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Posts posted by Relinquished

  1. that's a pretty tight spot you're in.

    in the early chapters, i choose the units that i'm going to use in the whole game. And i try to use them in EVERY SINGLE chapter. But if that's what you did, then i don't have something else in mind.

    btw, that roy is quite similar as mine. In stats of course (that's why i never liked him ¬¬)

  2. those sigs are good.

    no offense, but i would love them if they were made on photoshop.

    i knew about GIMP, but was the reason i preferred photoshop.

    anyway, nice sigs, man.

    now that i look at it, i should post some of my signatures.

  3. Not just first, but only.

    It was a really good game, and if the newer Pokemon console games were like it, I'd actually play them.

    i think in the same way, but pokemon dissapointed me when Pearl & Diamond appeared.

    red, blue, yellow, gold, silver and crystal are the best pokemon games EVER.

  4. I'll have to get another wireless router first. I'm pretty good at this game( have beaten 8 fast staff ghosts on Time trials, en route to completing all of them :lol: Rainbow Road's ghost was a *****! It took me an hour finally get that course BURNED in my memory.)

    i know what you're saying. My brother was in the same trouble, and he still is!

    But once you practice a lot in there, you don't need to practice anywhere else.

    btw, Slayer, i registered you, ok?

  5. *34% attack will kill my unit if it hits*

    "You better miss, you better f***ing miss."

    *it hits*

    "F**KING T**T OF A C**T! GO F**K YOURSELF, BA***RD!!"

    *Throws Wavebird on the floor, batteries fly out*


    One of my latest examples of me talking to myself...

    i do that too. the difference is that i don't have a wavebird and the control stick is the one who takes all the damage

    besides, i do talk to myself sometimes, like when i'm bored.

  6. (And you could say this is an excuse to bump it up since I feel this deserves more attention, even with a deviantART link in your signature.)

    i don't have trouble with that. I feel that same way too, but i can't complain about it.

    well, anyway, im planning on taking orders if you want sigs.

    It's the only thing i can do to put this topic back on track

    I think that the next weekend i'm going to update this topic with more drawings, alright?

    see ya, then

  7. Sword of Seals? Is that some type of sick joke? It's ton better than Sacred Stoners. It had existing challenge, more interesting characters, (which is sad on Sacred Stoners part, the Sword of Seals characters aren't even overly interesting), and in my opinion, a better music score. Don't go dissing on Elibe, y'hear? If you complain about graphics or whatever, obviously a 2002 game will not be as graphically impressive as a 2004 game. *is a Sword of Seals fan*

    i have to agree with him. SS is plain too easy, unlike SoS. Characters may be a tad boring, but who cares?

  8. Name: Zeph.

    FC: 1204-0708-6851

    Just got it the other day. Still haven't unlocked everything.


    Nintendo ruined Battle Mode. THEY F***ING RUINED IT.

    skyscrapper is playable, at least. Is one of the most brilliant battle maps ever

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