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Replica Model

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Posts posted by Replica Model

  1. Happy 26th B-Day Fire Emblem! You have suffered the hardships of life as the series was slowly dwindling away but from out of nowhere, Anna the RNG Goddess blessed you and had an Awakening thus saving you from the clutches of permadeath. It is your fate to continue to bring us some FE goodnesss and you will have my ongoing support for any future installment and spinoff.

    I still remember when I first got introduced into Fire Emblem back in 2009: my dad knew I was OBSESSED with Advanced Wars so he shown me Shadow Dragon in the Nintendo Power magazine and he said he would get it for my birthday in the coming months because of my obsession with RPGs and because Marth was on it, I wanted to know what he was about. So I had to wait for three months until I could play it, but one day when Hollywood Video was around and did video game rentals, I noticed FE Radiant Dawn on the shelf and saw Ike. I was like, "Oh, yeah. Ike is an FE character too. I want to play an FE game before I get Shadow Dragon!" And so I grabbed it, rented it and played the heck out of it! I returned it every week but the next day I would pick it back up again. And once I got Shadow Dragon for my birthday I loved it to death. Those two are my most nostalgic FE games although my personal favorites are the GBA games because that's the system I grow up with. All in all, I don't regret picking up Radiant Dawn even knowing that Path of Radiance was supposed to come first( and they had it at the store as well) it made into the FE fan I am today and it is my favorite video game franchise of all time.

    Now, I am going to celebrate by picking up my New 3DS at Walmart and putting on the Fates faceplates and by playing Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light physically on my Retron 5!

  2. Well, if you S-Rank either of them, you will be missing out on your seemingly preferred pairings so it seems like it's a matter of choice for you.

    I suggest skipping both and picking someone else, just picking which you like more, or picking one randomly.

    Of the two, I personally prefer Corrin x Oboro.

    I've decided I'm doing Keaton x Azura, but it all boils down to how Kiragi turns out with or without Oboro. Oh yeah, I got that inheritance planner somewhere in my favorites, lets put that to use...

    Kana turns out pretty solid, and I can mold her the way I want her to be, while Takumi with Oboro seems to have some growths for Kiragi I'm not particularly fond of... Hmm, my path is clear! I am going to marry Oboro. Takumi's destined partner will have to wait until fate decides to show him his one and only true love. Thanks for the help!

  3. So I'm thinking about doing Corrin x Azura or Corrin x Oboro, but I'm having a tough time deciding between them. In terms of classes and stats I think Oboro would be a better pairing for Kana (I could make her a Spear Master) but I feel like I would be missing out on Takumi x Oboro. But if I go with Corrin x Azura I can't do Keaton x Azura. I'm not very good at parings but how would I go about doing this?

    Btw, I'm on Ch.11 playing Lunatic Revelation, no pairings are done, I like to do some planning ahead of time.

  4. I don't get it. I tried as much as you and it says, "Could not find the data." I've even visited another member's my castle through the iCaslte Code and it works.There's just something wrong...

    I'm sure you've done this but have you updated your data? My friends had this problem too, you got to update it.

  5. I've tried using the the castle code but it's not working. I've tried and double checked the code multiple times too. You might have the wrong code up there.

    And yes, you are free to change your skills to whatever you want. Your skills for your streetpass team and you castle defenses are changed when you choose to update your data. It will will never change unless you do so.

  6. I doubt it. It's already discounted on there anyways. I guess you could try your luck with seeing if it drops in price after release but if the first print of Awakening is anything to go by, it'll reach a ridiculously high price. Or if you're really lucky they'll do a second, cheaper printing like Awakening in a few years but it won't have all the special bonuses.

    Didn't know it was already discounted. Well, seeing as FE stuff go up in price regardless after release I'll pre-order it if I can find the money. I'm not one to buy soundtracks but this is definitely enticing.

  7. As for the Japanese only releases I can play FE4, 6, and 12 without a hitch. FE4 took some practice memorizing the icons for inside the castle, weapon icons, etc., and what the skills can do but I eventually got it. As for FE6 and 12, I've got the cartridges for these games(FE4 as well) and only had the option of playing them in Japanese which wasn't hard if you're familiar with the GBA series and Shadow Dragon.

  8. What happened with Awakening?

    Maybe I could get the game tomorrow with a friend who has a videogames store

    From what I remember, a lot of EB Game stores in Canada broke the street date a whole week early and Americans had shipment errors at every Gamestop nationwide and had to wait two days after the release date to get our copies... Pre-orders included! It was hell I tell you....

  9. In terms of rally bots this is what I did: I recruited a random female avatar from the world map and taught her rally spectrum and rally heart from the Bride class (so that's plus 6 to all stats and 1 movement), plus speed, defense and resistance rally skills. When I brought her to Apotheosis I made her a War Cleric so she could heal/use rally (they got better defense than a Sage if you're worried about keeping her safe from battles). I also brought my brother's avatar along with me and made him a rally bot/healer plus a third one just in case. For me personally, I never used rescue myself as I kept my characters as a group for most of the battle so it wasn't needed for me. But that's just me, we all have our styles.

  10. My entry was The Dragon's Gate Beckons and that was set up to be a support conversation between Erk and Serra but instead of them just bonding like a normal support conversation I had them go through the Dragon's Gate on an adventure. Then they found themselves through that eye-ball portal thinga-ma-jig from chapter 2 in Awakening and just sort of went from there. The two of them did bond a little but it was probably too subtle to see or just nonexistent. It seems you huys enjoyed it for what it is but the "support" concept probably threw you guys off so I'll have to fix that for next time.

    I never done anything like this so I wasn't expecting to win, as I'm also not a writer, so it just tells me what I need to improve on for next year's competition. I should probably ditch support conversations and write it in an actual story format so it's not confusing next time. I've got a year before the next one, so we'll see how much I can improve until then! I'm happy with that single vote I got, honestly, it makes me feel like did something right. And regardless, I entered into this contest and that within itself is something to be proud of!

  11. Well, it was a good run and I'm proud of myself for entering even though I'm no writer, I still had fun. Congrats to those who made it to the Finals! We got a lot of talent here and it sad that some of the ones I voted for didn't make it.

    So, I'm going to vote for who I believe are the top 10 and I'll even pick 5 "honorable mentions". Basically I'm voting for fifteen to keep things a little simpler for me.

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