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C. Turtle

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Posts posted by C. Turtle

  1. *after a handful of resets*


    ...Yeah, that'll do. Oddly enough, I got the five star Tiki on the Deep Devotion banner instead of the Legendary Heroes one. I know you can get her in both and she just has a higher chance of appearing in LH, but I still found it amusing.

  2. I don't expect that they'll reuse previous designs for the special outfits. I mean, I could see the Einherjar and promoted versions of characters, and even Awakening/Fates's fanservice outfits, making it into the game at some point (maybe in special events in the case of the Einherjar and fanservice), but considering any character from the entire series could potentially win the ballot, none of the previous designs can really be used to fill the role of the special outfit, even if the leaders in the poll at the halfway point did in fact have those previous designs available to them.

    That's how I see it, at least.

  3. I feel like I'd probably be an Est. I'd probably want to stay away from fighting for as long as possible, resulting in the late join time and the low join level that the archetype stipulates. I'd probably be pretty alright after a bit of training, but I wouldn't have done that training before joining due to the whole not wanting to fight thing.

  4. Kind of a random thought, but how do you guys reckon Knives are going to be handled when Tellius characters make it into the game? To me, grouping them with Swords would make sense, and put them more in line with other Thieves in the series, but then Cipher instead treats them as 1-Range Hidden Weapons. I guess it kinda depends on if characters with the same attributes can still have different ranges.

  5. Hm, that is an interesting question. I mean, considering the current leaders, one of my thoughts was that they might reuse the Einherjar designs from Awakening, but I kinda doubt that, especially since it's possible someone who didn't get an Einherjar could win.

    That said, your suggestion about the "white or silvery fabric and gold trim and stuff" makes me think they could be given Askr-themed armour like Alphonse, Sharena, and Anna. That'd be pretty neat.

    They could always just go with some sort of fanservice outfit like Awakening/Fates's swimsuit stuff, but the Askr armour would be cooler and fit better into the lore of the game.

  6. I mean, it's not Dorcas, but after seeing how close Lute is to the top 10, I've started removing other people from the list of characters I wanted to vote for so I can throw more votes at Lute. She's not gonna top the poll, but getting her on one of the wallpapers would be a win in my book. Probably my favourite mage out of all the FE games I've played so far.

  7. After seeing that Lute's up at number 15, I've been going through my list of who to vote for, and seeing who I can remove to throw more votes at Lute. She likely won't be winning, but if she makes it onto one of the wallpapers, that's a win in my book.

  8. They could just be locked to utility, like the GBA dancers/Merlinus, but I suppose that might make them less useful than ultility-and-combat characters like Olivia or Azura by default.

    Still, considering at least some of these non-combat units have actually been playable in main-series games, and Elibe is part of the initial lineup of characters, I'd be very surprised if they were left out, especially on the off chance of one of them winning the vote. If they're on the poll, then I'd say IS probably has a plan for how they'd work in-game.

  9. I was first introduced to Fire Emblem through Super Smash Bros Brawl with Marth and Ike, but at the time, I didn't really develop any interest in the series. I guess at the time, I wasn't particularly interested in two guys with blue hair and swords when there were so many characters I did know already in the game.

    It wasn't until Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS came out that I started to get interested in the series, thanks to me actually enjoying playing as Robin and Lucina, and wanting to know what their deal was. So, I bought Fire Emblem Awakening and played through it (on Casual). I wasn't really hooked yet, but I did still enjoy the game, enough that I was willing to give Fates a go, and in the lead up, I decided to replay Awakening on Classic. Once I finished that, we were still quite a way away from Fates' European/Australian release, so I turned to Virtual Console, and the rest is history.

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