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C. Turtle

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Posts posted by C. Turtle

  1. Congratulations to Team Tharja. I wasn't on your team, but well fought. Tharja shall go down in the Voting Gauntlet Hall of Fame as the first character to win two separate Voting Gauntlets. We made history today. History that no one will care about soon enough, but history nonetheless.

    Either way, I got a Rhajat from the Gauntlet banners, so it's been a good gauntlet for me either way.

  2. I personally always play games in English (with English audio whenever dual audio is provided as an option). While I took Japanese through most of High School, English is the only language I speak fluently and have kept up with, and I prefer to be able to understand what is being said without the aid of Google Translate or some such.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Anyone think we'll ever be getting another mini-Tempest?  I thought they were going to be a mainstay after the first one, but it's been months now, and we still haven't seen another one.

    I guess the event schedule's just been too full of regular Tempests and Voting Gauntlets. I do hope we get more minis, though. Tobin's the only TT unit I'm missing because I joined after his Tempest.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

    The trouble with that is that Rafiel doesn't have flier movement, despite being of a bird tribe. Assuming that the Herons will be given weapon skills (like Ninian was, despite not being able to attack in her original game), that would either let Rafiel have claws and fangs, but not talons, or require him to be tagged invisibly as a talon-wielding infantry. Obviously, that's possible, but it's not the simplest solution.

    Oh, and thanks for translating my intent for Tenzen. :-)

    Ah, well then. I've never had a chance to play the Tellius games, so I wasn't aware there were birds who weren't considered fliers. Thanks for the clarification.

  5. Of the characters already in the game, the only ones I really want that I haven't gotten (that I can think of) are Ninian, who I have tried for on three separate banners and gotten pity broken all three times, and Soleil, who is on a banner at the moment but I don't feel confident in my orb count.

    As for characters I'd like to see in the game that aren't yet, I'll only do the games I've actually beaten. I wouldn't necessarily spend super hard for all of these characters, but I would still like to see them in the game.

    Sacred Stones: Gilliam, Ross, Garcia, Neimi, Artur, Gerik, L'Arachel, Ewan, Myrrh, Ismaire.
    Awakening: Sumia, Kellam, Maribelle, Panne, Gregor, Morgan (F), Phila, Cervantes.
    Fates: Kaze, Mozu, Kaden, Orochi, Scarlet, Nyx, Charlotte, Benny, Forrest, Ophelia, Haitaka, Lilith, Zola.
    Echoes: Kliff, Valbar, Desaix, Rudolf.

    Also all the original characters from Cipher and TMS.

  6. I have a text file full of banner ideas I've come up with, but for the sake of the topic, I'll just post the ones I actually want to see happen, and not the ones I came up with for the sake of coming up with things.

    Chrom's Shepherds: Vaike (Axe Infantry), Miriel (Red Tome Infantry), Sumia (Lance Flier), Kellam (Lance Armour)
    The Future Past: Morgan (M) (Sword Infantry), Morgan (F) (Red Tome Infantry), Gerome (Axe Flier), Noire (Bow Infantry)
    World of Revelation: Kaze (Dagger Infantry), Silas (Sword Cavalry), Mozu (Lance Infantry), Lilith (??? Breath Infantry)
    Children of Conquest: Kana (M) (??? Breath Infantry), Forrest (Staff Cavalry), Ophelia (Blue Tome Infantry), Nina (Bow Infantry)
    Cipher Companions: Emma (Lance Flier), Shade (Blue Tome Infantry), Yuzu (Sword Infantry), Randal (Sword Cavalry), Alice (Staff Infantry), Valjean (Sword Armour)
    World of Mirage: Itsuki (Sword Infantry), Tsubasa (Lance Flier), Touma (Lance Cavalry), Kiria (Green Tome Infantry)
    Boundless Potential: Kliff (Blue Tome Infantry), Atlas (Axe Infantry), Ross (Axe Infantry), Ewan (Red Tome Infantry)

     - I have no idea what colour to make the dragons mentioned. They both make sense as blue in my eyes, but that's the colour we have the most dragons of already.
     - The Future Past was created before Performing Arts Inigo and Rhajat were a thing, so we could potentially replace Gerome with Inigo/Owain or Noire with Severa if they want to go for the popular vote.
     - With six character banners being phased out (and more and more we're seeing three character banners), I'd be down with taking two characters off the Cipher companions banner to allow one to be a GHB (probably Shade since she starts as an enemy unit in SoV) and one to be a Tempest Trial reward.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Hmmm, I could misinterprete part of this post

    I assumed "invisible" was typo and it meant to be "invincible". Looking on it again it probably is former, though I don't have idea what " invisible classes" is supposed mean.

    And yeah I meant to be limited by movement type. Programming wise it shouldn't be problem (I think), weapon should be basically same as skill and in worst case scenario flier laguz and beast laguz would be two separate classes with hones and slayers being effective on both, where weapon inheritance limited on one or other.

    By "invisible classes", they're basically saying that restrictions would have to be applied by some sort of marker in the code that isn't linked to a character's weapon or movement type, and thus isn't visible within the character's stats and attributes. At present, some skills are limited to weapon or movement type, but if we wanted to do something like "cat laguz can't use beaks even if they're both green" or "only Lords can use rapiers" or something, then it would need to be linked to an arbitrary "class" that isn't represented in the game at present.

    This explanation is, of course, ignoring the possibility of limiting to movement type, for the sake of making the terminology clearer.

  8. 2 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Inheriting across colors work perfectly fine for dragons so I don't see why it should break game balance when it comes to Laguz units (especially as you fine with it if it's Laguz dragon). 

    Having all beasts gave one colour would be same as having all cavalrymen being swordies. Not just it's boring but also running Laguz emblem would be impossible.

    @NekoKnight There is no really reason not put Lagus slaying weapons into game, it's not different from Armorslayer/smasher or horsbane.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe anyone was saying that cross-colour inheritance would "break game balance". I believe people were more so saying that it would be easier to restrict certain weapons to certain Laguz if they're separated by colour. For dragons it's fine, because they're all labeled under "breath", and all the dragons are shown attacking with their breath, but with "strike", allowing any Laguz to inherit any strike could result in a cat laguz attacking using a beak or something. Relegating certain weapons to certain colours would prevent that, without the need to include some sort of invisible marker that says a unit can't use certain strikes even if they match the colour.

    Granted, that could probably be handled by making Claws/Fangs infantry exclusive and Beaks/Talons flier exclusive (which has been done with passives but I don't believe it's been done with weapons yet), provided people aren't too concerned with a Wolfskin punching someone with a "fang" weapon and the like, but I just thought it was worth noting that I'm pretty sure the argument wasn't about balance, but rather aspects of the game at a programming level or some such.

  9. Welp, used up my last 200 flags on trying to keep Rhajat in the lead (save for the 10 random flags from login bonuses). I'm hoping she manages to stay in the lead, but the fact that Faye has a last hour multiplier makes me nervous, even without knowing all the details and predictions and whatever. I'm hoping she stays on top, because she's the only character I particularly cared about in the gauntlet, so I'll just be in it for feathers if Rhajat loses, I guess. Maybe if Priscilla wins, I'll join her to get revenge on Faye.

  10. 1 minute ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    I'm pretty sure they are actively avoiding radiant dawn, with them refusing to add micaiah, who was in the top ten female characters in CYL, and them adding path of radiance mia when they got her ranking from the radiant dawn version who scored higher, I think they only added radiant dawn sanaki because she never was depicted fighting in any capacity in path of radiance and someone at IS has a thing for sanaki. Almost makes you wonder if in a hypothetical situation where sothe got let's say dorcas' place in CYL would they have chosen his radiant dawn version for his inclusion or would we have gotten path of radiance sothe. also canonically radiant dawn black knight would have made more sense because he can be killed with any weapon in that game on account of his blessing being gone but that is a nitpick. 

    I don't know enough about tharcia to comment so I won't on that front.

    I highly doubt they're going out of their way to avoid Radiant Dawn, or else they'd never have included Sanaki in the first place, since there's plenty of other siblings they could have chosen from instead of using her. They probably used Path of Radiance Mia because it's her game of origin, and it don't think it's really all that important which version of the character is used unless there's a significant difference between them (like Mystery Tiki vs. Awakening Tiki) or one version is significantly more important than the other (which from what little I know, would be like PoR Sothe vs. RD Sothe).

    They're probably saving Micaiah and Leif so they don't blow through all their protagonists in the first year alone. Remember how people kept complaining about how Ike wasn't in the game? And then all of a sudden, bam, there's Ike, everyone rushes in to get him, people who had trailed off from the game are playing again, and people are spending money trying to get him from his banner. Why wouldn't they want to save another popular protagonist like that for when the game's starting to drop off?

  11. 1 hour ago, SSbardock84 said:

    It's not just you, Tellius has been getting the least amount of characters. Thracia may actually have less, but still.

    Game-wise, Thracia 776 has gotten less, as you yourself said. Radiant Dawn may only have one character, but every Path of Radiance character in the game is also in Radiant Dawn, which cannot be said for the Genealogy of the Holy War characters with Thracia 776.

    Continent-wise, Magvel has nine characters to Tellius's ten.

    In what way exactly has Tellius been "getting the least amount of characters"?

    I mean, it's fine to want the Laguz in (I'm a fan of some of the newer beast-shifters, so getting beast units in the game would be fine by me), but facts are facts, and Tellius having the least amount of characters is not a fact.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Rapier said:

    It says you're guaranteed a 5* pull after 120 failures, not that you're guaranteed a full set of 5 5* pulls.

    "If you summon 120 times in a row without summoning a 5* Hero, then the summoning rate for 5* Heroes will be raised to 100% for the next summoning session. When that happens, summoning with any of the five summoning stones will result in a 5* Hero."

    Sounds like a full set of 5*s to me, given that the rate doesn't reset until you back out of a session, to my knowledge.

  13. My free pull on Children of Fate was a 3* Stahl. There were two other red orbs in the circle, so I figured I'd spend the 8 orbs and pull them. A Draug and another Stahl, both 3*. If that's not a sign to avoid this banner and wait until Soleil comes back eventually (preferably in a banner without another red focus), I don't know what is. Back to saving we go.

  14. Just now, Rezzy said:

    There is being similar, and then there is being a shameless clone.

    Well, I happen to like that "shameless clone", without liking the original she was cloned from. I'm not denying she's a clone, I'm saying not everyone likes the two equally, because however small you take them to be, there are differences between the two. It's not one team split in two, it's two teams of people voting for the one they prefer, just as it is with any pair of characters.

    But I should probably leave it at that before I get too heated about things that don't matter. Rhajat's inclusion in both the game in general and in the gauntlet has caused me to get into more arguments that usual.

  15. 1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

    Why aren't they putting the two Tharjas against each other in the first round?  Either they will be splitting their vote or making it so we have two Tharjas in the second round.

    I mean, not everyone who likes Tharja likes Rhajat, and vice versa. It'll be splitting people who like both, but the same could be said of any two characters who happen to have some subsection of their fans in common.

  16. My freebie on Block B was 4* Seliph (apparently my first one), and then I went about spending orbs on Block A for Rhajat. I had to spend about 250 orbs, but I got her (+SPD, -RES). Of course, not before first being pity broken twice by a Faye (+DEF, -HP) and a Boey (+SPD, -ATK). Also got my first Camilla, not that I particularly care for her, so the only cutscene characters I'm missing are Tiki, Lyn and Takumi.

    Now all I can do is hope that the information going around is accurate and that Soleil ends up dropping to 4*, because I don't feel confident enough in my orb count to try pulling on Children of Fate.

  17. So, we have two obsessed stalkers, a character for whom their love interest is their only real defining trait, incest or sibling love, unrequited love, happily married, however the best way to describe Sigurd's love and then death is, and however Katarina fits into the theme. (Have never played FE4 or 12)

    Love comes in many forms, it seems. I'll be on Team Rhajat, and hoping I manage to get her. I've already been spooked by a Faye, hopefully that's not a sign of things to come.

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