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C. Turtle

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Posts posted by C. Turtle

  1. Some of my ideas have already been mentioned, but I'm gonna go through them anyway. In no particular order.

    Chrom's Shepherds: Back when four character banners were a thing, I'd set this out as Vaike, Miriel, Sumia, and Kellam, so I guess we can take Kellam off to make the banner more balanced colourwise, and making him a TT reward or some such.
    Valmese Conquest: Based on the Valm arc of Awakening, I'd have Say'ri, Basilio, and Flavia on the banner. Probably wouldn't be too profitable in terms of character popularity, but I think it'd be a pretty cool banner. It could also come alongside a Walhart GHB, which seems to be something a lot of people want.

    Children of Fate 2: Don't really care who's on it or how they end up doing it, I just really want Forrest and Ophelia.
    World of Revelation: Back when ever new chapter/paralogue in the story was "World of X", I really expected a World of Revelation since neither Corrin appeared in the Worlds of Conquest and Birthright. I'd have the banner feature Kaze, Silas, and Mozu, all characters who are available in all three routes. ...Though admittedly, Mozu's only there because I really want her, and the spot could also go to Lilith for someone who could bring something more unique to the table.

    Really wanna see the Cipher OCs in Heroes. If they really wanted to get it over and done with, they could finish it all up in two banners and a GHB. The main problem would be how to avoid doubling up on colours so much, with four of the characters wielding swords, and Shade being a Dark Mage. I'd probably split it up as Emma, Shade, and Randal on one banner (doubling up on blue) and Yuzu, Valjean, and Alice on the other (doubling up on red), making sure each banner has at least one character of both genders. And then you'd have Nieve as a GHB since she seems to be filling the role of Cipher's antagonist, as far as I could tell from her class.

    I don't know likely it is, given copyright shenanigans and all, but I'm really enjoying TMS, and I'd love to see its characters in Heroes. Like with Cipher, they could split it up as two banners and a GHB and be done with it (and a TT if you want to include mirage Tiki). Wasn't sure how I was gonna split it, but as someone earlier in the thread suggested, it'd probably be best to split it up by where their mirages originate from. So Itsuki, Kiria, and Eleonora on one (Awakening), and Tsubasa, Touma, and Mamori on the other (Shadow Dragon), with Yashiro as a GHB.

    Archanea Saga: Kinda of a random choice because I haven't actually played Archanea Saga, but I think it'd be kinda cool to see Malice and Dice in Heroes. The third spot on the banner could probably go to either good Hardin or Nyna, since, to my knowledge, they were the "lord" characters of certain chapters of AS.


    That's all I could think of right now. There's probably stuff I'm missing though.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Solvaij said:

    Me too. And I mean... surely they'll give her out before we get the Brave version of her, right?

    But then we'd miss out on the shenanigans of having Veronica put herself in a contract.

    I think Veronica will come when the story allows it, and I'd rather them not rush the story to get her out before Brave Heroes II.

  3. We'll have to wait and see when the next story chapter drops, I suppose. We're getting pretty close to reuniting with Gunnthra, so if we get a free copy of her when we finally meet up, then I'd say it's possible we'll get free copies of the other OCs as well.

    That said, I'm currently leaning towards no. They've already given us one free Legendary Hero at the start of Book II (Fjorm) to get us started on the whole Legendary Hero thing, and they gave us another through the whole vote thing that got us Legendary Ike. Giving away even more Legendaries kinda seems too generous to me, when they could easily make more money from people by making them pull for these characters instead through Legendary Hero Banners and such. I know the others aren't confirmed to be Legendary Heroes, but before Legendary Ike, many were expecting them to be due to Fjorm and Gunnthra's status.

    ...Although I may just be saying that because I pulled for Gunnthra, and getting a free one would make it feel like my orbs went to waste.

  4. Took most of the orbs I had save up because the game kept only giving me one blue a circle (thankfully didn't run into a circle with none), but I managed to get Spring Lucina like I wanted. Glad to finally cross her off the list of "the ones that got away", and complete my Lucina collection. I'll most definitely be supporting her on the gauntlet now, so I guess I should hurry up and train her up before the gauntlet starts so I can use her as a bonus unit. :D:

    I find it kinda amusing that Lucina and Sharena are up against each other in the first round, if only because it kinda makes it a rematch from the very first Voting Gauntlet.

  5. Y'know, I think I've posted in this thread, and have been following along with the discussion, but I never actually gave my opinion on the original topic. Guess I should probably do that.

    I'm among those who actually really enjoy the story and characters of Heroes, so I'd be absolutely down with more OCs. I was honestly kinda disappointed when we started getting lords instead of new OCs, but a new one every month would probably make the main story to crowded in terms of how many characters they'd need to work in, so it's understandable. Wouldn't mind a new one once we finally meet up with Gunnthra in the story and clear up that loose end, though.

    As for lord, while I'm not particularly fussed about them, now that they've done three lord alts already (counting Grima as an alt. for the moment since that's how IS seems to want to paint it for some reason), it'd be kinda weird if they cut it off here. I'm expecting pretty much every lord/main character to get a Legendary version at some point down the line.

    Along with the lords, though, I'd really like it if we started getting characters from FE lore. I just think it'd be really neat getting these characters spoken of in legend as actual Legendary Heroes. They probably wouldn't have the same sort of appeal as the lords do, though. We've already had male Grima sort of expanding on his lore and backstory and such, so I think having lore characters appear in Heroes would just be a really neat way of expanding the lore of the various FE worlds.

  6. Ooo, flying colourless breath. Introdasting. Guess they had to find a way to make more flying dragons somehow.

    Although, I actually already have most of the units on the banner. The seasonals and Robin are the only ones I don't have, so I think I'll skip this one, keep saving for bunnies, and try for Robin during a later banner. After the free summon, of course.

  7. Spoiler

    Today's boss is Caeda... followed by Bride Caeda. Bride Caeda is accompanied by Barst and Ogma, and some generic Axe Fighters instead of the usual Sword Fighters, which I assume is to represent Bord and Cord.

    It's really neat how they're now personalising the boss encounters this time around, instead of just having the boss and a bunch of generics like the first Dungeon. Kinda gives me something to look forward to on future stages rather than just new patterns to memorise.

  8. Hey, thanks for, y'know, putting datamined stuff without spoiler tags in a thread without "datamine" in the title, thus spoiling anyone and everyone who hadn't looked at the datamine. Not like I wanted to be surprised by the announcement trailer or anything.

    Either way, if it is who you're saying it is, I dunno if I'm gonna pull for them. I have other things to save orbs for, and while I do like them, they'll be back eventually.

  9. I'm still just waiting for characters from spinoff games. Cipher, Warriors, TMS#FE, maybe even the FE6 spinoff manga. They've all got characters that would be pretty neat to see in Heroes, and I can't help but think about Itsuki, Rowan, Lianna, and Al every time someone mentions Leif being the last Lord in Heroes.

    Admittedly, I could see TMS and Warriors causing issues to do with copyright or whatnot, but at the very least, I'd like to see the Cipher characters, and it irked me greatly that we weren't allowed to vote for them in CYL2, despite their appearance in Echoes.

  10. Introdasting. I rather like the Heroes OCs, but I'm not sure I want to pull for them when there's the possibility of Bunny Lucina showing up again for the voting gauntlet or something. I'll sit on my orbs for a while before I make a decision, but if I do end up pulling, it's obviously going to be on green. Catria and Kagero are alright, but I don't like them enough to actively pull for them. Will probably go for colourless over blue if no green's show up, if only because I'm still missing about three 4* colourlesses.

    Also, I seem to recall that last year, Camilla tried to get Sharena into a bunny costume at the end of the paralogue, and now this year Sharena (and Alfonse) has such a costume. Last year also saw Anna obtaining the bouquet during the bride paralogue. I'm predicting Anna's gonna be on the next June Brides banner.

  11. Horizontal:
     - Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, Fjorm, Gunnthra

     - Valter, Myrrh, Mist, Black Knight, Zelgius

    I have, like, 8 in a row in the Sacred Stones section, but because I'm missing Seth and haven't promoted L'Arachel yet, it doesn't make a bingo. My other one-to-gos include:
     - Merric, Katarina, Athena, Faye (Vertical) (Don't have Minerva, haven't promoted Mae)
     - Ninian, Eirika, Lute, Amelia (Vertical) (Don't have Ike, haven't promoted Priscilla)
     - Eirika, Innes, Marisa, Soren (Diagonal) (Haven't promoted Hawkeye)
     - Mist, Joshua, Tana, Brave Ephraim (Diagonal) (Don't have Ike)
     - Lucina, Masked Marth, Brave Lucina, Dancer Inigo (Horizontal) (Don't have Spring Lucina)

  12. Not gonna lie, I really wish we would have gotten Thracia now, and then gotten this banner in Thracia's place, after Easter or whatever. I don't have enough orbs ready, blew them all on Ephraim's banner. Really debating whether or not I should even try pulling, but I'm probably going to end up doing it anyway.

    Aiming specifically for Female Morgan. I happen to like Morgan, and I could use a tome flier after I failed to get Summer Corrin. Although it's a bit disappointing that I'm going to have to dive into blue again. Thanks to Breath of Destiny and Legendary Hero: Ephraim, I've pulled enough blue to have every blue unit available at 4*. Ech.

    Also, I can't help but find it interesting that we see the introduction of the colourless breath icon now of all times. With Ike, Fjorm, and Gunnthra confirmed for the next Legendary Hero banner, the next Legendary Hero is likely colourless, and what do we have right before it? A weapon that counters colourless breath. Coincidence? Maybe.

  13. Not entirely sure who's going to be the bonus units, but I'm kinda predicting the final boss to be Grima Robin, and the final map to be The Future Past 3. Kinda interested in how the intro of the TT is going to go, considering the child units should recognise Lucina, so she'll have to drop her "Marth" shtick for a bit.

  14. I did it! It took me to an 11% 5* rate, and wasted many an orb, but I finally got Legendary Ephraim. He's -ATK, but oh well, I've got him now. I'm unfortunately leaving Summer Corrin behind, but I'm just glad this hell of a banner is over for me.

    My results for this banner were a far cry from my haul on Gunnthra's banner, but I suppose that's the luck of the draw. Hopefully the next few banners don't have anything I want so I have a chance to save up my orbs again.

  15. This is probably the last banner I expected to see, but I'm down with it. I was thinking about trying for Hinoka on the New Power banner, but now I think I'll save my orbs for Grima instead. I kinda hoped that if Grima were to get in it'd be the version with the hood obscuring their face, and potentially have the voice make it somewhat ambiguous which gender Robin is underneath, but I'll take what I can get. He seems like he might be a good addition to my armour team, not that I really know all that much about team building.

    As for the others, I'm interested in seeing what Betrayal!Takumi and Skadi brings, but really they could give me anything and I'd be fine with it because free unit. Hardin is cool for people who like him, but I've never played (New) Mystery, so I don't really care about him. Celica I probably won't pull for, but I wouldn't mind if I got her after she dropped, assuming she's the one that drops from the banner, since I don't have a regular Celica. Really her getting Beloved Zofia just makes me question what they're going to give Brave Celica.

  16. 41 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:


    Main reason I asked was in case they had a different name in Warriors and I wanted to be consistent by naming the Warriors name in the OP.

    As far as I'm aware, A Brush in the Teeth, is the only that appears in Warriors, and does so as a History Map, rather than a playable location. It uses the same same in Warriors and it does in Shadow Dragon. The other two History Maps in the Shadow Dragon pack do not seem to be the same maps used for the Heroes maps, so it's likely they were chosen simply because those maps were where the associated character appears in Heroes.

  17. I've been rotating around my various teams, so I don't get sick of hearing the same set of quotes over again. I do rather like using Genny though, because I finally get to hear her critical quotes outside of the catalog.

    I did initially think, "Man, these stages are too short, and it's a bit too simple," but man, they really crank it up in the step from normal to hard. I do wish there was a bit more variety instead of just going through the same song with different patterns, but for now I'm enjoying it.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    I do too, but I know one of those five is Legendary Ike. The only way to encounter him or Guunthra is through summoning them.

    I have five empty silhouettes, but I've already got a silhouette for Ike even though I never pulled him. Perhaps you encountered him in the arena?

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