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Posts posted by Dwalin2010

  1. Does anybody know if there are any projects to release Fire Emblem Awakening on any platform which an emulator can be applied to? I mean, I play all Fire Emblem games on PC using emulators, but still haven't played Awakening as there are no emulators for Nintendo 3DS. Do you think it will be made possible in the future?

  2. When Malledus suggested I sacrifice one of my units in the Shadow Dragon prologue by disguising him as Marth prologue I really wanted to ask him "why don't you do it yourself if you are so clever?". Of course, somebody can say he is too old to be mistaken for Marth, but if even Jagen who is old too is good enough, why not Malledus? And if I start the game on a hard difficulty level, Frey seems to be the "canon" choice to be sacrificed, as he is missing in the first chapter, while the annoying Malledus who made me sacrifice him is always around without doing anything to help apart from talking. Why can't I just feed him to Jiol instead of Frey, a much more useful character?sad.gif

    What do you think about this plot turn?

  3. In the Fire Emblem wiki it's written Marth and Shiida are childhood friends, but in the Shadow Dragon prologue Marth seems to barely know about the kingdom of Talys where Shiida is from according to a dialogue and he isn't a child anymore. So was the plot changed in the remake or did he just forget about her?

    EDIT: Sorry, I wanted to post in the General Fire Emblem forum, my mistake.

  4. I understand the logic about copyright, but it doesn't always make sense: for example, there are many interesting documentaries shown only in the USA, but never sold on DVD or VHS. So how can people who live in other countries like me watch them if not by downloading rips from internet or watching on Youtube? But for some reason they get deleted from Youtube because of copyright complaints. Why not just start selling them, if they don't want people to get them illegally?

  5. I discovered the series for a reason most people would find funny: I was searching for RPG-style games which contained romantic subplots about childhood friends (who knows why so many people hate this thing). So I read about the Fire Emblem series and started playing in chronological order starting with Shadow Dragon (not that I play only because of the pairings, but that's the reason I first heard of the series).

  6. Could somebody please explain the Merric and Elice pairing to me? At the end of the second remake in the English translation it's told that they founded the magic academy and that Elice got married, but they don't say to whom. So is her marriage to Merric just an assumption by fans, or have I missed somethig?

  7. I have just started the game and I have a question about the main characters. Somewhere on the Fire Emblem Wiki there is written that they are cousins, but somewhere else is said that their grandfather Maisen is an adoptive one. So I don't understand if they are adoptive cousins, or blood related ones, but through other characters, not the "grandfather"? Could anybody who finished the game tell me if they are blood-related or not? That bothers me because I read that at the end of the game they get married and so I want to know it there is incest in the game or not.

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