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Everything posted by bowfaire

  1. I can't bring myself to view the avatars as myself, I always view them as their own characters, but if the next game does include the avatar system they should change a lot of things about it. 1. Skin colour customization. You can make yourself have super long bright pink hair and you can transform into a dragon but you can't have dark skin. FE logic. 2. Preset relationships. In Awakening your avatar was introduced to a wide cast of characters and you developed close relationships with them. In Fates, the second you start out you have your maids, a butler, your siblings and like 500 other people that you're close to. It'd be nicer if it could show your avatar getting introduced to them instead of Corrin knowing them extremely well off the bat when we don't know them that well. 3. The personality for Corrin is alright for me, though they annoy me, their personality in Conquest irritates me to no end. Conquest is supposed to be about a rise to glory and bloodshed, but all we get is Corrin, our self-insert, saying they chose this path to "sort out peace between everyone". This might seem nitpicky but Corrin explaining why they chose Conquest isn't the reason that most people chose Conquest. Corrin even says they told their troops not to kill any Hoshidan soldiers in their battles. It's almost like they're guilt tripping us, just let us kill some people... 4. Again, more ranting on personality—you should be able to do something funky in your avatar customization to change their personality. I know that it'd be difficult to make the plot change drastically based on how your avatar acts, but you could add tiny things to change it. You can have a blurb to represent personality in the character customization screen, and similar to the boon/bane system, you can choose between two personality traits to represent your avatar. Such as being able to choose between being a pacifist/warmonger or optimist/pessimist. Way better than Corrin wanting to save everyone, lol. *shoots an angry look at conquest* I also wouldn't mind them completely abandoning the avatar system and they could remake some of the older games for a newer system. I've had enough rainbow haired waifu simulators with bad protagonists in the past few years.
  2. I want the male royals to step on me then marry me. (I mean Leo, Takumi, Xander and Ryoma, I don't like their kids in that way, rip.)
  3. Frederick's "Pick a god and pray!" is probably the most powerful one, but Donnel's "YEEHAW!" for...........meme purposes.
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