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Everything posted by Heruseus

  1. Lon'qu would lose a very important part of his character (his fear of women) and lose his charm. He'd be boring as hell. What if Sacred Stones was actually set in Elibe, but many centuries in the future?
  2. Right sorry. I just felt bad I still think Sumia would marry Chrom and Chrom would still try to marry Robin. What if there was a Fairy Tail x Fire Emblem crossover game?
  3. I just wanted to mention, I did not want my post about Anthony to seem passive agressive. You're not the only one I've seen who likes Anthony and I just literally cannot figure out why the hell people like him so much. So I was not shit talking you or your well beloved character, I just wanted to figure out why people like him.
  4. He would be boy Mozu What if Fates was called Fire Emblem: Friends?
  5. Technically Robin is some kid they found in a field depending on what body type you choose. What if Female Corrin called Xander "Daddy"?
  6. Then Anthony would still be an asshole. What if Anothy wasn't a popular character for no fucking reason?
  7. I would find Henry even more interesting and slightly more attractive. What if Tharja and Lissa switched classes and roles in the story?
  8. Then Robin's character would feel less forced than hey can be. what if Emmeryn actually died?
  9. Chrom retainers would be Fredrick and The Avatar. Lissa's would be Stahl and Sully. Lucina's would be Kjelle and Morgan. What if there was a Fire Emblem game that took place in space?
  10. Awakening is my favorite game. I hate Tharja I hated Conquest and all of Nohr in general(except for one unit). Soliel is my favorite character other than Etzel or Lukas or Cordelia. Cordelia is best waifu
  11. That would make her character a lot more interesting. What if there was an FE game with 12 playable armies?
  12. So unless I'm blind or stupid, I didn't see Mjolnir, my favorite, but I chose Mysletainn because it looks fucking dope.
  13. They might have a fun hate-love relationship. It'd be cute. What if enemies couldn't see Kellam on the battlefield?
  14. Welcome to our Forest. Enjoy your stay
  15. Awesome. I subbed and commented earlier. Can't wait! Xv
  16. Welcome! Glad to welcome you! I'm shy and awkward, but yeah, have fun here, and get ready to be told to play the GBA games. A lot.
  17. She'd still be covered in fanservice. And she'd look like Zeref
  18. Is anyone here going to the SSB4 tournament, ARMS Saga on July 8th? I'm going and am going to play Cloud, Corrin and Robin. See you there if you go, I'll be registered as Heruseus
  19. Chrom tries to marry the avatar, so i figured it'd go the same way. If Chrom died Lucina would do it.
  20. Chrom would try to marry her instead. What if Corrin was actually written well?
  21. Calm the fuck down dude. Corrin is not great, but they're not bad.
  22. She'd cry in confusion, happiness and anger at Owain. What if Grima was actually a good guy?
  23. Brawl: Snake, Ike and Pokemon Trainer Sm4sh: Robin, Corrin and Cloud
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