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Everything posted by Ceniza

  1. Bow Knight Nyx :^) 1.Wary Fighter 2. Astra 3. Inspiration 4. Heartseeker 5. Quixotic
  2. I've got Shurikenbreaker on Felicia. My castle address is 16964-97183-58850-54116. I'm looking for all rally skills on Laslow, as well as Counter, Aegis, Wary Fighter, Armored Blow, and Sol on Leo.
  3. Are those numbers for WEXP cumulative, or for one rank to the next?
  4. Hm, I can see where you're coming from a lot these of bans, but let me show you some cases against them. Yato: It is certainly over-inflated with stats, yet, I feel Corrin's dragon weakness is enough compensation. Also, in an environment like online currently where nearly everyone max forged weapons, the Yato is pretty lackluster in combat, especially considering it's melee only. Sacred weapons: Although all wielders are human, their weapons also offer less stats and bonus effects, especially against guys with +7 weapons. The only weapons here I would even consider worrying about are about the sacred swords, because at least they have above average range in comparison to other swords. Breakers: Now that I have encountered all breaker units a little more, I can sympathize a little. Although granted, I'm only just at endgame. In Conquest. Idk how I would fare against units like these with a better equipped team, but overall I disagree with their restricted use. Unity: Honestly, Quixotic is much better, even if it gives the same bonus to the enemy. Either way, I'm generally against limiting skill usage. Lethality: Yes, it's most definitely cheesy, but it's proc rate isn't high enough to consider it worth restricting. If you were going to restrict it, the combination of it with Quixotic and/or Hoshidan Unity is much more ban worthy than any aforementioned restrictions IMO, because it having a high proc rate is what really makes it broken it the end. Regen Skills: I haven't seen this at all, so I can't make a great verdict, however, only like 6 units can even have any of these skills together legally anyway, as well as it being a waste of 2 slots. It doesn't seem that bad on paper at least. Venge Weapons: Who even uses these? Even so, 3 out of the 4 Venge weapons are melee, and only ranged Venge weapon is the Ink Painting, which can only attack once, and also applies silver debuff. I don't see how these are problematic.
  5. You don't have to agree with me, I'm just glad at least you say you're willing to be flexible. I'd like to play you some time but iirc you're from EU and I'm from NA so that's pretty unfortunate.
  6. Yes, but also consider the fact that online people are using statues and forged weapons which are a lot of free stats. I did want to say last night that I did agree with the removal of statues and lowering forge limits btw. You need to consider how much more damage everyone is doing online with might, crit, and skill proc bonuses because of forging/statues, as well as how these bonuses take dumb weapons like the killer and brave series over the edge. A lot of these issues you're having can likely be dealt with more easily when the "fat" from these bonuses are trimmed off, once we try it out. Also if you have sources to your stories, please link them to me here. Otherwise, your anecdotes don't have much value in my eyes, even if I've had similar experiences on occasion. I'm not saying these things aren't trouble RIGHT NOW, but from what I've seen happen to the smash scene time and time again, people cry something is OP, and once it's gone, it's gone. I'd like to at least play some games or some small tourneys here on Serene's so we can track what's actually prevailing before we make hasty bans. The right approach IMO is to go as vanilla as possible, and then make cuts only when ABSOLUTELY necessary. Hey man, I'm Nohrian Scum w/o any DLC, so I'm in the same if not worse boat than you are. Also before statues, according to Serene's it appears the highest cap/green stat possible is 51, which belongs to Charlotte/Effie!Velouria!Kana as a Berserker, and that even if I'm doing the inheritance math right. 51 is also prob possible on a Kana's luck or defense as Lodestar or General, since on their respective stats share the same 40 cap as a Berserker before inheritance. Anything nearing these caps on non-Kana units are using statues/exploiting. Also, am I doing the ! format thing right? I'm new to Serene's and idk if that was correct typing or not.
  7. I like this so far, but here's something I don't necessarily agree with. -Tier lists. If there hasn't even been a little Fates Online event yet here, all the class listings have little to no substance, since there's no past data to go by. -Banning of multiple units using the same class. If they want to, good for them. They're gonna be the ones with glaring WT disadvantage, as well as weakness to magic/physical attacks. -Restrictions on legal skills in general. You're giving up on lots of offensive power using breaker skills rather than damaging ones, they may be annoying but they're certainly not broken IMO. I also recommend leaving Replicate be, it already requires a turn of setup, also I believe I've heard that Replicas don't give/receive certain support bonuses? As well as the fact that a Replica and it's owner are simultaneously affected by statuses and damage. The other suspect ones I agree with, but I'd like to give them a few chances before we crack down on them, and if that happens, I'd rather ban the skills outright IMO. -Restrictions on tonics/My Castle seals. The bonuses are minuscule and waste 1/5 of your inventory that could go to weapons. They don't seem worth to be and are better left be IMO. -Restrictions on staves. Staves are pretty much the only way to get any action going without the use of something like Warp, but at least staves have limited uses, as well as offensive varieties being extremely inaccurate. Staves are pretty much a necessity, and restricting them will only lead to stall w/o any other forms of safe engage.
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