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Posts posted by Dwalin2010

  1. Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame for being so dark and realistic. Hellfire!

    I didn't particularly like Frollo a s a villain. He was in love with Esmeralda, and a really evil person shouldn't be capable of love, in my opinion.

    If we are talking about Disney movies, I would choose Scar, who killed his brother.

    But it's difficult to choose the most interesting villain, there are too many. Maybe the mafia boss "The Puppeteer" (Il Puparo) from the Italian TV series "Octopus" (La Piovra). On the other hand, by choosing him, I am contradicting my own previous statement about Frollo that a villain shouldn't be capable of loving, since the Puppeteer cared about his adopted daughter. But anyway, he impressed me how he managed to control the mafia and even weasel his way out of being killed even when the whole mafia Commission turned against him.

  2. Really, I remained speechless when I read for the first time some people consider the word "virgin" an insult. People who torment and make fun of virgins should be sent back in time to the Medieval imperial courts in China, the Byzantine Empire or the Ottoman Empire where much of what happened in the country was controlled by court eunuchs. It would be interesting to see if they would still make fun of people who don't want to or can't have sex.

  3. A question: I noticed this case has attracted very much attention on national scale, it's discussed on almost every forum I know. But why is that? Street shootings like this happen every day, everywhere, what's so special about this particular one?

  4. Only one post all of those you countered offered no advice with its criticism.

    Let's just say I reacted this way because I tried to imagine myself being in Dan's place. I don't even know what kind of reaction I would have, and I wasn't even bullied so much. It's not that I hate you or others who said something against, but that I am very sorry for people who are unfortunate.

  5. I work at a school, and we are supposed to respond to bullying incidents. If I was aware of an instance of bullying, and didn't respond to it, I'd be in a world of trouble.

    Good to hear it, as I tend to share Olwen's point of view about schools.

  6. Your emotions are getting in the way of sound reasoning. The minute someone says something that is not 100% supportive, you shut it down. The OP may have an easier time dismissing it as a result of your defense, causing the advice to become null.

    You are discounting other attempts at helping the subject.

    If somebody isn't 100% supportive AND is offering some advice, it's one thing. But just saying things like "boo fucking hoo" etc is a different thing.

    No person writes such a post as the Dandragon01's if they haven't already heard all kind of non-supporting stuff and just want a little sincere friendship. I agree that only saying sorry and not offering advice may not be a good solution, but there is nothing wrong with a certain dose of compassion anyway. If somebody doesn't feel it and is only disgusted, what's the point of posting in the thread? If somebody opens a topic about Warcraft 3 and I am not a fan of the game, I simply won't post there, instead of going there complaining how bad the game is. I am not very good with metaphors, but I think you get what I am saying.

  7. Flaw #1: He/she is implying that being told at an early age is something they have in common. He/she did not imply that it went away.

    Flaw #2: His/her post was for the most part neutral. At no point did they express the notion that compassion cannot be allowed. What they expressed was that dissenting opinions were being shut down by people like you. You condemn others for being heartless at the first sign of criticism.

    Flaw #3: Having been diagnosed with Aspergers, you should assume that they will know it at a far deeper level than a Wikipedia summary.


    1) All right, then I got it wrong.

    2) Can't help it. My feeling that I am sorry for those who have suffered is stronger than my respect for the opinions of those who criticize them.

    3) This was a suggestion to read for other posters who criticized, not for Sublime Manic.

  8. Ah! The person who complained when Eclipse pointed out the first post featured self pity and equated it with kicking someone in the stomach.

    Actually, I was replying to TrickyDick when I used the words "kicking in the stomach". When replying to Eclipse I didn't say that, as she has been more moderate.

  9. I was told I had Asperger's growing up too.

    You are talking in the past. As far as I get it, Asperger's syndrome is a thing you either have or don't have, not something you can have once and then don't have anymore. Rebuking somebody with Asperger's for complaining with difficulties in social interaction makes as much sense as rebuking somebody with pneumonia for coughing.

    And please, whoever thinks this topic is useless, read the description of what Asperger's syndrome actually is before accusing him.


    If it's so difficult to express normal human compassion on a forum, what will you do if somebody in real life ever turns to you for help?

  10. The pity fest here disgusts me because this comes across as a plea of attention.

    If it disgusts you, why are you even taking part in it? You don't feel sorry for him, all right. But don't kick people in the stomach for nothing. If I got it right from the other thread, you are a soldier, who are tough people, but not everybody can or should be tough. Show some respect. Kicking down people who have already been kicked down by many others is just plain disgusting, and you know that, since you aren't stupid.

    Or maybe you are THAT kind of soldier who plunder, rape etc and have no moral values? I hope not, but in this case was it really necessary to say what you said?

    This isn't the forum to run crying with personal problems

    It's not up to you, but to the moderators and the admin to decide what kind of forum it is.


    There is a reason for the edit button; please don't double post.

  11. I totally agree with this statement. I am not against all violence in video games, and I realize there is a difference between reality and fiction. I guess I feel like people are getting more disensitized to violence. I know killing a fictitious character is not necesarily wrong, but I find it a tad disturbing that people consider killing an innocent person (even in fiction) "entertaining." I am not saying that anyone who has played an M-rated game (for violence) is going to commit murder one day. I just think people take certain issues too lightly to the point where it is entertaining.

    These are my personal thoughts. You have the freedom to play any game you want, just as I have the freedom to express my opinion. I'm just a random girl on the internet you don't know, so please don't be too offended by my posts.

    I personally agree with you. I don't like games with graphic violence either. I am more a fan of old games, even some made in the 90s.

  12. SECOND, your first post contains a lot of self-pity.

    Why would you or anybody else be annoyed at somebody who has suffered and is therefore expressing their pain is beyond my comprehension. Of course, feeling compassion isn't something that can be forced on somebody, but still I think Dan's story is heart-wrenching.

  13. It might not apply to animals, but evolution applies to the premature death of humans, as well.

    Maybe it's because humans have their free will and if they really wanted to, they could stop the internal fighting. As for them being eaten by animals, you have a point, but I think that maybe evolution was originally supposed to be different or something (sounds stupid, but still a possibility). After all, it's considered by Christian religion that on a certain point because the action of Satan everything changed.

    Don't know, probably my logic has flaws, but I don't even know the Bible to the letter, I wasn't raised as religious, have become one only as a teenager.

  14. Premature death, then. Evolution leads to the premature death of creatures.

    Evolution involves natural extinction of numerous species, but it's not like all of the specimens die prematurely. Many will die a natural death. Many will be killed and eaten by other species of course, but I don't think religion applies moral standards to animals. Of course, the obvious question in this case would be: why did God determine the evolution that involves violent deaths of many specimens if he could have created humanity just like that, this I can't really explain, I admit it.

    I personally chose to be religious because many religious people around me are kind and good, and some have changed for the better after becoming religious (I am not saying they were bad before though). To me, it's mostly about moral standards (religious zealots and fanatics who have nothing better to do than going after people who don't think like them are a different matter).

    Anyway, everybody has their own way to find goodness. It's not like I am saying everybody should necessarily turn religious to be considered a good person.

  15. It has to. Evolution by definition leads to death, which religious people would claim is immoral. So evolution is inherently immoral. God created immorality, so God is not all good.

    But religion doesn't deny death as a physical process, it only states there is an after-life for the souls in a completely different dimension, to put it simple. To be honest, it's the first time I hear about death being considered immoral by religious, at least by Christians.

  16. The religious person has nothing to say about those intermediate stages, hence why I claim that religion and science cannot coexist.

    God just as a creator who created the universe does not deny evolution; but then, that wouldn't be the Abrahamic God you speak of. For the Abrahamic one is a lot more... detailed than that.

    Still, since you said yourself that it's impossible to determine which parts of the Bible are allegoric, those parts could well regard the description of the Abrahamic God as well. I mean, I consider myself religious but don't take everything literally. Somebody may say of course it's quite egoistical to choose for myself which parts are allegories and which are not, but there is no choice as there is no certain way to know. I am only sure about parts that openly contradict the statement about God being a Good entity, like stoning heretics or sacrificing animals etc. I think such things may only be invented by humans and humans alone.

  17. If free will is the ability to choose between good and the lack thereof, then presumably neanderthals and homo erectus, etc. can do the same. Modern humans alone were created in God's image, not Homo erectus.

    By the way, this is another interesting point to discuss. What should the point of view of a religious person about intermediate stages like Homo Erectus be? I mean, God being considered the Creator doesn't deny the existence of the evolution, in my view he just determined the laws that function in the world, it's not like he just created Homo Sapiens from nothing and Homo Erectus and the dinosaurs didn't exist.

  18. Oh man, it's true, we were never really forced into your ideals! It's not like we still are! It's not at all like integrating genderfluid/etc. people is good. I need to change my world-view.

    I don't quite get it what are you trying to say, honestly. Are you being sarcastic or what?

  19. I am really sorry for what happened. I don't know how to express it well, as English isn't even my mother language, but you have my full solidarity. You can count on any moral support and friendship on my part I can provide.

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