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Posts posted by binkers87

  1. I fixed it. I overwrote something. I was able to fix a few glitches in Shayas patch where if you hover over a character the game freezes. Sorry I haven't had much time lately to work on it. Hopefully in next couple weeks. I will need some beta testers shortly. I probably will only send you an actual cartridge instead of the rom for now so someone doesn't start making repros of a game that's not finished

  2. Hello all,

    Alpha Testers join https://discord.gg/KEjUHyJ (Download discord if you don't have it)

    I took it upon myself to finish this game since I couldn't even play through it without the game freezing or getting ticked off by the menus. I have completed all of the menu translations and fixed the garbled text that appears in Shayas patch. Here is what is done and what I plan on accomplishing.


    Unit menu text

    Config menu text

    Cursor Tiles (plains, Sea, Etc.)

    New Menu fonts

    Data Menu (including goals)

    Attack bar (crit ,attack, evade)

    Unit selection menus

    In Progress

    Fixing Shayas script ( need pointer info starting at chapter 20)

    Sound room

    Item and weapon descriptions (about 70% complete)

    New title screen ( I have it designed just need someone to insert it)

    Not Doing


    Character names

    Full class names

    I am working with limited space so I won't be changing any class or character names....

    Here is how you can help!!

    I need your saved game files. Currently I have Chapters 1, 17, 22, and Final. I need to test each chapter with a real save file (.srm) because I want to see if the game breaks or not. Any help would be appreciated.

    I also need someone to help me insert the new title screen as I don't have experience with compression.

    Here are some screenshots below

  3. hanhnn here is some more detail.

    So if you start Chapter 20 Child of Light the intro text reads this image below which is an overlap from the previous Chapter last line of text. Obviously this is the wrong text that should be displayed.


    This text you see is at offset 0x15754

    That is why the game dialogue breaks at that point (at least in each chapter intro going forward). But normally I would have to just change a pointer and then all would be fixed except I can't find the pointer. 0x15754 in snes language 82:D754. I reverse the bits and searched for 54D7 and found no pointer tables.

    Now what I mean by control codes is what tells the text to move to the next line. I tried replacing the text in the next chapter and didnt have enough room and it started overlapping each other in the game. It appears 4F is a space.

    I "think" 0805 means end of text for that chapter. 0804 I believe clears whats on the screen and moves to the next block of text. (There is an 05 after this command and not sure what it means) 02 in hex moves to the 2nd line.

    Am I missing something here? because I keep getting text to overlap and partial words sometimes

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