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About BMWisBMW

  • Birthday 09/17/1998

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Video Games, Card Games, Board Games, you name it.
    I enjoy writing without restriction
    I also enjoy singing, even if I'm not the best
    Uhh, talking to people... kinda?
  • Location

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Fates: Conquest

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  • I fight for...

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks man, though I more or less based it off the opposite of what I feel a fighter does, besides the protecting part (at least in your army). In the past, knights wielded lances for whatever weird reason, so, joining the army, he/she learned the ways of the sword as a cavalier. When his/her horse died due to an illness, he/she learned how to wield the sword off of the horse, getting a lot of criticism in the process. Now, this knight uses lance-reavers and pisses those who wield them off. Char desc: A man with a huge dedication for the ways of a sword. Tends to be reckless. Name: Eh, you got me HP: Base 21, growth 65% Str: Base 5, growth 40% Skl: Base 4, growth 50% Spd: Base 3, growth 35% Def: Base 8, growth 50% Res: Base 1, growth 25% Luck: Base 4, growth 50% Con: 13 Weapon Rank: C Inventory: Lancereaver Steel Sword Elixir Death Quote: I'll not lay down my sword even... in... Growth Things Good: So shall my radiant blade slice all opposition. Average: I expected better, but this'll do. Bad: Blast, my blade mustn't go down like this. Worst: Where is he when you need him.. Recruited as an enemy (Talk with someone else who wields only a sword): Knight: Hey! A fellow sword wielder! Hello! Other unit: (Just make this part up for each unit or w/e.) Knight: Well, since we're on opposite sides, let's duke it out, may the best man win. This triggers a fight scene, and stats normally apply. Also, if you turn the knights hp down to zero, he/she is still recruited, so use an armorslayer maybe. If you deal more damage to the knight he/she joins you fully healed, and gives your unit a vulnerary or elixir, based on chapter
  2. If you need a fighter, I could make one up, but you'd need to make the portrait. Or I could give characteristics A cowardly man joined an army to protect the ones who couldn't protect themselves. He tends to want to take back-lines so he wouldn't have to fight anyone, though he knows one day he'll have to. Name: Rodney Class: Fighter Stats: (Just do average leveling for when you were going to add him, round as necessary) HP: 23 base, 85% growth Str: 7 base, 35% growth Skl: 5 base, 55% growth Spd: 3 base, 50% growth Def: 4 base, 35% growth Res: 3 base, 30% growth Luck: 1 base, 25% growth Con: 11 or 12, depending on preference Weapon Rank: D Inventory: Hammer Ranged Axe depending on time of joining Vulnerary, elixer if after chapter 16 If joins later than chapter 12, add a Dragonshield Skill: Retribution If an ally dies, +5 strength until end of chapter If attacked as an enemy: Rodney: I'd rather not fight, but if I need to... If recruited: Hero: Hey! you there! Rodney: Oh no! I'm done for! Hero: Wait.. Why are you cowering? Rodney: Sorry, I'm not entirely used to fighting yet Hero: Well, why don't you retreat? You don't seem to want to. Rodney: Well, I'd prefer to remain in one piece. Hero: In that case, why don't you join us? You'd have better chances of surviving that way anyways. Rodney: I-I'm not sure I should join you, maybe I will just retreat... Rodney then retreats, then joins next chapter after deployment. Rodney: I gave it some thought, and, well, joining a corrupt army like that took its toll on me. My axe is ready to keep my home safe. Death Quote: I'd prefer not to hurt anything... anyways... Character Description: A man fixing his low self-esteem. A protective introvert. Level Up Quotes Good: I mean, everyone has their moments, haha. Average: I need to keep up. Never going to keep myself down Bad: So close, but I can't always be afraid Worst: Maybe I shouldn't have joined and went home... Uhhh, I don't know if i forgot anything, so let me know if I did, otherwise go nuts Something else that may/may not help. Editing major ideas/what you need into your first post helps us decide what we can help you with
  3. Woah, a wild logo appeared (though it would probably be better with some violet instead of yellow in it.) mostly just want to say great job on the hack so far. It's coming out beautifully. If you want any sort of feedback on units, I believe I have used them all to some degree, although I think you're getting pretty close to finishing it.
  4. I beat normal mode and felt as though I may share some things about my personal experiences with units Overall, you did pretty well and I'm looking forward to the next updates
  5. Well, more or less I started up a new Serenes Forest account mostly due to the fact I am on it quite often, so why not? In terms of things to know about me (if you are even interested): I enjoy Fire Emblem... Given that I'm signed up on a forum based around it.. maybe great? Eh, more or less just ask, or snoop around on my page. I think I updated it to a degree of usefulness. First FE experience: Well, the very first Fire Emblem game is the best DS one released in America, which is the only one, but that's just nit picky. I was not sure what I was doing at all, broke that beautiful Wing Spear by chapter 3, and didn't realize armories and trading was a thing until the preparations screen...(I still only used iron unless provided with better). That was fun.. Yeah. Jeigan died around chapter 10.. I was sad. Bothered by the fact knights did not use swords in Fire Emblem when I started.. anyone else? Favorite Classes: In terms of classes, my favorite is probably the almighty Warrior Class, followed by the Hero Class, followed by Wyverns. Of course, Fighters have to be bad so that is kind of upsetting, what with their usually slow being. My least favorite have to be knights, most likely, with their low movement and them always seeming to lag in levels compared to my aggressive playing style. Following that would be archers. Also, I'm pretty hyped about all these fan projects appearing. Keep it up!
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