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C. Turtle

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Posts posted by C. Turtle

  1. Fire Emblem Cipher, the trading card game. It's probably not gonna happen, considering they wouldn't even let us votes for the four that were in Echoes as DLC in CYL, but that's probably my most wanted addition. There are certain characters I'd love to see from other games, but in terms of just general "which game do you want new characters from", Cipher's probably my biggest want.

  2. I feel like Choose Your Legends already has a properly defined purpose; getting special versions of the winning Heroes. I certainly wouldn't mind if IS did a poll to specifically judge which characters who aren't in the game yet are popular, since some people have already been using CYL for that, but I feel like it should be branded as its own new event, like A Heroes Rises was, rather than calling it Choose Your Legends 3, when the other Choose Your Legends events don't fit the same rules.

  3. 1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

    Is it just me, or has Maribelle changed her attire from what she wore in Awakening? She no longer wears those clown pants. I think it looks similar to what F!Morgan wears now.

    It seems to be her promoted attire as a Valkyrie. Hence why she also suddenly has armour on her shoulders when she didn't as a Troubadour. Why though chose to make her a Valkyrie when Troubadour would have worked perfectly fine if she was being left a staff unit, I have no idea, but that's what they went with.

  4. My thoughts:

    • Sumia and Maribelle are making me somewhat regret spending all my orbs on Summer Robin. Somewhat. I get the feeling I'll miss out on them this time around, so I'll have to go for them if they ever end up on a skill banner or something.
    • More orbs is always a good thing.
    • TOBIN! I can finally complete my set of Tempest Trial units.
    • Askr refines, nice nice.
    • New mode seems kinda lame, still hoping for My Castle/townbuilding/whatever in the future.

    Overall, I'd say it was alright. Nothing too amazing, but it had some neat stuff.

  5. Finally, I can get my hands on Tobin and complete my collection of Tempest Trial units. Best news in the whole Feh Channel for me. Interested to find out what the theme of the Tempest will be given who the rewards are, and on that note, who the bonus units will be.

  6. At this point in time, I currently have 57 because I blew them all on Summer Tana and Robin. I don't know my exact peak, but I know I've gone past 300 in the past, and I will probably continue to save up ludicrous amounts of orbs after my paranoia with how many orbs it takes me to get certain units.

  7. 10 minutes ago, a bear said:

    Didn't the SoV banners come with the JP and WW launches? I'm too lazy to check.

    World of Shadows overlapped with the Japanese release, Rite of Shadows with the worldwide release.

    So if we were to get an FE Switch banner, it'd probably be closer to release rather than however far in advance we currently are.

  8. My current placements;

     - Spring Bunny Hat on Kagero, for the Spring Kagero I never managed to get.
     - Enigmatic Mask on Anna, since she used to be Zacharias's commander.
     - Mysterious Mask on Lucina, because I find it amusing to make Masked Unmasked Marth.
     - Seashell Hairpin on Fjorm, in hope of a Summer Fjorm.
     - Feh Doll on Gunnthra, for the sake of sleepy girl on a sleepy girl.

    Now I'm sorta waiting for a tiara or crown of some sort. One of Genny's castle quotes mentions that being in the castle makes her feel like she's become a princess. I wanna make her dreams come true and crown her princess of the castle. : )

  9. 29 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    @Sunwoo I thought that was a common theory.

    Would be funny if Helbini talked to his fake sister about his real sister using a different name. 

    Is it? I thought the common theory was that the Ylgr at the end of the chapter was Loki, not that the Ylgr in the cell was also Loki and the real Ylgr has never appeared. Have I been mistaken?

  10. I still really want Fjorm and Gunnthra on (one of) this year's Summer banner(s). Partially because I like the Nifl sisters, and partially because of the irony of characters from a kingdom of ice being put into swimsuits. Although if they decide to do game focused instead of miscellaneous, I guess it wouldn't really work, since we haven't seen enough characters for a Niflese Summer yet.

  11. I'm not really sure how to quantify how much a character "deserves" to be included in the game. I mean, the main characters obviously deserved it, by virtue of being the face of their respective games, but they're all in now. Does a character "deserve" inclusion by being particularly important in their game of origin? Do they "deserve" it by being particularly popular? How do we define what "deserving" is, in this case? Personally, I think any character that isn't a generic mook that only has a face because they're a boss is fair game, and none of them really deserve it over one another. Some might be more likely to get in, or will be a more well liked inclusion by the fans, but more deserving? I'm not sure.

    ...In terms of alts, though, I do think Marth is deserving of being a Legendary Hero at some point. For obvious reasons.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    I guess we can assume that there's 11 Nifl family members in total though, going by their naming scheme.


    For your second question, Loki has done:

      Hide contents
    • Disguised herself as Bruno and gained Veronica's trust in order to obtain Naglfar, which made it possible to connect/bridge the gap between Emblemia.
    • Actually performed the rite to make the rainbow bridge between Musspell and Emblemia.
    • Served as a mediator between Surtr and Veronica.


    Pretty sure Fjorm specifically states in the last chapter that it's just the four siblings. Even if they did want to use all the Elivagar names, it wouldn't be eleven, because one of the eleven names is taken by her Leiptr, her weapon.


    On, what Loki has done, I might be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure we can also add "started the Tempest" to that list. I seem to recall in the Xenologue that she was the one to introduce Veronica to the idea and convince her go through with it. Although, I suppose that doesn't really count as "what she's done in the story", since the Tempest is never really mentioned in the story outside of that Xenologue.

  13. While Book II's story is certainly approaching its climax, I feel like it's a bit premature to say it's going to be ending just because Surtr may or not die in the next chapter. While Surtr's death may put to rest Fjorm's quest to avenge her mother or whatever her story was about, I feel like there's still too much left to happen for it to be concluded in one chapter, and most, if not all, of it feels like things that should be handled in Book II rather than Book III. The ritual or whatever that Surtr was setting up with Veronica and Yglr, that I feel Loki would likely continue regardless of what Surtr's doing. Fjorm's currently AWOL brother, Hrid. The uncertain status of Helbindi and his sister. Even if the main antagonists of Book II end up still being Muspell again, to me, these feel like things that would be part of the current arc, rather than being split off into the next. But I guess we'll see what they do. Book I didn't really provide much close either, really, aside from confirming what we pretty much already knew about Zacharias being Bruno.

    As for my hopes for Book III though, it's a bit hard to say without knowing how Book II ends. It'd be nice to see how Bruno's quest to uncurse his bloodline has been going, even if it's just told through paralogues while the main story does something else, like the Veronica and Loki paralogues during Book I. I'd like to meet King Gustav, provided he doesn't die during Book II, so we can perhaps see some of this conflict between him and Alfonse, rather than hearing second hand. I'd honestly really like to recruit Helbindi, so if the Askrans could hop in and help him and his sister out either during Book II or III, I'd love that. And if we get beast shifters by then, playable Feh, please and thank you.

    ...If you're only asking for gameplay changes, I don't have any suggestions besides getting beast units into the game. The title said "Book 3" rather than "Version 3.0" so I just gave my hopes for the story.

  14. 31 minutes ago, shiningpikablu252 said:

    (Last I checked, he's got no confirmed distrbution method--and since Ayra herself as well as Rhajat, the second one to get the Ayra treatment, got mis-pegged for other distribution methods before being shoved into ordinary focus banners, there's no guarantee he'll be a Grand Conquests or Tempest Trials reward...)

    While Canas has no confirmed distribution method, the last time a new character got put onto a random regular focus like that (to my knowledge, at least) was Rhajat, and they specifically stated in the Children of Fate banner video that she'd be available through summoning on the Voting Gauntlet banner, rather than just having her show up and giving people the wrong idea like they did with Ayra. I'd like to think that they've learned their lesson after the Ayra controversy, and would have told us if he was going to be summonable through normal means.

  15. Oh hey, they did give us the trailer after all. Well, Canas isn't on the banner, so he's probably free, which is all the better for me. I never used Legault, don't care about Nino, and never even got up to a point where I could get Karla, so I'm good to skip this banner, unless Karla ends up tempting me like Ishtar did. Now to decide whether to try for brides or just keep saving.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    we've never had two Alts on a new banner before. It could be the first time, sure, but i don't see it happening.

    Reinhardt and Olwen say hi.




    I kinda wonder if we might get the trailer for this banner a little earlier than usual. I mean, I'm sure they know we've seen it, not much use trying to keep it a secret now. I don't really care about Nino, so I'll be looking to the other characters on the banner for some reason to pull. Not sure who exactly from Blazing Blade would get me to pull, but Canas would probably be a good start.

  17. 9 hours ago, Simpsons138 said:

    Isn't it a coin toss between Blue and Colorless on July?

    Ephraim is confirmed for June, and Fjorm is confirmed for August. Thus, since they have no reason to suddenly repeat Ephraim twice in a row when they've been known to alternate once they have more than the same colour, July is going to be a new Blue hero.

  18. For Fire Green, my only real idea was Hector, but with us already getting CYL Hector somewhat soonish maybe, and there already being an FE7 Legendary, I dunno how likely that really is.

    If we look outside of Lords, a green breath user could work. A legendary Tiki, perhaps? But then again, that could be seen as rubbing it in the face of Marth fans, having the Archanean legendary be not be the main lord.

    All I've really got besides that is perhaps we'll get Helbindi being summonable. He uses an axe, a weapon we surprisingly don't have in the green legendary pool yet, and he's definitely associated with fire, thanks to hailing from Muspell. Not gonna lie, I'd be 100% down for that.

    As for the other units on the banner, I don't really have any hopes or expectations. I actually kind of hope the new legendary isn't someone I care about, if only because all of other greens are likely to be characters I already have.

  19. Welp, we have our reveal of the new Voting Gauntlet. It wasn't Brides, as everyone was expecting, but rather, Heroes vs. Legends.

    Alfonse vs. Sharena
    Anna vs. Fjorm
    Legendary Ryoma vs. Gunnthra
    Legendary Robin vs. Legendary Ike

    So instead of a dedicated Voting Gauntlet banner, we've just got the Legendary Hero banner, which features four of the characters in the gauntlet, and the other four are free units.

    Kinda interesting that they didn't decide to go with the obvious bridal theme, but I don't mind. I'll be on Team Gunnthra, and if she goes out I'll jump to Fjorm (provided she's still around). Repping the Nifl sisters.

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