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Everything posted by ___

  1. Knows hammers are a handy tool for games where the environment has been monopolized by a narrow number of strategies. Would likely prefer better game design. May be.
  2. To me what makes Fates so unlike what the other FEs are is the approach to the story and the character designs. It's too much like anime in its approach to character design that I really don't like most of the characters. It seems they wanted to push the series forward in some way, but they decided to do so by appealing to the crowd in an approach that is drastically different in atmosphere than previous FEs had done. I look back at the way character design was done back in games like PoR, RD, Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon, etc, beautiful designs, and then I look at Fates, and I don't understand why the change was done.The story was narrowed down on just the main cast of characters, making the rest of the cast feel like standing ornaments, and it was so focused just on that handful of characters that the feeling of a group of underdogs taking on impossible odds to win a war, dethrone a tyrant, right all wrongs, and/or save the world wasn't there. This was a family matter, with just a side helping of some random villainous dragon that never had any impact as a character to be memorable. For gameplay, I didn't find it lacking much in comparison to past FEs, I think for the most part it improved in almost every way. I say this about the combat system. The buff/debuff system needs polishing imo if they plan to keep it around and make it acceptable, but I do miss the weapon durability mechanic. The class divisions exist purely for story reasons, so that didn't really add much to the series.
  3. Mr Sol, whose knowledge of the Nasuverse is much more than mine. Probably.
  4. ___

    Em Does Sketches

    I like the sketches from the top, they look pretty nice. Don't remember enough about pokemon to say much on the last few, but that barboach looks pretty accurate to me.
  5. Congrats; how long did it take you?
  6. Knows we'll check it out if he does.
  7. So I started using blue color on my posts and I just remembered that's your color and now I feel a bit like I'm copying your style, but you have great taste so I don't really mind (I hope you don't either!) Also, hope your 2017 treats you well!

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      pfft yeah using blue font is fine. A few others have done so as well! Not my blue in particular but other blues. Also thanks, you too!

  8. Cute avi, nice badge. Understands the advantages and disadvantages of weather.
  9. I haven't touched type 0 for a few months now..... I don't currently have access to a ps4, so it'll have to wait. However, I loved what little I did get to see of it. Sadly, I got spoiled on the ending from reading comments on youtube about it. curious, what happened in FF13? I've played the first one, but I don't remember a thing about having to that then. I have...way too many games uncompleted. I know what you mean.
  10. ah...I just realized i made mistake with something... You bring up some good points; the story never does feels like the world moves around these kids, which is nice for a change. And the NPCs are a lot of fun. The little arcs they have going on is one of the biggest charms of this game to me. I really enjoy reading what they're up, makes me wish some of them where playable on the party, which isn't possible..
  11. > if you were summoned to a different world to live there for the rest of your life, a world with a fantasy setting (like FE) with magic and swords and stuff, what would you do for a living? > If you had to play and win a game for your life, which game would you play? > Do you prefer western or japanese-style games? > which would you prefer playing: virtual reality games or augmented reality game? (assuming you are about any of them) > impressions, if you have any?
  12. Oh I do understand the approach they've taken to tell the story. As I've been playing it, I almost immediately started comparing it to Tales of Xilia...the storytelling has a lot of similiarities, but with Xilia, the game had you moving and acting more, so at least the flow of the game felt more constant. With Trails I feel it takes longer to get you acting, but I do understand more of the actual game happens when the characters talk rather than when you play...which brings me to another point: I'm here to play. Don't just tell me everything about the story; let me experience it, or at least, let me be more of an actor in the play. Otherwise it feels too much like some of the anime I've seen, and I watch plenty of it. But I do enjoy watching some of these characters, and the combat system isn't bad either. Some of the regular characters have interesting stories going on that I would actually like to know more about, too. I do have the second game waiting on my stack of games, so there's that too. Ah, don't worry. You never know when you'll find something good, so I'll still blindly go watch stuff just to see if it'll surprise me, this is just one of the possible outcomes. By "nice" I mean villians that should be more evil, or actually, just smarter or using common sense, rather than kindly offering to explain to the main characters what's going on the world and why they need to fight, instead of, for example, making use of every situation to your advantage because guess what? It's a battle to the death, so it's not the place to be having that sort of conversation. Again, too much exposition, or at the very least, done the wrong way. Idk. I just did. I think it was around the time I got FF Zero, so I changed my focus to that, and there was Fates, too. Don't you love it when the game makes you read it's in-game books for a test?
  13. I have always wanted to like Quixotic, but giving your opponents +30 Hit is a terrible thing for the units I generally equip it to. I still make us of it though. > What's the greatest piece of art in your opinion? > What do you think art is? > What makes good art? > What area/genre of art do you like the most? > How much has art influenced your life?
  14. ...I though about making this a sort of review of all I find poorly done in the episode, but I'll save you the time and just list a few things: * bad/bland MC * too much exposition/techno talk * "nice" villains. * some poor character-design choices * some annoying characters I personally haven't done much with it either; played some hours, but stopped for some reason or other, and now I'm just playing Trails of Cold Steel...which I personally think some times should be named like "trails of endless dialogue", but that's just me...
  15. Oh I'm not disappointed in any way, don't worry about it; just going off/sharing what my thoughts on the show so far are. I was looking forward to it, and will probably still watch it. I hope you enjoy it, if you decide to keep up with it.
  16. aren't they impressive? I expected more out of Grand Order, but as of now it's nothing worth having expectations about. Shame. And yet, rising above all the mess that they tried piecing together in that first episode, Lancer/Cu was a ton of fun to watch; the guy deserved to have a day like that. So, one thing done right. Have you read the manga??? I read up a good portion of it, enough to where I can tell how much material they'll be adapting for this season, but the first episode left me feeling a bit worried about their ability properly adapt it...something was missing in the first episode, and the manga was also starting to lose some sense of direction imo. ...unless you were referring to something else, if so, just ignore all that mess above.
  17. Pretty messy going so far... I checked out Masamune-kun's Revenge, Fate: Grand Order, and Akiba's Trip....and, well, the last was, believe it or not, the better of the bunch...I can may be understand now how Keijo won people's...hearts, last season.
  18. Hi there Raguna, I hope the new year finds you well. > Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star? > Do you believe in astrology? > Social construct you dislike the most? > If you could write a message on the moon for everybody to see here on earth, what would the message be? > What do you think the world lacks the most? > Impressions/opinions of SF? > If you were a character in Fates, what would your personal skill be? > If you were a character in Fates, who would you S supports and your A+ supports? > If you could have participated in a battle in one of the FEs, which one would it be? > Favorite skill or weapon in FE?
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