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  1. Thank you. Perhaps I worded the first question oddly, so just for clarification... In my Birthright copy, just Birthright cutscenes appear. In my Conquest copy, both Birthright and Nohr cutscenes appear. In my Revelation copy, Birhtright/Revelation cutscenes appear, not Conquest. Maybe I will have to beat Conquest for them to appear? My friend has all 3 versions' cutscenes appear in her Revelation copy.
  2. Two questions here. 1) In Revelation, only my Birthright and Revelation cutscenes are appearing in the Records Hall. I have not completed Conquest yet, however I've watched multiple cutscenes. Is this normal? 2) If I purchase the Marth, Ike, Lucina, or Robin. amiibos for Fates, can I S-rank support them so they appear in my Private Quarters? Will Robin always appear as male?
  3. I have three inquiries, two of them being fairly short. I have completed Birthright and am fairly close to completing Conquest (and on my way to starting Revelations). When playing Birthright, I had no idea that Revelations featured almost all characters from both Birthright and Conquest, so I put hours and hours into Birthright maxing all of my characters and having children, and maxing them. I'm sort of frustrated knowing I could have simply done so in Revelations. 1) I have taken interest in the Unit Logbook. Let's say in Birthright, I put my Saizo on the Unit Logbook, and in Revelations, I recruit that Birthright Saizo. Will that Saizo take the place of the Revelations Saizo? If not, will I be able to do Support or have children with him? How does he differ from a regular Unit? I just hate to see my training go to waste. 2) How does recruiting my Avatar Unit via Unit Logbook work? 3) After Conquest, if I do not purchase DLC... am I sort of just stuck, with no grinding to do? That's what I have read.
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