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Everything posted by LutzTheSuperhero

  1. At the moment I am using Paint.net, and alright can do!
  2. Please don't be easy on me. Love you guys.
  3. Alright, Reply to me if interested :P. My Corrin has Dragon Fang,Death Blow, Shuriken Breaker, Nohrian Trust, and Hosidan Unity. My Address is 11829-80708-79250-95226. Also my class is Draco Knight.
  4. LutzTheSuperhero


    I'm a little late but I love the name Est, and I really really hope all's well. Good luck to you, your husband, Leo, and Est!
  5. Welcome to the forest! Can't wait to see you around!
  6. I don't write see why everyone hates Trump, I find most his plans very reasonable, even if he does have some like the infamous wall. Hell, I just want them to improve the border situation, as I actually live in Texas. What I don't like is people being dumb about security, and in Hillary's case, I will never trust a candidate that leaked thousands of secret emails to random people. I find that just plain retarded.
  7. Hello, it's great to have you! Do you plan on playing some of the older games in the series? ( If so I suggest to play Sacred Stones first. )
  8. It's just... I find her to be a wasted NPC in the game. She's not very important as one, so in my eyes she should either appear in DLC as a unit, or at least give her some sort of real plot significance.
  9. Very odd question... But I have this desire to add her into the game, even supportless, with Olivia's model and stats? Or just a edited Azura model? I think this would be awesome, or maybe I'm just crazy.
  10. Gotta be Joshua, his little plot is very redeeming and pleased me.
  11. Why hello there, I'm Lutz (Some of you may know me as Percy.), and I have always went through these forums, and for some reason never made an account. Well anyway, am I supposed to put the games I've played?( I guess so?) I've played Binding Blade, Rekka no ken, Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and all three paths of Fates. I guess that's all I have to say, and I look forward to seeing you guys throughout the forest. Also, here's a meme for good measure.
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