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Everything posted by CynicalSeven

  1. IIRC 13 is the age of consent in Japan and even if it doesn't mean adult, it's still something close and "technically an adult" should just be filed under translation issues.
  2. I like how Desu2 handle their Avatar. Different choices trigger different dialogues which affects support points while still following the linear story line. Sarcastic remarks will get support points from sarcastic characters, etc... It gave the Avatar his own unique personality which the player could self-insert themselves into. Basically, a silent protagonist.
  3. Is Rinkah!Mitama good? I'm trying to make her a range-physical unit but I can't decide between Hana, Hinoka, or Setsuna as her mother. Rinkah gives her a good DEF and SPD but wouldn't take advantage of Azama's STR. On the other hand, picking someone like Hinoka could give help Mitama with her STR, SPD, and overall a balanced stats and growth minus MAG. Between these three, I'm leaning more to Hinoka but it would be nice to get someone else's opinion. IIRC Rinka or Effie's hair colour is the one closest to the "canon" but she also doesn't look bad with red hair. I know I'll go with Effie on Revelations but I just can't decide on Birthright.
  4. I got Replicate, Lifetaker, Luna, Quixotic, and Replicate Castle code in my signature.
  5. Does anyone have skills for Shining Bow Nina? More specifically, Life and Death?
  6. I got Forrest with Miracle Keep in mind there's a Dusk Dragon at the main entrance and Lilith+Golems at the left entrance in the corner. My Castle: 04983-72311-84059-20133
  7. I won't be back for another 3 hours so could you keep him there for now? I'll update when I got him.Got him, thanks!
  8. Does anyone have Leo or Forrest with Breaker skills or Renewal?
  9. I don't know if this is the right thread for it, but does the parents stats affect the base stats of the child unit? For example: Niles w/ Str 19 Mag 7 Skill 19 Spd 20 Lck 14 Def 10 Res 19 Nyx w/ Str 5 Mag 26 Skill 9 Spd 25 Lck 4 Def 7 Res 17 Would it affect Nina's base stats or would it stay the same regardless of how high the parent's stats is? Again, sorry if I posted it on the wrong thread.
  10. Does anyone have Niles with Life and Death?
  11. Hi there, does anyone have Peri with the Renewal, Life Taker or Death Blow skill?
  12. Maybe it's just me, but there are too much supports, especially when some aren't even needed. I don't mind support grinding but some might find it overwhelming. Also, you can't expect 60+ units to interact with each other. Here's an idea that may balance out the amount of support each unit gets: have those with more outgoing personality have more supports than those who aren't. I actually don't know what to make of this idea... I get that it's to have a variety in second gen characters in terms of classes and stats, but I would rather have a fewer S supports with good synergy (also in terms of stats and class) and more C-A...and relevant supports.
  13. Yes, IF it's just an expansion like a DLC where you fight with them or something. If it's adding them directly to the main roster like in Fates, then no. I'd rather have new characters.
  14. Ninjas are cool but...I love the maid twins too much. Also, ninjas doesn't have a way to wake up slugabeds.
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