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Posts posted by Relinquished

  1. Yeah, but I hate her. =X No idea why..

    it's the same as said before. that's no solid reason to prove uselessness(dunno if its a word)

    this topic is going to go on forever.

    and a better class mastery skill, and a better affinity, and better growths in spd and/or def

    More move and canto would be nice. As well as more con.

    too much things to work up. it's a good reason to think he's not as good as heather and/or volke. ah, and don't forget the STR

    it's always the same to me. i BEXP Sothe until it caps STR, but then i realized that it's quite the same.

    something i'm quite sure is that Sothe doesn't fits for the Endgame, in performance that is.

  2. That's a terrible arguement. Edward's a character when it really matters; in Part 1. Once he starts gaining levels, you can easily forge him a blade due to the large amounts of funds you get, or give him the Killing Edge you get from Zihark, and he'll be a great asset. Stefan's useful for what? The desert chapter? By that time, you should have a Swordmaster raised.

    *Ninji uses Bench on Stefan! It's Super Effective!* HAHA DISREGARD THAT LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW SOTHE SUCKS!!!

    Can we do that, for god's sake?!

  3. Frail, he is not. SPD and STR have absolutly nothing to do with durability, anyway. XD

    Why not just send Marcus? >_>

    the "frail" was a rhyme, Wise Beard Man.

    Marcus is waaaaay more useful than Lowen. He's useful until FE6

  4. Yeah the endgame is pretty bullshit considering the choices you can make. Sothe is still a decent character though, its just that this game is incredibly unbalanced. Some units are hax and some whose purpose are to only make the game harder. Sothe falls somewhere a little above middle.

    the endgame is to pick up the SS weapon wielders, except fire, light and dagger.

    Alas, Baselard fits with Volke, not Sothe. THAT'S THE CATCH

  5. who wants to be an assassin when you can be a godly swordmaster?

    O RLY?

    Then she's fucked up if she doesn't want Lethality. Srsly.

    Why wasting a good sword on Astra or x2 attacks when you can 0HKO a bitch?

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