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Posts posted by Relinquished

  1. Ah, i didn't saw you there. Welcome to SF (Star Fox, Serenes Forest, Sheik FTW or as you wish to call it). I'm Blacklist Nº1.

    If you want to, you can take a look at my art gallery. It's in Creative and it's called Blacklist's Gallery.

    Welcome again and nice to meet ya.

  2. So by that philosophy, John Goodman deserves to die to?

    I don't think Oliver's that bad as I've said earlier in the topic.

    The fact that he should for no reason at all be on the good side is what makes it so cool that he's on it.

    Well, in fact, you're right. Oliver's not that bad as everyone paints it. He's a very good Saint at Light magic.

    Other thing is, i like to use lower-leveled units for a spice of good challenge. Maybe i'll try that at Radiant Dawn in Hard Mode.

    So, i really think that he's so fucking good. I actually don't play RD to use super-leveled characters. It will turn boring, and i don't want to do that to the game.

    As for the music, yeah. Beauty is a Mad Mistress is quite stylish as a battle theme.

  3. How do I beat Boss Battles on Intense?

    I want to know too. That's the only challenge left for me.

    I ended the Very Hard mode with Meta Knight, but i'd like to know if it's wise to use him at Intense.

    Can u help me plz??

  4. It's been quite a while since i posted the last update, but here it goes.


    Because you asked for it. Now that i have some crayons, i'll paint the previous posts.


    Here's a Micaiah. I like this one.


    And finally, an Ilyana. One of the elite of my drawings.

  5. The XX chapter (the 2nd time where Kishuna appears)

    I used non-leveled units. Some of them were: Fiora, Heath, Priscilla, Raven and Lucius (Normally, i don't use them)

    I cleared that chapter and those guys were class changed at lvl 20. Even Priscilla.

    Of course, you can imagine how many turns it took.

    Another one is the final chapter. I don't solo with Athos, i don't use him. It took me some planning to kill those FKing brothers. In that one, i killed Nergal with Lyn. It looked so stylish XD

  6. Anyone up for some Brawl?

    Recommendation: 1 on 1

    Why? Because my internet gets laggy in a 4 player brawl. (Sorry, Knife for the last match i got in)

    So, anyone?

    My fc is already posted some posts ago. Check it up and sign me in.

  7. Well, keep practicing. If you don't have the scanner, at least you can practice your drawing to get better.

    Off topic: I GOT CRAYONS!!! Now i'll get serious about coloring XDDDD

  8. Sorry Blacklist, but the only times I'll brawl you are 1 on 1. You cause too much lag in free for alls.

    It was all because of the MSN. If i played with MaSU with the logged MSN, it would still be lagged. BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPENED.

  9. Whoever AAA is, he lagged up the room a lot.

    Yeah, sry about that. I forgot i was logged on MSN. I logged out, so i'm not laggy anymore.

    BTW, I created a room. If anyone wants to brawl...

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