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Everything posted by AlexArtsHere

  1. Can we have Cervantes? Please? What I wouldn't give to see those beautiful whiskers wreck all manner of havoc.
  2. Yes, I know KT makes the games, but they're outsourced by Nintendo to do so (i.e., it's Nintendo's money and resources going into this). If Nintendo doesn't want to happen (which is what I'm saying here since it isn't in their best interests when trying to promote a new system), then it won't happen.
  3. I would love to see Geneology and Thracia get released outside Japan. Throw in an avatar who isn't praised like the messiah and I'll be even happier.
  4. Except those games were made for DS in the first place using an engine which was also made for DS back before the 3DS released. What you're suggesting is Nintendo releasing a game on 3DS which is being made for Switch using an engine being made for Switch. Nintendo did not release a single first party game on both the DS and 3DS. That's the parallel.
  5. Alright, but think of it like this. Nintendo's bringing out a new system which, after the commercial failure of the Wii U, needs to shift all the units it can. With this in mind, why would Nintendo put time, money and resources into making a downgrade for what could be a very successful game just to support the install base of an older system, giving them a reason not to invest in the Switch? From a business standpoint it doesn't make any sense. The reason it happened with the Wii U (and also Super Mario Maker and Yoshi's Woolly World) is because Nintendo knew that putting them on 3DS would have jack squat effect on Wii U sales; That console had more or less shifted all the units it would and Nintendo wanted to use the 3DS install base to make up for the numbers the Wii U just wasn't producing. The Switch, on the other hand, is a new, not even launched console which Nintendo obviously has a lot of faith in. They'll want to be persuading 3DS owners to upgrade to Switch. The last thing they want to do is cannibalise the Switch.
  6. Is no one going to bring up Fire Emblem Art Academy, the only crossover we'll ever need? No? Oh, OK then.
  7. I guess we won't know until we see it. Personally I think the time is right for FE15 though. Awakening released in Japan in April 2012 and Fates was announced January 2015. I don't think we'll see gameplay, but a teaser is definitely possible.
  8. Or it could be they barely showed us anything because they wanted to do the direct for it? Who knows?
  9. It's hard to say; For me personally, the combination of the avatar and the marriage mechanic was a big source of enjoyment (the former more than the latter) and was definitely a factor in getting me into the series. Fire Emblem Awakening is the first game I've ever played, apart from Dragon Quest IX, which made me feel like I was actually, y'know, role playing. I've never taken it to an extreme mindset where I literally want to marry a fictional construct, but I find it to be a very endearing feature. I also feel that the option of homosexual marriage introduced in Fates was a very smart move, without going too much into politics. That said, Fire Emblem's current gameplay is more than good enough that I would still play it if the waifu aspect was removed. I'm not sure I'd have as much fun if it was, but if the gameplay wasn't good enough to stand without this aspect, I would have never picked up Fates. I think what I'm trying to say is; Yes, I think the marriage feature is great, but it's not why I play Fire Emblem. Children on the other hand...ech. I really liked them in Awakening. They were tied to the plot and, for the most part, none of them annoyed me. With Fates, I didn't bother with children because they've no reason to exist and I just don't care about them (with the exception of Velouria, whose design I quite like). Awakening did it well, but it's become old fast and I think IS should drop it for a while. tl,dr; Keep the marriage mechanic and romantic supports (though scale it back a bit maybe, not every male/female support needs an S rank to cap it off; I think Xander-Sakura's platonic supports are great in Fates), but I wouldn't miss the children if they were gone.
  10. Hm, seems right up my alley! Hopefully I can get something done in the next 20 days.
  11. Ledge mechanics? Are we talking about Smash or Fire Emblem? FE 15 trailer would be great. It's about the right time for it, and I don't think the bulk of the usual FE dev team will have been working on anything else since FE Mobile and Warriors are both outsourced. And for the love of God, don't make Anna DLC this time. Hell, don't make anyone DLC. The return of Fates' amiibo support is more than welcome though; I'm only missing Lucina, Roy and Corrin from my collection. Actually, one more wish; If we're getting another avatar character, can they please use the female version for promotional materials this time? Nothing motivating it, I just want a change of pace.
  12. Well, I can't find a solid quote, but it was shortly after the initial reveal. Besides, just look at the thing; it ain't playing a 3DS game, no way, no how.
  13. The Vita has sold about five million units in its lifetime in Japan. The 3DS has sold over three times that amount. I really wouldn't say there's competition here. While you make a fair point on size, that's very subjective. For example, you'd probably see many college students carrying a Switch around since they're already using a rucksack or satchel anyway. Thing is, if you're out and about but aren't taking a bag with, you probably won't be out very long, or going anywhere you'd use a 3DS/Switch in the first place (ASDA, for example). Nope, it's been confirmed that neither Wii U nor 3DS physical media will be supported on the Switch. Digital rerelease is a possibility, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it.
  14. The 3DS is almost 6 years old now. In terms of console life cycles, that's pretty old. I'm really not sure how much more the capabilities can be pushed. In regards to Hyrule Warriors Legends, that game was neutered considerably and wasn't even playable in 3D on the 3DS (New 3DS may be different, idk) and, correct me if I'm wrong, it ran at 30fps. Additionally, let's take a look at other Wii U games making their way to the 3DS right now; Super Mario Maker, Yoshi's Woolly World and...OK, so that may be it, but still: These games are being ported over because the Wii U has been a commercial failure and is unable to give these games the audiences they deserve. On the other hand, Nintendo expects the Switch to make major bank (something I think it's very capable of due to its local multiplayer and handheld functionality). Fire Emblem Warriors is going to be a game release very early into the Switch's life, so it's very unlikely Nintendo will bother taking the time to downgrade for an audience that will likely migrate to the Switch once it comes out. Hell, for Fire Emblem fans, this is a REASON to pick up the Switch.
  15. Except Nintendo has merged their console and handheld dev divisions, so they're obviously committed to pushing the Switch once the 3DS' last few first party titles come out. I don't think they'd co-develop for both consoles either. Unlike Breath of the Wild, where the two platforms are comparable in power, the 3DS and Switch are very different in both power and architecture. Part of the reason why the 3DS is so massive in Japan in particular is that it has no competition. Sure, smartphones are a thing, but they couldn't come close to running a 3DS sized game. Once the Switch drops, I predict that a lot of current 3DS players in Japan will flock to that because, excepting battery life and the lack of 3D StreetPass (the latter of which I will sorely miss), the Switch is leaps and bounds ahead of the 3DS.
  16. If child units don't come back, that'd give the writers time to, y'know, write better supports because, let's be honest, they're not add as many extra characters as there would have been child units. Despite all the criticism they receive, the supports in Awakening and Fates did have some genuine diamonds in the rough which offered deep and introspective moments for what was otherwise a group very archetypal characters. Also, most of Fates' child units kind of sucked; Their lack of relevance to the story only served to increase the disconnect and, compared to Awakening, where the children had at least known their parents for some amount of time, all of Fates' children are very stock, spouting off the same lines about not knowing mummy and daddy (when they're not referring to their informed personality traits, that is).
  17. While the mobility may be a gimmick, it still catches the handheld audience, which is massive in Japan. A Fire Emblem Switch would basically be a 3DS Fire Emblem but prettier and without dual screen functionality, which isn't too much of a problem. In terms of the performance of the Tellius games, the GameCube was an undersold console to begin with and I feel like Radiance just didn't receive enough attention in terms of advertising, especially since everyone was going crazy about the motion controls of the Wii back then. While I can't imagine myself playing Fire Emblem on a TV, that doesn't mean I don't think it can succeed on Switch, especially given its portability.
  18. Yeah, meant to specify that I was collecting the two rosters together. Surprised you didn't mention Tharja though, since she is one of the more popular Awakening characters. EDIT: Something else to consider is that it is very, very unlikely this will get a 3DS port, so if DLC happens, we could get more than there was in Hyrule Warriors since there wouldn't be development on two disparate systems.
  19. To be honest, I never liked Sacred Stones all that much, but I gather it's one of the more revered games, so I'd be very happy for its fans were it to be remade, and I'd be happy to give it a second chance if it gets streamlined with all of Fates' quality of life stuff, and I think the new attack flow option is a given.
  20. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but Hyrule Warriors started out with around 13 PCs and ended up having about 25, right? With Chrom, Xander, Ryoma, Corrin and Marth all being confirmed more or less, that leaves us with 8 for the base game and 20 after DLC, the former of which is pitiful to be honest. So here's my predictions, assuming those are the numbers we will be getting: Base game: Anna, Azura, Lucina, Takumi, Camilla, Robin, Ike and Roy DLC: Lyn, Hector, Cordelia, Tharja, Gangrel, Walhart, Garon, Mikoto, Kaze, Jakob, Caeda and Tiki (I'd expect it to be adult Tiki, but it could go either way, really) Now obviously this is pure speculation and I may or may not have a bias towards Anna (though I do believe her status as de facto series mascot gives her a good shot at making the roster), as well this only focusing on Shadow Dragon, Blazing Sword/Binding Blade, Awakening and Fates with Ike thrown in. Honestly, I think there are too many plot important characters to start out with just 13, and we've no idea how long this game's had in development so far (3 years at most, probably), so the devs could be pulling at all the stops here. Still, even a roster of 20 characters would seem pretty limited even just looking at Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates, since you can really only fit in Lords and Avatars, with a little wiggle room for a few plot important characters besides Anna. You know, now we've begun to really dig into this, I'm kind of worried we'll be getting a limited roster.
  21. You know, now you bring that up, I feel like it's kind of a missed opportunity. Sure, it's pretty cool having the Yato be the Fire Emblem for this world and makes sense in the context of the story, with it being a sword destined to be wielded by the one destined to bring the world to peace, but Azura's necklace would've been cool too and is equally logical due to its effects when combined with Azura's Song.
  22. Doing some research, I've just noticed that the Seal we see in the trailer matches neither the one from Marth or Chrom's eras, so it may be a version exclusive to the game, especially considering the design of the shield. In terms of lords, I'm pretty optimistic. Awakening's Einherjar and the amount of continuity fanservice in Hyrule Warriors sets a pretty good precedent here. While I doubt they'll put characters like Seliph in, I can definitely see Sigurd and Alm happening.
  23. I think it makes more sense to have a Garon who is generally in his normal form, may transform appendages for some attacks (รก la Corrin in Smash) and fully transforms for specials. I know we had multiple Links in Hyrule Warriors, but it obviously goes without saying that those are their own distinct entities, tied together as incarnations of the spirit of the Hero. Garon, on the other hand, is one man who happens to have different states. Oh, yeah, I think the lack of character creation is more likely to happen, but I remember it being a lot of fun in Dynasty Warriors IV, especially all the weapon options and just how deep it was. I think it'd be a good way to represent weapon classes which may not make it in by letter CaC's use them (such as Shurikens, if none of the ninjas get in, a possibility if the devs draw from all over the franchise).
  24. As soon as I saw those streaks of coloured light at the very beginning, I knew exactly what was happening. I've played Dynasty Warriors and the Hyrule Warriors Legends demo and I must saying I'm very hyped for this. If these guys really want to make me happy, they can do some major fanservice and give us Anna as a character with a special move involving all the other Annas. Also, a character creator would be great. I completely understand why there wasn't one in Hyrule Warriors, but Fire Emblem has kind of become known for it lately and it was a feature in at least one of the Dynasty Warriors games (IV, if I recall correctly). Also, Linde, Sirirus, Hector, Jakob and Shura for playable characters or bust.
  25. What I want: FE Warriors gameplay, FE 15 announcement (even if juts a tease). What I expect: FE Warriors gameplay, FE Mobile announcement. Pipe dream: Anna amiibo for FE Warriors Honestly, I'll be happy with anything shown here. More Fire Emblem is never bad news to me, and I'm glad it's already geared up for the Switch.
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