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Everything posted by ___

  1. So I started playing Trails of Cold Steel and I almost immediately realized Sara is the best thing in the game.

    1. eclipse


      Like a good beer, she only gets better with time~!

  2. An interesting person. A ninja, among many other things. oh, that! I was a bit lost. But yes, it was FFTA2; great game, overall. Sadly, no 3rd installment.
  3. Knows that they make the place look like rainbow. I don't even know/remember what that may be, so it's fine!
  4. To be honest, like many have said, some of the deaths that happen aren't entirely worthy of note because of how poorly written their reasons or character was, so I felt little impact from them. Some of them did make me a little a sad. Most of them didn't. But all in all, this is supposed to be a game based on a war setting, it's more surprising you don't lose something like a third to a half of your troops through out the story (but we all know that'll never happen), but thinking like that what deaths we do get feel even less impacting, at least to me. All that being said, I can sort of see where you're coming from if we look at these deaths and how they can affect Corrin; except the writing doesn't really do much or enough to make you feel his/her loss either imo.
  5. It's mostly that i'm still feeling the effects of last year's many low points, so it's taking some time to reorganize my thoughts and keep forward. True, but isn't everything relatively terrible? I'll learn somethings, stuff I've been meaning to get to know for a while now. May be I'll write something to have it slaughtered by a mob of critics, or may be I'll finally try my hand at drawing and put it out there for similar effect; it's all interesting in its own way. Believing in what isn't there is as important as believing in what is, so I find it fairly interesting myself (but i must say, I still have to develop the links to a point where they make an actual impact on the game play). It's entertaining so far. I'm liking the female instructor quite a bit, probably my favorite part of the game so far. The combat system is has its points of interest. The protag/mc not so much, mostly because I've gotten a bit tired of the trope from anime, but he's not terrible either, so he's not to the point of being annoying.
  6. "I came for the gameplay, I stayed for the shippings"
  7. Will know I have no idea what he's referencing. well, that's one way to put it.
  8. I don't have the brightest outlook in many things, so it's fine. I think I'm going to be watching a lot less anime this year than years past; I'm somewhat tired from it. I feel like I rarely get to exercise those battle links they emphasize so much in the story...
  9. Name: Tris Title: The Lone Swordsman -> Effect: When fighting with no allies within immediate spaces, +5 to damage dealt. Class: Swordsmaster Subclass: Paravir Equipment: Ayvuir Blue ®, Ayvuir Red (L) Skill Set: Flair Other Skills: Astra, Ultima Sword
  10. start of the year....I'm already exhausted...this is going to be a difficult one... also, just recently watched the Fate/Grand Order anime and it was....not impressive. There's going to be Heaven's Feel and Apocrypha later too, but with this recent showing and other things more interesting to do, I'm actually feeling like stepping away from the series. also, they sure do pack the dialogue in Trails of Cold Steel...
  11. Is familiar with Cold Steel but the music is great though, if youtube is to be believed
  12. Well, today was a day. Later, thread.
  13. Picks up on puns pretty easily it seems For a second there I thought you said "Date A Live"
  14. Avis a character I don't know. Will know the coloring looks pretty great; the expression and specially the eye blend neatly with the rest of the image. It's good. Speaking of, the artistry in your sig is amazing too.
  15. Has a track record of picking sword-wielding characters for his themes.
  16. Keeping the same theme as last year.
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