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Vampire Elf

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Posts posted by Vampire Elf

  1. She has like NO back to her head(near side behind where her ear is)

    Could you clarify that? I don't quite understand. I think you're saying that the back of her head it too small, but Iunno.

    Yes, make the back section of her head bigger by poofing out the hair.

    this colour scheme isn't quite at fe8 standards yet and is more between the fe6/7 colours and the fe8 ones, which seems more error than stylistic choice in this as your colours are often extremely bright.

    Other than the hair, it's FE8 colors, but, I do agree that they don't work very well. I'm not too sure on how to get a pink that bright to match FE8 colors, as the only FE8 pink I could use for reference would be Marisa's, and hers is rather dark. Any suggestions there?

    Maybe try a hue change on Amelia's colour, she has light hair by fe8 standards and only uses 3 tones.

  2. She has like NO back top her head(near side behind where her ear is), there should be a lot more bulk there, the shading under the jaw is pillowed, and the asymmetrical clothing design really doesn't work well, topped off by extremely noticeable splice parts makes this work quite mediocre, I think she looks very very rushed, this colour scheme isn't quite at fe8 standards yet and is more between the fe6/7 colours and the fe8 ones, which seems more error than stylistic choice in this as your colours are often extremely bright. Also when you re-coloured Eleanora's dress to a lighter shade, you didn't fix up the anti aliasing of the trim, her head would be better sitting further to our left as well with at least 2 more pixels of hangover of the jaw. the circlet is very lumpy and the eyebrow looks jittery and dithered.

  3. That's a guy :| and Arshtalia's a girl :| TRAPS!

    But seriously, Arsh's skin tone is fe6/7 while she has an fe8 outline and colours, her body isn't very readable and looks like a purple and brown sack. You probably overused the outline colour inside the bow too.

    Shading issues on the far side of Arsh's hair, where the hair meets the forehead, the neck, the bow and the rest of the clothes, the clothing has no depth or light source.

    The ear is also positioned way too low.

    Regarding Ryan, other than the fact that HE looks like a SHE, the hair shading is messy and only made worse by the colour choices for it, the blue collar under the clothing makes no sense and looks really rough, the ponytail tandomely cuts into the cloak and his neck is WAY too thin and his chin isn't possitioned correctly on the neck.

  4. 33b09cc8608ccd7056594efe10458c07.png

    A bit of a rough request, I'm sure it has alot of issues, The 2nd from the left(blonde, fe6/7) Is pretty much the only colour scheme that works well out of them so cnc'ing that one would be best thx.

  5. Toni update(FE7X, therefore taller than regular portraits)


    Merc had a hand in poofing up the hair above the headband, I gave it more volume in the back, changed her near strap slightly so it doesnt look so much like the line of her shoulder and sorted out her chest size somewhat.

    Also, sneak peak of a WIP


  6. Hair isn't noodles of plasticine :| which is what Lynch's does, and Yu-ki's is just awkward in general. A good example would be to compare the re-done hair for that character you had, while the spikes I did werent exactly the same, you could acheive thicker spikes and still make it look good, NR from fend did it when he was messing around once iirc, on the same mug I edited, there's gotta be good sprite work to balance the odd hair styles or it all falls apart.

  7. I really don't se the resemblance to the ruffian :|, anyway, his head seems quite squished and his armbands are poorly shaded and, why are his legs pink? :| his shorts line is still there and it looks like he has pink tights on under them now :|


  8. You really need a staff on a diagonal, that looks plain awkward and weird :| I'd suggest getting the bishop staff and using the one from when it's raised over their head and just swapping it with how the lance normally sits.

  9. :|

    In the first part of the animation where she lifts her NEAR knee and stomps, the final frame where she has both feet on the ground again looks like the near leg is bent at the knee and it's the far leg stomped back, i believe this is mainly how you have the skirt in those frames that's doing this.

    Her lift off for lack of a better word, doesn't look like a jump, the one arm up is very superman, and although i'm sure it won't look as stark when animated, it will most likely still look ridiculous.

    The battle sprite also seems awfully chunky for such a diminutive mug.

  10. Making it face the other way isn't an issue, but I hate framing :S I don't even like making talk/blink frames for my portraits and that's only minimal haha, if someone else wants to they're welcome to.

  11. i was refering to nickt talking about himself as a girl :|

    "It's cause I'm an over-emotional douche bag who is mentally unstable, currently really needs to have sex, get stress off her shoulders, needs to get a life and get over shit."

  12. Ty, I still want to tweak the helmet and I'm sure I will, i just wanted it in b4 the deadline and I'm about to go out for a bit.

    Yeah, most of the stuff I do is full custom, and when I do splice I either end up customing over it anyway or it's tidy bits and pieces.

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