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About Julius

  • Birthday 04/13/1996


  • Member Title
    The Spin Controller

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Not being fat
    Playing too many video games
    Correcting everyone's grammar to the point of insanity
  • Location
    That place that you think you know but it slips your mind at the last second

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Fates: Conquest

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  1. Dang it, it didn't work. I'm really bad at this. I just saw what I did wrong. Maybe... Nope. I'm really sorry. I won't post anymore, I promise.
  2. Ohhhhh, okay. Thanks man, I'll remember to do that when I post later down the line.
  3. I would try to say something super encouraging and intelligent about your writing, but I suck at these, so I apologize in advance. You're doing a great job on this, and I watch this thread like a hawk every day for new chapters. I'm excited for how this story is going to go, and and I'm thoroughly impressed by how you incorporate literally every mechanic in the game while adding your own twist to them, like the multiplayer feature, the children and bond units, and the My Castle building. I also gotta give props for how you transformed these games' mediocre and at times garbage stories and plot holes into legitimately interesting, gripping and sometimes hysterical moments that I can't help but wish for when I start writing my own novels. I'm sorry that I can't help you with stuff like the visits and extra battles that you're planning. Although I'd love nothing more than to contribute, I don't have the capabilities to do anything other than posting these semi-uplifting (sort of?) posts. So keep on keeping on, my friend. Let us see how far you'll go to uncover the truth. Also, quick question, how do I set these things as spoilers, so I don't piss people off later?
  4. It's totally okay. I've loved this series to death over the past two months, and I think that even if this chapter and the twists that come with it are a bitch, you'll totally be able to pull it off. Best of luck, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
  5. If you ever start this back up again, I'd love to read it. I've thoroughly enjoyed your trek through Nohr and Hoshido, so if Robin gets a chance to shine, I think it would be definitely worthwhile. I loved Awakening, so please, make more war journals of the Ylissean Shepards!
  6. I am absolutely in love with this. Dakota is hilarious and quirky, and it's amazing how much he's grown as a character since he chose to fight for Hoshido. I can't wait to see Revelations, and Conquest has blown me away with how you made the Nohrian royals so much more interesting. Also, by making the Nohr storyline not as insane as it actually was, it feels a lot less choppy and rushed, even though I think Conquest's plot is far more gripping to me as a player than the other two. Seeing your work had made me realize... that I have a long way to go if I ever want to be this good a writer. I'm a decent enough wordsmith, but I could never work at the scale of Dakota's entries. So, thank you, I guess. It's been far too long since I've read a good story. Anyway, I'm sorry for being so long-winded, fatal flaw of mine, but I wanted you to know that this is fantastic, and you've got a loyal reader in me.
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