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Everything posted by ___

  1. I honestly have no clue what you just commented about. 3-13 archer???? ...... ah, ninja. Likes a blonde axe-user.
  2. Silly...but you gave me some amusing stuff to think about, so all is wonderful...
  3. Would likely save some one without meaning to be a hero.
  4. Black Bullet anime: Rentarou ends up fighting Tina. It was...ridiculous. It was so agonizingly painful to watch the entire thing develop and build up to the moment when it happens, I couldn't help but stare in disappointment at the entire mess. It's not a plot twist if you take a laud horn and announce it to the world before hand, post it on twitter, or mass-message every one with a connection to the internet. It was sad. But perhaps we expect too much. Honorable mention: Literally every time the MC of any thing you can name is in a life-or-death situation and it seems like it's all hopeless and death/defeat is inevitable and just then they awaken to some superpower or someone/something conveniently happens/drops by and resolves the situation. It's ok to let a few MCs die now and then, like Corrin, to name one; I'm sure we'll end up appreciating it, even if some complain about it at first.
  5. Hi there Scarlet; hope 2017 is treating you well. > Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star? > Social construct you dislike the most? > A message you would write on the moon for everyone here to see? > Do you believe in astrology? > How would you describe yourself? > Impressions of SF? > impressions of the new FE? > Impressions of this thread? > impressions of life? > impressions of me? > If you were an Fates character, what would be your personal skill? > Who would be your S+ and A+ supports? > Favorite FE skill? > If you could have participated in any battle in the FE series, which one would it be? > A class you would like to see added to the FE series? 16: who is the character in your avi/sig? 17: should darkness always be evil? 18: can light ever be evil? 19: how dark and edgy are you? 20: darkest quote you like/favorite 'dark' quote?
  6. Don't know who you are, but I suspect I know who you are.
  7. Offers others the chance to learn more about FE Gaiden before Echoes releases by inviting them to check out his LP with DodgeDusk.
  8. Well, this has been, and remains, annoying; no end on sight, no such likely to ever show up...this is going to be a hard, grindy, lengthy affair... I may occasionally overstate things, generally when such things are fresh on my mind. At such times, as you often may regardless, simply disregard my statements, and assume it is no more than random comments on my par.
  9. But...all that shiny gold...I thought we liked shiny stuff?
  10. Will know it's one of those shows people where most looking forward to this season before it started. Not a bad season, actually, plenty of seemingly interesting shows.
  11. ...I don't know. I think I'll just be there speechless. I mean, that's quite a nice hair and eye color.
  12. Great things getting taken down in youtube is sad stuff, though you may not know the pain. It always reminds you of two things: how selfishly self-entitled we are and how we generally don't care about it, which is...pretty interesting, to say the least.
  13. why thanks c: and that's a...pretty great way to look at things, actually. I tend to be far less critical about things than most, so my own judgement of it is really just "fine" but every one has their own opinion of it. Well, if you do try it, I certainly do wish you'll enjoy it. Good luck with your lunatic runs, I hope everything works out for you!
  14. Oh hey Sol; felt like I hadn't seen you around for a while. confusions???
  15. Can't find the image from the avi I'm using any more. Messed up editing stuff in page. Also, it appears that the last vid I had in my profile got taken down from copyright stuff, which is an awful shame because it was great stuff. Being human is suffering, hah..
  16. Welcome, Luna! Nice username c: Awakening was a lot of fun, Fates...well, it's still fun, just somethings about it are just so and so, as I'm sure you've noticed. The thing about any lunatic run is you need to plan ahead of it, particularly with respect to who you'll want to make use of in your team and pairings. As was already mentioned above, there's a lot of help topics about it in the forums, and the community is very helpful in anything you can think to ask...so, don't be shy about it! Finally, I'm not all that familiar with the majority of the series, but the GBA and GameCube games all seems very popular, so that sounds like a good place to go and have a look? The only game I can personally recommend besides Awakening and Fates would be Shadow Dragon, but...it's not that great; says the majority of people (read: probably everyone besides me). Anyways, welcome once again, always nice to see another fan finally step into forest; have fun and enjoy your stay!
  17. Well as luck would have it, I'm actually bad at playing games among other things, so I've got upwards of 80 hours logged so far. I can sense the end coming though. Not sure when I'll start TCS II after that as I'm rather busy right now with other stuff.
  18. Cold Steel has turned out to be surprisingly long...
  19. Ah, no worries. It's not your fault c; Not really, some random link I followed in youtube to a song from what seemed like an anime; sounds good and all, but then it turns out it's not an anime but an eroge, at which point I kinda just quietly walk away..... Not the first time great music shows up in bad anime/games. I feel sad for the music and the composers.
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