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Everything posted by Rebochan

  1. Heh...thanks for the birthday wishes strangers :)

  2. I dunno, maybe because you actually give a shit about the people who are doing this for a living?
  3. Much as I love, love, love Earthbound, there's a little logic to their hesitation. Namely, that Earthbound was a notorious commercial flop. Fire Emblem hasn't been. Then again, I also think Nintendo has more realistic expectations for it and they scale their advertising and profit lookouts accordingly. Wish they'd have done that for Mother 3 <_<
  4. Factoring what their usual turnaround seems to have been for Fire Emblem localizations, announced in November, out for April. Sooner would be great. And why are some people so sure this game is never being released? They always make Nintendo a nice profit before, they have no incentive not to release this one. Especially after Radiant Dawn did *better* in the US.
  5. Honestly, I'd put him as an asexual. I mean, the guy just has no interest in anything that isn't training.
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