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Everything posted by ___

  1. Posted to day. May or may not have gotten a present.
  2. Ah, this is going to be a very short day...
  3. Has a keen eye for spelling. Is also still around here; I thought everyone had turned in for the day or something.
  4. Probably not say a thing there and then. I'm not going to step on that land mine. If I care enough, I'll make a note to get them something different if there's a next time. If somehow they are really upset, I may try to do something about it. Otherwise I don't see the point in thinking too much about it because hey, a gift's a gift, and if you want something specifically, write a letter to Saint Claus because it may very well be something ridiculous and I have no intention to spoil you.
  5. Oh. Will know I don't know what Akaneia is, but good to know somewhat what's going on.
  6. Three i's in the UN. May also know what the whole "Hero" badge label was about.
  7. Hope all you who are sick get better soon; never a good day to be sick, but this time of the year must extra annoying.
  8. Is talking about an old game series.
  9. ..."One man's trash is another man's treasure".....but yeah, most of it is pretty bad actually. The tropes are a huge pain once you've seen them enough. Ah, thanks. I'm not familiar with them, thanks for the links! I remember an anime a year back was actually inspired by vocaloid characters; guess it happens often. Which, interestingly enough, is getting an anime next year. I'm going to check out a few episodes, but it doesn't look too good to me right now.
  10. Why you saying this like you're not one of those??? Happy Holidays, Sol.
  11. luna what anime are the chars in your sig from.
  12. aahh.....that moment when you've typed out a paragraph-long answer to something and suddenly something happens or you hit the wrong button and *puff!* it's gone. What a wonderful feeling, what a magical moment; it never gets old... This is why I can never get into their stuff any further than the anime.
  13. Didn't. And changed avi's again. Is pouting.
  14. Some times the simple things do wonders...
  15. I think that part about it was some what inevitable...but yeah, there were issues there... wait... A bit late to the party it seems, but may you have a great day! If at all possible, it would be nice if you could receive double gifts. But even if not, hope you enjoy your weekend!
  16. Thinks the member above him has done stuff worthy of receiving attention from the mods.
  17. Well, I guess I would like to put out a few last FF questions... 6. Are there traditions in the series you don't like or don't care about? Such as always having chocobos (even along side cars), airships, a character named Cid, moogles, or other such elements? 7. Is there any way in which you would like to see the series evolve or areas you would like to see it explore? 8. Favorite FF attack? (limit burst, quickening, summon, regular attack, etc.) 9. Favorite FF romance? 10. Did any FF made you cry?
  18. I did it! I finally finished RE:Zero - Starting Life In Another World - ! It had some amazing moments. Now, what to finish next...
  19. 1. Why are you a draco knight? 2. Why not a wyvern knight? Or chocobo knight? Or vampire knight? 3. Are you ever going to rank up to a General or Commander or Lord? 4. Favorite weapon in Fates? 5. Something you're looking forward to in 2017?
  20. Ophelia badge in sig and some sprites too. Also changed avis. Also hasn't changed un in as long as I can remember. Also aware that memes are the DNA of the soul.
  21. How much better is the IMAX version to the regular movie version? Second time watching is never as good as the first, but if it's really better I might think twice and go watch it again.
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