any pancakes ready? I think our guests might like some." There was a loud grumble from the backroom. "What? I didn't put any snakes in the kitchen." a deep woman's voice bellowed, the floorboards shaking beneath them. "Maybe it was one of the guests, I bet they did that, young people are always putting snakes in the kitchen." Angel from the Sky Accolon's eyes opened slowly, their expression bewildered and tired. "My wounds... the pain has lessened, the blades that carve and the rays that burn..." they winced, struggling to raise their head from the ground. Their limbs carefully curled upwards, lacking the strength to make any meaningful movements. "My debt is one that must be repaid... the chains that link my brothers, honour binds us as..." Nona watched curiously, perhaps choosing to ignore Serge's response to her. Accolon soon fell out of consciousness, only managing a short stare at Serge. Their face was peaceful, Nona's healing had been at least somewhat effective, there weren't any signs of blood on the ground beneath Accolon. The rider's wyvern hissed at Serge, approaching it fallen master protectively. "You have to be careful feeding wyverns." Nona commented, looking at the beast. "I've heard stories where they get a taste for human flesh, they can get really hungry." Unlikely Saviour Esclabor grinned, waiting for the man's response. "Maybe I do, it really depends who's asking. I've got supplies, I've got allies... it depends what you have, and what you're going to do afterwards." he replied, beckoning for his servant to come forwards. He seemed to take some pleasure in questioning Eric, looking at him as if he were some lost animal. "You wouldn't be in an enemy country begging for help unless you were truly desperate. Tell me, what are you and your friend doing so far from home?" Shaggy shuffled forwards, about to open his mouth, but his master stepped in front of him. "Baron Thomas Esclabor of Wyke. I feel like you deserve a good punch in the face for what your country's been up to." he added, walking past Eric and towards the main gates. Members of the public subtly kept their eyes on Eric, turning away quickly if he dared look at them. "You came from outside the gates, is that where you've dumped your friend? I'm sure the guards will take care of him if you're too slow."
  7. Because my roleclaim was so perfect that it couldn't be doubted. My only regret was being part of a 5 man scumteam. Mafia sucks.
  8. I haven't touched them since before the millennium. Cards cost way too much nowadays, I prefer to spend money on things I'll actually use!
  9. The worst part is that the Wifi reception is terrible.
  10. Oatful Outing Sidney's choice to avoid the Golden Experience had resulted in an alternative location for breakfast. Whilst there were several venues that offered food, one in particular seemed to specialise in breakfast. It also stood out among the buildings, looking more like a quaint cottage rather than a business establishment, with its charming thatched roof and timber walls. The interior was filled with several small round tables, and a counter right next to a fireplace. There weren't a huge number of guests, but Nelon and Morta were sat in one of the corners, the young rider disgruntled as she allowed oatmeal to drip from her spoon into her bowl. "Uncle Ceirch, you eat this every day? It looks like something a horse would eat... or maybe Angus." Morta asked, hesitant to tackle the bowl in front of her. "I know you want to get back on your feet but is this going to help?" A little old man, a head shorter than Owen manned the counter, wearing a pair of tiny spectacles and a cloth apron. "Welcome to Copperbottom's Cottage." he greeted as his guests entered. "We've got breakfast for princes and paupers, nobody goes hungry with my wife's cooking!" Sucking Eggs Jannes had his mages looked between each other, the ramblings of the old woman in front of them becoming more relevant. One of his colleagues was ready to dismiss Constance as insane, but Jannes raised his hand, signalling for silence from his companions. "I feel that this woman is somewhat familiar... are you not the old crone who tends to the insane?" Jannes asked, stroking his beard curiously. Stepping forward, he looked up and down, taking in Constance's attire. "I'm fairly certain that you're the one. You know Ezekiel, don't you? If you are indeed involved, I can reassure you, we shall ensure that this girl doesn't end in with him... it was unfortunate his behaviour caused him to be deemed as a public menace." Lars too had recognised Constance, he'd definitely caught a glimpse of her during the wedding. Pushing his way past the mages, he joined Constance and Jannes. "Finally, someone who isn't some random egghead. You been visiting Emily too?" he asked, visibly relieved to see someone backing her corner. "I know there was that Sir Alain guy coming to her too, you seen him about?" Alain's timing was wonderful, it was almost as Belial had timed his entry for him. Healing Touch "You always meet with such strange people, Serge. No wonder you were such good friends with Angus." Nona mused, brushing her hair from in front of her eyes. "Let me lend you a hand, I'm rather swift with removing armour... it's a helpful talent to have when the need arises." She gave a playful smile, helping Serge unbuckle the rider's helmet. Brilliant white hair blossomed from the helmet as Serge took it off, the perfect locks falling gently to the rider's shoulders. Their face was pale, their lips a ruby red, there was a serene and peaceful beauty to it all. "The midnight... sea..." Accolon groaned, their voice far less impossing and masculine than with the helmet on. Nona smiled, looking at Serge as she raised her staff to start her work. "Maybe you should add this one to your entourage? You seem to have a liking for the pretty ones." she teased, the gentle glow of her staff bathing Accolon in light. Crying to for help... and Esclabor Eric was met with strange glances as he wandered the street, many of the mutterings about another guest for the asylum. The guards were very much alert, keeping an eye on him as he continued on. He hadn't been deemed a threat for the moment, but nobody was leaping at the opportunity to aid him. Mothers ushered their children away, the elderly turned their backs to Eric's cries. However, there appeared to be one man who at least decided to respond. He was a rather svelte man, with long green hair and a bandage around his head. Finely dressed, the chances were that he was somewhat wealthy. Along with him was what could only be referred to as a badger of a man in a suit - a gormless bearded man who contrasted the other. "Shagsworth, we're stopping for a moment." Esclabor commanded, Shaggy pausing immediately. He approached Eric, looking at his coat with contempt. "Deira... either you're little lost or you really in trouble. Stop shouting like a lunatic and speak, you fool. I've dealt with enough nut-jobs this week, I don't have the patience for another."
  11. There are several problems with the design of the RP, some of which you might have missed whilst putting stuff together. I've made a handy list for you just in case! 1. Most people have probably never heard of that card game - You're pandering to a niche market anyway with a "card game RP", and you're narrowing it down even further by picking something so obscure. If this were a card game dedicated site, you might have had a better shot, but you might be one of like three (give or take a couple) people who actually play it here. 2. Card games don't translate well into RP - Playing card games is tedious enough, having to pretend to be someone playing a card game doesn't exactly strike me as something that people would jump at. Unless you're looking for people to have fun commentating card games, the concept doesn't really hold. 3. The plot's pretty poor - Yu-gi-oh wasn't exactly known for its stellar plot, and you've kinda just straight lifted it out for the RP. 4 You're not known for being a great host - None of your RP's have really got off the ground and they all scream "I got into this thing, I want to RP this thing", your kung-fu and MMO RP's come to mind. You're going to be hard pressed to convince people that it won't be a flop with your track record. It's not impossible, but you'd have to put a lot of work into a thread. This one feels like you put it together in about half an hour tops.
  12. ##Unvote ##Vote: Faerie Knight We have three hours left, most EAGLEFOLK are going to be not very awake by phase end and I don't want to leave today without a lynch. I'm pretty content with a FK lynch and hopefully some FUNKY FRESH FLIPS will help shed some light. I have a feeling this is a game where my reads are totally bogus.
  13. #Show Prims the amazing power of the Spirit Ball! ... turns out it sucks, but rage, thanks for the post jerk. I'd disagree that Prims is being too forceful, his points about FK and the numbers kerfuffle made sense and I think it's more "Prims tries to get his scumreads lynched" rather than "Prims is trying to lynch this guy so he's got a scumread". I'm going to bed soon, but looking back, I took issue with Paper's passive D1 and almost avoidance of the Gaius lynch entirely. I'd be content with a FK lynch tbh, and totally not mostly because it's not me!
  14. All of you are jerks, stop POSTING so I can keep up! Through my brilliant MIND, I've been confused. Could someone explain what happened with Junko's role? Did he end up blocking Boron or am I getting mixed up? I've already said what I think about Refa, but I'm agreeing with the general vibe. I really don't get Faerie's townread on me, it seems almost forced? It's kinda vague with me being pure (which I totally am, kids) and it's kinda been established than my HANDSOME demeanour isn't really telling of alignment. I'm all for not lynching myself, but I really don't like how they're defending my content with such broad terms. My Cam case was kinda BAD in places, but there isn't any real acknowledgement of that ala Boron. I'm gonna post this so I'm not playing CATCH UP.
  15. A high gut read is probably the oesophagus! I actually think Eli's currently posting as he reads, I'd want to see what he has to say on the pages he hasn't covered before forming a more solid opinion on him. It's fair enough that it's weird to suspect it at D2, but I'd feel worse if he'd gotten through D2's content and was still scumreading me for that.
  16. Actually scratch that question, I just remembered your D1 case on him, I blame 5 hours of driving... with MY MOM.
  17. Seems legit, but what puts him on a different level to other people kinda keeping to themselves such as Izhuark?
  18. Cam dropped after a reread, also by association with Izhuark. The reason you're so high is the reluctance around me, the single greater than symbols aren't a huge gap, but I can kinda see where you're coming from.
  19. I can kinda get the case on Paper's old slot, but could you run by me the Prims case? I've kinda lumped him in with the inactives, and I feel like he was at least somewhat involved during D1.
  20. Izhuark was on par with Cam, and I kinda had FUNNEL TUNNEL VISION for much of the day, so I kinda ignored him. EiMM is a really LAME excuse and if you've stopped by to share that with us, you could have at least said something related to what was happening. Especially after the "effort post" early in the phase, it feels a lot like scum coasting whilst somebody else gets roasted alive. Despite having a massive case on Cam yesterday, he's ignored tonnes of content from his only read. This sounds kinda cray, but Scum!Izhuark abandoning a Cam read because he doesn't feel it's pushable is kinda BAD. Unfortunately, this is highly suggestive that Cam is town, or this is some weird bussing scheme which is so unlikely that I've only mentioned it simply for how unlikely it is, which means I've FUDGED UP. ##Unvote ##Vote: Izhuark Looking back at Cam, I'm going to have to admit that I did indeed IGNORE a lot of his responses, which in retrospect paint him in a better light and make me look like SATAN. I'm still holding on to the Izhuark tunnel and wet fart on Boron as scummy points, but I'm gonna have to kinda back off on Cam because 1. His points, in retrospect make SENSE, 2. Izhuark/Cam don't make sense at all together 3. There's no chance that Cam will get lynched and with my doubts I'm starting to get cold feet. SB's case rests a lot on my conviction that Cam was scum, which I totally get. I'm not going to go down the "why would town!Shin let himself get dug into a hole like that", because that's totally the logic that I got called out on. However, I'm not really buying the "Shin isn't even mad, it's all staged", because as I've said before, I don't get mad at mafia, it gets mad at me! I was holding a fairly minor scumread on SB before, which is probably still kinda the case, but I don't think it's enough for me to even want to consolidate on him, if the case were to occur. Eli's actually delivering with his current content, and it'd be SWAGTASTIC to see what the rest of his analysis is. However, I want to know why you think the numbers thing was a scumtell, especially after I admitted the thing was part of a "Refa is slot 6, 666 is satan so he's 1/3rd of evil, therefore scum" jokepost. I'm also not sure I quite agree with the speculation that BBM was killed because of his read on Prims, I'd be more pressed to think it were just him looking town in general. I want to see the rest of his opinions on what's happened so far, but he's giving decent enough content - especially since my issues with him revolved around inactivity and dropping a random vote! Prims and Paper have both been pretty absent, although I had a better feel of Prims during day 1 than I did Paper. I get that Paper is having external problems, but he's giving the same lurky vibes that Izhuark's giving me! He kinda commented on stuff in D1 but I didn't feel like he was really contributing to the game. He also kinda let the Gaius Wagon happen without paying any real attention to it too, his day Boron's defense on me is TOUCHING, and I can kinda see where the "Shin dun goofed, scum would be stupid to do that" logic is coming from. I struggle reading Boron (although reading awful fanfiction with her is easy), but she's fairly neutral right now. I'm not sure what the comment about the SB-Refa interactions mean. If anything the Cam/Refa dynamic seems odd, with Refa so reluctant to vote for me and then dropping it after one clear up. It kinda feels like he was testing the waters a little but then changed his mind. Junko, whilst my role sucks, it'd honesty be pretty easy for scum to bullshit something that's functionally vanilla without being able to prove it. I appreciate the sentiment though! I still feel pretty good about Junko compared to Zeonth, so the weird "Shin has to be town!" comment doesn't really affect things in the scheme of things. On a finishing note, I'm very aware that I'm CENTRE STAGE and it's a little concerning! We've got another day but I'd really appreciate discussion rather than people settling on me! I'd be down if everyone were unified in their hatred of me, inactivity makes me SAD. Marth (thanks for the lame role, fool) >>>> Izhuark >> Refa > Cam > SB > Paper = Other losers > Junko > The SHIN (pls thanks)
  21. No, I'm serious, that was a legit role claim. I was confused when Gaius flipped because the game didn't seem to have any cohesive flavour in terms of characters but I didn't want to reveal how LAME I was at the time.
  22. You know it bro, I just hope there isn't a Saibaman in the game... or a Tien, a Jackie Chun... an old man android... and life in general? Post still coming, joke was totally worth it.
  23. SF still remembers that post that I didn't want, neat. I just got back from my graduaSHIN. It kinda looks like I'm slighty SCREWED. I'm going to continue with my promise of giving a bunch of reads and then I'll let you FOOLS decide my fate. I'd kinda like to avoid being lynched, but even if it happens, at least I feel like I've contributed to the game. Big post will follow for real, but I'm claiming Yamcha, the Butt of All Jokes. I'm essentially vanilla except I know who kills me when I'm successfully killed during the night... because apparently I know when someone owns me but can do nothing about it. Nice role, Marth!
  24. Thanks SF, I really wanted a post from several hours ago instead of the post I'd written instead. I'm busy tomorrow but I'll do my best to deal with the ANGRY MOB lead by CAM tomorrow. Have fun, CHUMPS.
  25. It might be because I legitimately have no investment in this game other than having a good time, getting angry is for things that matter! On a personal level, if I get lynched it's a result of my play within a single game. "Town Cam should prove himself" should be read more as "If Cam presents cases and posts in a way that suggest he's town, then I'd be more likely to read him as town". Cam's quote wall is really ugly to look at, especially with the PLEASANTRIES. Whilst I'd love to award him a PhD for the research he's done on my posting history in this game, I'm going to have to dock him points for manners! If there's issues that you think I haven't addressed, please put them into one post and I'll deal with them, your thesis is a little too unwieldy for me. You're too hung up on semantics, if Paper was a case you were going to make, why didn't you go for it instead of the wet fart that was Boron? That was only the basis of my suspicion, but the hostile response and the need to pick up on every linguistic nuance over substance is what's continued my read. Not-Cam content will follow shortly, I need a break and I'd love to see a capital letter or two.
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