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Posts posted by Relinquished

  1. Wow that is amazing. How did you manage to do that? :blink:

    I find it really hard to make Mist kill anything expect Sages and Bishops.

    at the beggining, it was babying. also, using the fighter band, sword band or paladin band (can't remember). reached her to lvl 15 valkyrie and she could kill almost anything. of course, i put her to kill warriors, axe paladins and swordies.

    It's sounds confusing, but it's simple.

  2. To begin I love women not just because they are pretty or anything its just that, their soft touch their warmth and their feelings are so warm and great I just love to be around them, it makes me feel like a new different person, I know this sounds corny, but yea lol

    Now what do I like, note this is like my dream girl

    - Intellegant

    - Athletic

    - Beautiful

    - Alot of passion in her


    - Has contrasting beliefs with me, it makes conversation

    - Needs to be understanding about worldly and personal issues

    - Has to like Shawn Johnson XD

    Well that basically my girl friend except she doesn't like Shawn XD

    Good luck in your quest. It's pretty damn hard to find a girl that's almost perfect.

    That's why i ignore any cons in the girl. if i'm satisfied, there shouldn't be a problem (depending on the cons, that is)

  3. common sense, mutual love and respect are things that i look up in a girl.

    it's pretty hard to find these where i live. But most of all, i want to have fun together with her, my family and friends. It's all about having fun

    i haven't hooked up a girl (pretty hard to say to strangers), but i want to fufill my demands.

    I've been a nervous kid since i was born. Very shy with women, but i want to change that (lol i'll stop here and try to not going overboard :D)

    btw, nice topic there

  4. Hmph. Illyana is awesome. Every time I use her, she turns out better then Soren does whenever I use him. Maybe she can't kill dragons, but she can kill most any other enemy. Also, she has great speed. Every PT she gets one of the highest speeds out of my units. So yeah, she really is THAT good.

    same with me.

    in my PT, the "average" you say so much turns the other way around. EVERY TIME I ATTACK WITH SOREN, HE WON'T DOUBLE SHIT. Instead, i use Ilyana and she caps SPD and MAG pretty quickly. That's why i don't rely on averages. Even if there is a 1% chance to have "different" stats, it's still a possibility (lol getting killed with a 1% HIT is a very good example). It seems that you rely more on theory than practice.

    Frail? She? Maybe she is, but if you manage to get your mages hurt, it's a pretty poor example of strategy, amirite?

    TL;DR: In my opinion, averages are not reliable. Not even the slightest

  5. You good Sir, are a genius. Once I implement this plan of action, I will become unstoppable indeed. Now, back to your Big Gay Dance.

    OH NOEZ!!!!11

    eh... wait a moment.... BIG GAY DANCE? where the fuck are you going at? try to randomly destroy the world with a dance?

    that sounds badass

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